ep 5 | thriving in a transatlantic friendship with Krikor Mugerian
This is my first in-person interview! I travelled all the way to London to visit my BFF Krikor and record in his cavernous flat (the audio’s a smidge more echo-y than you’re used to).
Fun fact: Since being friends, Krikor and I have never lived in the same city. We have travelled around the globe to spend time with each other, most recently in London and Mexico! We dig into how non-traditional this is and how we make it work (memes, lots of memes).
Our convo runs the gamut from our 15-year(!) anniversary, to his family’s connection to astrology, to the Kardashians, to our stupendous astrological compatibility, to those meal replacement drinks Soylent and Huel
(not sure how those snuck in there LOL).
Krikor also shares about how food and cooking has connected him to his heritage and may have become his favorite meditation.
We even played our own version of the newlywed game, BFF style
Tune in if you want to laugh along with us and join our virtual kiki, we’d love to have you!
Having somebody that you could rely on to have an honest and open conversation with, but then also get guidance and support and advice from is something that I can’t think of any people in my life that I can do that with, so that I think is super special. – Krikor Mugerian
Krikor and I also chat about:
- Being first-generation American
- How we appreciate things like our culture and family as we grow older and wiser
- Leaning into non-traditional relationships
- How living so far apart makes our time together more special
- His parents’ connection to astrology (hint: they are very compatible!)
- How you are not just your sun sign
- Why using astrology as a point of self-reflection can be more helpful than horoscopes
- Astrology as a mirror for self-reflection
- How free will plays into our horoscopes – we always have a choice
- The time the internet told us that we were the most compatible people (but that we didn’t need astrology or the internet to tell us that)
- Kindness and caring as personal values
- Our complementary anxieties and how they balance us out
- Krikor’s mutable energy and how he adapts to my introverted ways when we’re together
- Him remembering lots of things about when we first met and me remembering zero
- How you can value kindness, but also be a little judgy with your BFF
- The two nights we’ve stayed up and partied all night (yes, only two)
- How Krikor supports my dream of visiting all the bookshops
- Kindness as a superpower and how often it is perceived as weakness
- How a second or third visit to a place can be better than the first
- Why do we so seek routine in our lives? Maybe we should embrace every day being different
- Cooking as meditation and showing love to those around you
Where to find Krikor:
Instagram @ksquaredm
Read my travel guide to London here!
The transcript of this episode can be found here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts!
WHAT WE MENTIONED (this may be my most dynamic list ever!)
- My Pet, Naturally
- Ugo Cafe in Culver City
- Ice Bar in Stockholm
- Astroburger
- Flâneur/Flâneuse
- Soylent
- Huel
Welcome to It's Astrological, Krikor.
Lynnette:Thank you.
Lynnette:I am so happy to be here in London with you.
Lynnette:I think that's why you just welcomed me because, we're in the same place
Lynnette:for everybody listening, Krikor is my best friend in the whole wide world.
Lynnette:And why don't you start, because I could introduce you for hours.
Lynnette:where in the world are we together, physically And what's
Lynnette:your cultural background?
Krikor:We are in London right now, which is where I live.
Krikor:I've lived here for seven years.
Krikor:and I'm originally from Southern California.
Krikor:I was actually born in Rhode Island as you know, in Providence, but at a very
Krikor:young age, moved to Southern California, mostly grew up in Huntington beach.
Krikor:my parents immigrated to the U S so I'm, first-generation American.
Krikor:and my cultural background is Armenian.
Krikor:and growing up, I grew up in a very, I guess, Armenian household
Krikor:until I started intermingling with others outside my family.
Lynnette:What did you like most about growing up in California?
Krikor:I think what I liked most at the time, I didn't
Krikor:quite realize it was the sun.
Krikor:No, took that for granted.
Krikor:No, I mean, I think it was a very, um, comfortable place, to grow up.
Krikor:I think connected to my kind of cultural roots.
Krikor:There's a large Armenian community in Southern California.
Krikor:And so
Lynnette:You mean beyond the kardashians
Krikor:beyond the Kardashians, well, the kardashians are there
Krikor:probably because the same reason.
Krikor:so a lot of Armenians moving to the U S like LA is one of the main
Krikor:destinations, and the surrounding area.
Krikor:So that was nice to be able to grow up in that sort of environment, to be
Krikor:able to embrace and learn about, and cultivate that cultural side of my
Krikor:Armenian-ness, because I think while at the time, I didn't quite realize it.
