Locational Astrology Consult
Your AstroMap is a snapshot of where the planets were above the Earth the moment you took your first breath. It can tell you so much about the important places and energies in your life!
Schedule a 50-minute locational astrology reading with Lynnette to explore places of interest to you and energies that you want to call into your life.
Lynnette will screenshare your AstroMap during the call so you can follow along and better understand your unique planetary energies. During your call you’ll learn about your unique planetary energies and she will help you to:
- Uncover the places in the world that have dynamic energies unique to you
- Understand the cosmic planetary energies that may be influencing you where you live right now
- Tap into your enlightening energies around the globe without leaving home
In addition to the 1:1 time, you will receive:
- A PDF of your AstroMap
- PDF AstroMap Key that will help you decode your planetary lines and provide a foundational understanding of your planetary energies
- Both a video and audio recording so you can take notes, rewatch (or listen!), and follow along while Lynnette shares your AstroMap on the screen and come back to the info anytime you need it
For an accurate consult, your birth date, location, and time are needed.
Once you book, you’ll get two emails – one confirming your payment and another with reminders to schedule and complete your intake form.