ep 1 | welcome to it’s astrological!

Welcome to the first episode of the It’s Astrological Podcast!

In this episode, I introduce myself and my astrological philosophy, holistic astrology, and then dive into what you can expect from this podcast. By asking the question, “how does astrology show up in our daily lives?”, we’ll explore how you can learn about your own chart and have conversations with real-life people about how astrology impacts us all.

I share what I hope you get out of this podcast including:

  • The empowerment that comes from understanding astrology and your chart
  • The gifts of giving yourself grace and trusting yourself and your rhythms and unique timing
  • Finding magique in everyday life and letting it inspire you to connect to something bigger than this 3D world
  • Having a safe space to land and a cozy place to open yourself up to learning new things and new ways of thinking

Sign up for my weekly newsletter, The Constellation!

The transcript of this episode can be found here.


Certified Cheese Professional

Kim Krans Archetypes Deck


Welcome to It's Astrological.


This is the podcast for exploring astrology as self care and providing you


with different perspectives to help you connect the dots between the stars and


your own patterns, behaviors, and cycles.


I'm your host, Lynnette Wennerstrom, founder of Cosmic Moves Astrology and,


this is the first official episode.


So I'm a little nervous, but also super excited.


This project has been in the back of my mind for awhile now, and I'm putting it


out into the world because I took on this heroic, imperfect action challenge, which


you'll know about if you're a member of my newsletter, The Constellation.


But I basically had 30 days to conceptualize, plan, get


my logistics all sorted out.


Figure out what my, topics we're going to be and my philosophy and all that,


and put it out into the world . I don't know a ton about podcasting, but I know


that a lot of people take a lot longer than 30 days to set all of that up.


The point is to put it out into the world, even though it's not perfect.


And to celebrate that as a, heroic and imperfect action because it's creating


something and it's brave and it's fun.


And this stuff doesn't have to be taken so seriously because all I'm doing is


talking about astrology with you and with my friends and with strangers.


And we'll see where this goes.


If you don't know me, hello, I'm Lynnette.


If you do know me also, hi, thank you for listening.


Here's a little bit more about me.


I'm an Aquarius sun, a Virgo rising and a Leo moon.


I'm a one-three generator in human design.


I'm an INFJ in Myers-Briggs.


Basically all that means I'm an introverted homebody who loves to learn.


I love to categorize things.


And I have what can sometimes be a diametrical opposition between


needing to follow the rules, but also being totally out there.


And that's something that I've learned to embrace and dance with in recent years.


It's just a part of me, part of my chart and that's how life and astrology goes.


If you don't know what any of those things are, do not worry.


I very much prescribe to the, if it resonates with you, keep it.


If it doesn't let it go philosophy.


So you will either learn more about these things by listening to It's Astrological.


Or you can leave it by the wayside and just listen for the conversations and the


insights and the fun that is sure to come.


Astrology has been part of my life since I was a little girl.


My mom always had books about.


Astrology numerology handwriting analysis everywhere.


And I was super into it in middle school and high school.


And I had a bit of an astrological renaissance, a spiritual renaissance

Speaker:I went to graduate school in:Speaker:

I was fortunate enough to spend two years.


In stunning Monterey, California.


And, I was taking a break from working full time to get my


master's degree in translation.


And localization, which that's okay.


If you don't know what that is either.


But it's really interesting because number one, I had the time to kind of rediscover


things like my spirituality, reconnecting with astrology, numerology, all the things


that I was super connected to growing up.


But two I was learning the craft and the art of translation.


I think that being an astrologer is, really when it comes down to it,


being the translator of the cosmos.


And interpreting the energies and how they play out for us


here on earth in the 3d world.


So it dovetailed beautifully because I was learning the art of


communicating one language into another.


And that's also where I discovered locational astrology,


which really supercharged my studying astrology in earnest.


It's when I started taking courses.


It's when I went down all the rabbit holes that astrology can provide.


Because to me, I'm a multilingual, multicultural,


pretty well-traveled person.


And when I discovered locational astrology, my mind was absolutely blown.