Krikor:I very much appreciate it now.
Lynnette:That's what happens as you get older, I feel like in general,
Lynnette:whether it's like where you came from or where you grew up or something your
Lynnette:parents did or anything like that.
Krikor:I think it's also, I do have this connection to, like, I do like
Krikor:being close to the coast like I've grown up all my life near there.
Krikor:And then like, I do sometimes feel like when I'm not near
Krikor:a coast, it feels strange.
Krikor:So yeah, I do like that.
Lynnette:You're not going to move to Colorado with me.
Krikor:It could be possible one day.
Krikor:I never thought about it from a coastal perspective, but,
Lynnette:well, speaking of you not moving to Denver, I would say one of
Lynnette:the hallmarks of our friendship is that we have never lived in the same city.
Lynnette:And for me, I am somebody who has always wanted to be traditional
Lynnette:in every aspect of my life.
Lynnette:And pretty much every aspect of my life is not traditional.
Lynnette:And so in terms of appreciating things later, that's something
Lynnette:I'm starting to embrace.
Lynnette:But I think for anybody who meets us, there's a bit of like, oh wow,
Lynnette:you guys have never lived in the same city and you're best friends.
Lynnette:And like, you live across an ocean now.
Lynnette:And like, how does that all work?
Lynnette:So how do you feel about us having this nontraditional friendship?
Krikor:I know, I guess you always assume those sorts of things, but
Krikor:I feel like we've made it work when one, like we communicate quite a lot.
Krikor:I mean, ebbs and flows sometimes based on usually how busy I am,
Krikor:with my social calendar or work.
Krikor:But, at the same time we do make the opportunities to see each other.
Krikor:And perhaps like those times where we're together, you create kind of situations
Krikor:that are more impactful, maybe then on a day to day basis when you're kind
Krikor:of crossing paths in like normal life.
Krikor:but I guess with technology as well, we kind of use it in ways
Krikor:that help us in our friendship.
Krikor:And sometimes we forget that like the relationship is
Krikor:what you make of it, right?
Krikor:So whether you're in the same place or not, and you can use those
Krikor:tools to communicate or use those tools to stay close to each other.
Krikor:So I think we've done a fairly decent job of that
Lynnette:fairly decent?
Lynnette:We're the best.
Krikor:I know!.
Lynnette:I agree.
Lynnette:I think memes are the language of our generation.
Lynnette:They work really well for us, but I like what you said about I guess making the
Lynnette:most of the time that we are together.
Lynnette:Because I feel like if we lived in the same place, in some
Lynnette:ways, it almost like dilutes the relationship that we would have.
Lynnette:And we'll never know because we can't live two parallel lives, but we enjoyed
Lynnette:so much just last night, sitting on couch having a glass of wine, having
Lynnette:great conversation, and then watching TV.
Lynnette:that's something that, with someone that you live in the
Lynnette:same city with you enjoy it.
Lynnette:But for me, at least I just feel like it's so much more, there's
Lynnette:like magic in the mundane, right?
Lynnette:that's a really perfect example of just cherishing it and being really
Lynnette:present and just like, wow, this is the best TV show I've ever seen because
Lynnette:I'm watching it with my best friend.
Krikor:I think that's what I mean is sometimes you don't cherish those
Krikor:things so much when you're just together all the time where you may
Krikor:not do those things in the same ways.
Lynnette:since It's Astrological, Krikor, do you know your sun moon and rising sign?
Krikor:Yes, so I'm
Lynnette:And what are they?
Krikor:Gemini and Libra Libra.
Lynnette:Do you resonate with any one or all three of those?
Krikor:I mean, I can see components of the duality, but also like the balance
Krikor:both with balance is also sort of
Lynnette:yeah, you can't balance if you don't have two things.
Krikor:So yeah, I do see kind of, I think either of those on their own,
Krikor:probably feel incomplete, but as you start learning about the interplay and
Krikor:how they kind of impact each other, that that's where you start seeing
Krikor:some of the interesting things happen.
Lynnette:What's your relationship with astrology?
Lynnette:how did you learn about it?
Lynnette:When did you realize you were a Gemini.
Krikor:Yeah, I actually like, learned about it at a very young
Krikor:age, but at a very cursory level.
Krikor:And actually, I remember my, dad saying when they're we're going to,
Krikor:it was when you met my mom initially, he checked their, their charts to see
Krikor:like how compatible they would be.