Because it brought together all of the things that I loved:


astrology, travel, language, culture, and I guess self discovery.


Locational astrology is something that I'm sure I will talk about so


much because it makes me so happy, but basically, if you look at your natal


astrology chart which, many of you listening to this probably already have.


It's this big circle with 12 different pizza pie slices and different planetary


symbols and lots of lines crossing, it can be overwhelming if you don't


really know what you're looking at.


But what locational astrology does is it takes that whole beautiful


circle and it puts your unique energies across a map of the world.


And it tells you which energies are unique to you in different


places and spaces in the world.


So instead of looking at astrology from a temporal perspective, from time in


terms of either, I was born at this time, and this is what happened to


me on this day, it's the astrology of where in the world am I aligned with


these energies and how do I feel?


And at the time, I didn't know this until, I came back to Colorado.


But I had been on a line that is associated with the planet that's


associated with astrology, and breakthroughs, and being your most


authentic self, that's Uranus, is the planet that I'm talking about.


That was really a turning point for me.


In not only finding a piece of astrology, that was the key to me


learning more and digging into it, but also the awareness that comes from


the validation that astrology brings.


Whether it's, oh my gosh, this all happened while I was on my Uranus line.


Isn't that crazy?


Or, this all happened at this time when I was meant to be connecting


to my higher education and my worldview and my philosophy.


All of this is true.


And that's why every time I read someone's chart or I look at


mine I'm always just blown away!


Every time!


No matter how many times I read a chart or look at my own, I'm


constantly just shocked at how accurate and validating astrology can be.


So that's how we came to be here together on It's Astrological.




I want to tell you a little bit more about my philosophy when it comes to astrology.


Because to my point before I've taken, what's resonated


with me and left the rest.


So I practice what I call holistic astrology


From a practical perspective, it means using a holistic toolbox,


not leaving anything out.


Astrology has been around for thousands of years, there's a lot


of different ways to look at it.


So for me, that means tapping into traditional astrology, which is ancient


astrology, modern astrology of today and new techniques, locational astrology,


obviously, because I love that.


But also tapping into my intuition, pulling cards to see what the


tarot deck has to say, or the Oracle decks that I'm using.


And generally working under this umbrella of spirituality and connecting the


science behind the astrology, and dare I say the geometry and math, says the


linguist, and connecting that to what that means for our spirit and who we are.


Because, yes, that's our holistic toolbox.


But the whole point of this is that we are whole people it's important


to remember that you are prismatic.


You are multi-dimensional.


You are a whole person.


You are not just your sun sign.


You are not just your moon sign.


You are not just your rising sign.


We all have all of the planets and all of the stars in us.


And they all express themselves in a unique way to us.


So basically you are your own constellation.


The holistic approach really makes sure that underlying everything


that we talk about is taking into account that you're a whole person.


That we grow into our charts over an entire lifetime.


So if there's something that we talk about, or that you read about when you're


studying your chart, that doesn't really resonate with you know that maybe you


just aren't at the stage in your life where you're meant to learn about that.


Or maybe you still have time to grow into that or to understand it.


Our charts never change.


They even stay with us after we die, so that energy, that


imprint is there forever.


And it's your cosmic fingerprint, your cosmic blueprint, so learning your


chart, learning about astrology allows you to take the ups and downs of life.


Into account, to live consciously because you know what the energies are


doing, you know, how to prepare for them.


You may not know exactly what's going to happen, but you're able to step


into your agency, and your free will.


A lot of people think that astrology is just fortune-telling


and how could this even work?


Because everyone can't be divided into 12 different groups and be the same and all


of the things that the skeptics say, but.


That's also an underlying tenant of holistic astrology.


You're not just your sun sign.


You are every single planet.


You are able to decide how you're going to engage with each energy and where


you're going to take your next step.


So holistic astrology really takes into account that


nothing is all good or all bad.


Some energies might be more challenging.


Some might be more easeful and both of those align with


your unique cosmic rhythms.


Your divine timing.