Krikor:And apparently they were like super compatible
Lynnette:of course.
Krikor:Which gave him a lot more confidence, I guess.
Krikor:yeah, but it wasn't until recently, particularly with your kind of guidance
Krikor:and input and reflection on, on stuff that I've gotten more interested in
Krikor:the details of it or understood kind of like even the fact that you have sun,
Krikor:moon rising, all that kind of stuff.
Lynnette:You're not just a Gemini.
Krikor:You're not just a Gemini, But along the way, I was always
Krikor:kind of fascinated by it.
Krikor:Not on, like, the horoscope side of stuff, but just like generally
Krikor:the, the idea every now and then you kind of came in and came out.
Krikor:But yeah,
Lynnette:more like, who am I not what's going to happen to me today?
Krikor:Yeah, yeah, exactly..
Lynnette:I think that's my favorite use of astrology.
Lynnette:I think it just can be so validating, especially once you start to expand.
Lynnette:So great.
Lynnette:I'm not one slice of 12 categories that everyone fits into, but now I'm
Lynnette:adding another layer of what's my rising sign and what's my moon sign.
Lynnette:And how did those all talk to each other?
Lynnette:And then what's my Venus and my Mars.
Lynnette:And like, you can go on and on and on.
Lynnette:And I think in some ways like different modalities speak to people and obviously
Lynnette:astrology speaks to me, but in some ways, just having a framework that
Lynnette:helps you actually see how complex you are, can be very helpful in terms of
Lynnette:being like, oh, no wonder, I don't like doing this, or I feel uncomfortable
Lynnette:doing that or I love doing that.
Lynnette:if you don't have a framework to put it in I feel like sometimes you feel
Lynnette:like you're doing something wrong or like you're not fitting in or whatever.
Lynnette:And what I love about astrology is it helps to validate that you are exactly
Lynnette:the way that you were supposed to be
Krikor:I mean, I think it is, it provides like a point of reflection, right?
Krikor:So you have a perspective of who you are and then use that as a guide to say
Krikor:like, okay, actually I see where this is.
Krikor:Or sometimes.
Krikor:It's a reflection of like, okay, let me think about why I am the way I
Krikor:am or the sorts of things that I do.
Krikor:And so I do think from that perspective, there's a lot of value in placing some
Krikor:sort of mirror right in front of yourself.
Krikor:It's kind of a mirror that you can look at and, start dissecting or thinking about.
Lynnette:Yeah, it's so funny because the last few I've only done four
Lynnette:episodes of this podcast, but in every single one, we've talked about
Lynnette:how astrology asks you questions.
Lynnette:Like astrology, doesn't give you answers.
Lynnette:It gives you questions to ask yourself or to reflect on.
Lynnette:so as I'm just starting this podcast and I'm talking to different people, I'm
Lynnette:seeing similar themes come up every time.
Lynnette:Which is validating for me as an astrologer.
Lynnette:So is there anything about astrology that gives you pause
Lynnette:or that makes you skeptical?
Krikor:No, like I do think, like we touched on it earlier.
Krikor:It's like the whole idea of the horoscope and like destiny and future facing stuff
Krikor:is sometimes gives me pause because I'm always like, well, and generally
Krikor:in my life, I feel like you kind of are given choices or decisions to like, make
Krikor:things happen or not make things happen.
Krikor:And so that part of it, I think sometimes I get like, when people
Krikor:get really deep into that side of it, it gets a bit tough for me.
Lynnette:Astrology is not a fortune telling device for the people at home.
Lynnette:We are not fortune tellers.
Krikor:Yeah, I think there's a lot of connection in association to
Krikor:that, which makes it understandably harder to validate, right?
Krikor:Like you read or see something and then expect something.
Krikor:And actually what your expectation is, is probably still a reflection
Krikor:of what you're wanting to happen or maybe hoping would happen.
Krikor:And so you create these expectations.
Krikor:Whereas, I think the reflection part of it is a bit more of a helpful helpful, tool.
Lynnette:and the choices we all have free will.
Lynnette:And even in astrology, we talk about the north node and the south node being what
Lynnette:you're learning in this lifetime and what you're releasing in this lifetime.
Lynnette:But no matter what the transit, no matter what the placement, Could you be having
Lynnette:the best Venus, Jupiter transit of your life, which is like love and good luck and
Lynnette:like, oh, you're going to meet the person who you're meant to be with for the, yes.