One of the things that made me want to do this podcast was to talk to


different people about their charts and how the energy expresses itself.


In astrology one person can have a Leo sun and be very different from the


person next to them who has a Leo sun.


Those skeptics are right.


You cannot divide the whole world into 12 different categories.


The energies express themselves in infinite ways and it's all on a spectrum.


So hearing other people talk about their charts can be really informative because


they can mirror back to us things that either we resonate with or we don't.


And then we continue to learn about our self discovery and what that means for us.


So how will we do that?


What can you expect from this podcast?


How exciting!


Well, A lot will be a surprise.


Since I am just getting started.


This heroic, imperfect action thing, kind of collapses the timeline of


planning and logistics, which my Virgo rising gets really anxious about.


But it's so good for me.


So your input will be amazing.


To help shape future episodes and where this podcast goes and who I talk to.


But as a starter, you can expect.


Doo doo doo!




What a surprise.


But it's not going to be your run of the mill horoscopes or celebrity charts.


But really looking at it from an individual perspective, one-on-one


conversations with people about how astrology shows up in their daily life.


And a learner's perspective.


You do not have to have a PhD in astrology.


I don't even have a PhD in astrology.


You don't even have to know your own chart, but you probably will


want to, once you start listening, because it's so fascinating.


I really just want this to be conversational, so you can expect


conversations with real life people about how astrology shows up, how it plays a


role, how it surprised them, what they're skeptical about, all in their daily lives.


I often have learned the most about my own chart.


By listening to other people talk about theirs, just hearing


all the different ways that a certain energy can express itself.


I'll be very honest, my Leo moon is one of the things that has elluded me forever.


I still don't get it.


But every time I talked to somebody with a Leo moon it does exactly


what we were just talking about.


It mirrors back to me a piece that does resonate with me or does not,


and I can start working through why that may be based on other placements


or transits or things like that.


So I hope that by just listening to other people, normal people just regular


people talking about their charts.


Number one, you'll learn more about astrology.


And number two, you'll learn more about yourself and your chart.


Number three, you'll just meet all these cool new people who


I have the honor to talk to.


And right now, those people include some of my friends, some of my colleagues,


some healers, practitioners, people across the world with different backgrounds,


different languages, different ages.


I also hope to meet people who might be strangers now, but will


not be after I talked to them.


I have my eye on the certified cheese professional at my local whole foods.


He came up and talked to my mom and I a couple of months ago.


And I said, I wish I had a podcast, so I could interview you.


I knew nothing about certified cheese professionals, but basically


they are sommeliers for cheese.


I love cheese.


And there's a whole certification, like hours of work that goes into this,


and you may be asking yourself, how will she connect cheese to astrology?


I promise you, I will.


I have a book.


That literally you can look up almost anything and it will tell you


what it is ruled by an astrology.


This will probably not be a surprise once I tell you, but


cheese is ruled by the moon.


And my guess is that this man has never had his chart done, if


he has Bravo, but I think even that is super interesting, right?


Talking to somebody who's never had their chart done, may or


may not believe in astrology and being able to connect those dots.


That's what this is all about.


Connecting the dots.

And asking the question:

how does astrology show up in your daily life?

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Whether you know it or not?

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So, what do I want you to get out of this podcast?

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One, I want you to receive the empowerment that comes from

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understanding astrology and your chart.

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For me, astrology was the framework that helped me to better understand

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myself and the world around me.

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My Virgo rising loves to organize things and categorize things.

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And astrology makes sense for me because there's multiple ways to do that, to

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categorize, to connect things, and I want to share that gift with you.

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There's a lot of different modalities, right?

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So some people are attracted to astrology.

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Some people are attracted to human design or the enneagram.

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For me astrology made perfect sense when I saw it.

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But when I see human design, I'm like, Whoa.

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that is like way super complicated.

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I'll never understand it.

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But I know a lot of human design practitioners feel

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the same way about astrology.

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So I love that today in this world, we're able to layer on these different

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tools and technologies and ways of understanding the world so that we can

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support ourselves and support each other.

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The other thing that I hope you get out of this podcast and learning more

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about astrology, is the gift of giving yourself grace, the gift of trusting

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yourself, trusting your rhythms and your unique timing, trusting

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your character and your growth.

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Astrology is so, so powerful because it allows us to not feel

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like we have to be anyone else.

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It provides us with the validation that we are who we are for a reason.

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And that the energies that we're working with, whether they're

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challenging or easeful are supporting us for our soul growth.

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They are supporting us in becoming our most authentic self.

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Nobody has an astrology chart like yours, yours is completely unique, even if you're

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a twin or a triplet, or a quadruplet.

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Nobody has a chart like yours because of those infinite ways

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that the energy can express itself.

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So, it releases the pressure of feeling like you have to be

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like anybody else by yourself.

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What I also want you to get out of this podcast is the daily

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magique, the magic in the world.

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Connecting to the numinous, the etheral.

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Finding the synchronicities and the mystical magic in everyday life and

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letting all of those things bring you joy and awe and the inspiration

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to really connect to something that's bigger than yourself.

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That's bigger than this 3d world that we're all living in with bills and kids

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and pets and jobs and all of those things.

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Being able to have that regular connection to the cosmos and the

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universe and the stars that have been around for millions of years.

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I think all of that is very awe inspiring and in the most spiritual sense of

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the world, you feel like you're a blip in the timeline of history and

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being able to be connected to that, I think really gives us some perspective

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about all of that other stuff that we deal with on a day-to-day basis.

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Finally, what I want you to get out of this podcast is a safe space to land.

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I have always wanted my practice, my conversations, my readings, this podcast,

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anything associated with Cosmic Moves, to feel like your home for astrology.

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And that home is cozy, and protected, and has lots of nice soft places to

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sit and read a book and drink a hot cup of tea, has beautiful art, and just

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makes you feel like you can relax your shoulders, just take a breath and relax.

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So that you can tap into your intuition, so that you can learn new things.

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To me, this home is full of good food and good drinks, and you just

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feel like it's a safe space to land.

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When you come here, I want you to feel nourished and comforted and

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protected and like you can relax and you can take that breath.

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And I want you to be able to take in the new information and to really

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have the space to open your mind and think about things in a different

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way and not be afraid of that.

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Sometimes hard stuff does come up, we'll handle that with care and with

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grace and give you a soft place to land.

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When you're having questions about those challenging things or living

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through them, I really want this to feel like an astrological hug for you.

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And when I go to the coziest home I know, my mom's house, in the spirit

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of that, I hope to always send you home with a full belly of delicious

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and nutritious and comforting food.

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And send you home with extra food that you can keep chewing

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on for the next few days.

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I'll be honest with you.

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This is the second time I am recording this because the first time I had

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technical issues, and it just disappeared.

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Totally fine.

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Everything happens with divine timing.

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But the first time I was talking about this, I got choked up,

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which is happening right now.

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I think it's really important that you know, that this is

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important to me because I love you.

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I may not even know you.

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But, my love for you as a soul is very genuine.

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And the gifts that I want to share with you through my guidance as a teacher,

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as a friend, are very important to me.

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I also did not expect that this was what I was going to get

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out of this particular podcast.

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But the emotion is real because I'm so passionate about being a

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guide and supporting you on your astrological journey, on your spiritual

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journey and just connecting to you.

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So, here we are.

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Crying for the second time tonight.

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but I was in a class today and it reminded me that in the world of Cosmic

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Moves that you are the hero of the Cosmic Moves story and I am the guide.

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I am just here to serve you.

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What an honor it is to be in that role and to be able to support you in that way,

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whether it's through a reading, whether it's through an episode of this podcast,

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whether it's through a DM on Instagram.

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My heart is so full just thinking about the connections that I have

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made and I will make, with all of you.

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And as the hero of the journey, it's you to find your path, to

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go through that hero's journey.

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To face your challenge, and to overcome it and to ultimately triumph

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and be your most authentic self.

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And I hope with me as one of your many guides and teachers that you will be

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able to feel validated, to explore different sides of yourself, to understand

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your relationships with other people, to understand what makes you, you.

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So with that, all that deep, deep talk I pulled some cards today to kind of

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explore what my hero, you, is looking for and how I can best serve you.

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And I wanted to share one of the descriptions from one of the cards that I

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pulled, because, frankly, it is magical.

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And I pulled, using the Kim Krans archetype deck.

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It's one of my favorites.

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It's round and beautiful and just so insightful.

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And the question was, what gold can I offer to my heroes?

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How can I best serve and delight you?

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And I pulled a card called the forest.

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I'm going to read this and I promise, I won't read out loud to

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you, hopefully ever again, but.

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Okay, I'm just going to read it because here's the magic.

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Consider for a moment, your earliest memory of the forest.

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It's likely included all the mythic dynamics of this archetypal space.

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A little fear, a little enchantment, perhaps losing your way.

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Perhaps discovering a secret mystical treasure.

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Such is the magic of the forest, it requires first that you enter it and

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then that you get lost within it.

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You may think there's a path to lead you straight through, but soon enough you'll

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be on what is known as the pathless path.

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There are tricksters here, dense foliage and entanglement, but equally

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present are the glimmers of fairy light and friends among the trees.

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You're on an adventure now, and there's no turning back.

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So embrace the dim light and the moving shadows, whether literal

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or imaginal, brave the forest and get lost to getting found.

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Oh, my gosh.

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Isn't that so powerful?

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I think why it's super, super, super resonated with me s because if we're

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talking about the gold nuggets, the opportunities to support you, the hero

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of your own journey, you can basically replace the forest in this with astrology.

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So if we're talking about the magic of astrology, it includes a little fear.

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Fear of shadow parts of ourselves.

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Maybe some of those things that you've heard are bad, but there's no good or bad

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in astrology, I'll remind you of that.

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A little enchantment.

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Oh my gosh, astrology is magic.

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Very enchanting.

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Perhaps losing your way.

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So many rabbit holes you can go down in astrology and get lost in.

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Perhaps discovering a secret mystical treasure.

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That is the ultimate goal of this journey.

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And what's extra special with astrology instead of the forest, is

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that every time you turn a corner you get the opportunity to find a new

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astrological secret, mystical treasure.

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There's infinite secret mystical astrological treasures, and that's why

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I'm so honored to be the guide to help you on this enchanting treasure hunt

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of your astrology chart, of connecting the dots between the planets and why

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things are the way they are, why you are the way you are and, using all of

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that to validate yourself, to understand yourself, and to care for yourself.

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How exciting is that?

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So this has been quite the roller coaster ride.

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We've been up.

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We've been down.

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I've cried.

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And I think it's time to say goodbye because there's so much more to

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talk about in future episodes.

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I cannot believe I'm saying this, but if you like the sound of all

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of this, if you like what you've heard, please rate and subscribe.

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Apparently I'm a podcaster now who says things like that, who would have thought?

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But, more importantly to me, if you feel called to do so, if you could share this

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with anyone who you think will enjoy all things, astrological, and self care,

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and, cheese, hopefully, I would really appreciate it because I think that's the

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best way that people discover podcasts and help me to build this community.

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Thank you so much for listening.

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Thank you for your time.

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Thank you for exploring with me.

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I can't wait to see what the journey ahead with you looks like.

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Please make sure you're subscribed, so, you know, when the next episode

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comes out, they'll be coming out twice a month and I'm super excited

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because I've already done some interviews and I have others lined up.

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The conversations are going to be so fun and so insightful, so stay tuned for that.

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In between episodes, you can find me@cosmicmoves.com.

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And check out what's on the blog or book a reading with me.

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I also have a weekly newsletter called The Constellation.

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It comes out every Sunday and it's full of astral delights and a

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weekly forecast for the week ahead.

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You can sign up for that at cosmic moves.com/constellation.

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And you can find me on Instagram at cosmic dot moves.

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So, thank you again.

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I love you, my hero.

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