Lynnette:Like it's very possible.
Lynnette:That would happen when those two planets are transiting somewhere in your chart.
Lynnette:But is that the only day that's going to happen?
Lynnette:is that the only way that you're going to meet the love of your life also?
Lynnette:No, but I think what astrology gives you is kind of a heads up.
Lynnette:You're like, oh, this energy might be going on.
Lynnette:I might need to like, keep my peepers open and like, see if
Lynnette:there's anyone I fancy out there.
Lynnette:See I'm British now.
Lynnette:Um, But it just gives you the information to be able to make
Lynnette:a decision, to make a choice, to like maybe shift your perspective.
Lynnette:But it's not about having expectations.
Lynnette:It's not about, you know, writing down the transits every day and be like, I'm going
Lynnette:to meet the love of my life this day.
Lynnette:I'm going to lose my job this day.
Lynnette:I'm going to like fall over on my bike this day.
Krikor:Maybe if you don't want to fall in love, you don't look for people
Krikor:that you make it a point not to you just close your eyes, walk around.
Krikor:It is
Lynnette:just stay home, cover your head with a blanket.
Lynnette:That way even the delivery person can't see you.
Lynnette:Well, astrologically speaking, my big Renaissance, if you will, into astrology
Lynnette:and metaphysics and all the stuff that I'm into now was when I was in grad school.
Lynnette:That was also a very sliding doors moment because when I moved back
Lynnette:to California, you moved to London and I was like, okay, well, bye.
Lynnette:But for me, that time was so powerful because I, at the time, I didn't
Lynnette:know it, but I was on my Uranus line.
Lynnette:And I was learning about locational astrology and all that stuff.
Lynnette:but I remember I went to a conference.
Lynnette:I was driving to LA and I was talking to you And for some reason you looked
Lynnette:up our astrological compatibility.
Lynnette:I don't know even how that happened or why.
Lynnette:And it was, it was like the most absurd description, but it was like
Lynnette:stupendous, like, the best possible match!
Lynnette:Do you remember what it said?
Krikor:I don't remember what it said, but it was something to that nature
Lynnette:and I think again, we didn't need astrology to tell us that we knew
Lynnette:that we were stupendous best friends, but the, well, the validation is always nice.
Lynnette:but we both have so much air in our charts.
Lynnette:Like I have a lot of Aquarius, and Libra, you have a lot of Libra and Gemini, so
Lynnette:we kind of round out the whole air trio.
Lynnette:I think that's a big part of it.
Lynnette:but I guess in your opinion, not astrologically speaking, but why do you
Lynnette:think that we compliment each other?
Lynnette:Or why do you think that we're able to make this friendship so great?
Krikor:I mean, I think there's probably, two sides of it.
Krikor:like, I think we have a lot of stuff that's actually quite similar
Krikor:in our perspectives and outlook.
Krikor:And then there's also stuff where we're like complimentary that balances
Krikor:each other out and it's probably the combination of those two, because if
Krikor:you're too much alike on everything, you kind of, can't have the opportunity to
Krikor:maybe counterbalance the other person with like different perspectives in some areas.
Krikor:But I think we're like very nice people, but that sounds like a weird thing to say,
Krikor:no, we're very like caring people and like generally
Krikor:wish the best upon people.
Krikor:So at that part of it, I think we have a life perspective around being kind, which
Krikor:I think is, is a part of why it works.
Krikor:And then the flip side is you are more of like a introvert.
Krikor:I tend to be more of like an extrovert and you have Anxieties about certain things.
Krikor:And I have anxieties about different things.
Krikor:And those are the places that actually, sometimes we're like,
Krikor:well, let's think about it.
Krikor:Maybe it's not so bad or, oh,
Lynnette:I love that our anxieties are where we're crossing over.
Krikor:No, but that's the places where we maybe like, if we have the same anxieties,
Krikor:like all what we would do is feed into.
Lynnette:We'd be a mess!
Krikor:We'd be a mess feeding into each other.
Lynnette:we'd be like, 'you're right, you should be so anxious!'
Krikor:So I think that's what actually, it's the combination of all those
Krikor:things that I think make it work.
Lynnette:I liked that.
Lynnette:And to your point about being nice kind, caring, whatever.
Lynnette:Now I sound like I'm like, oh, we're so nice, kind, and caring, but that's not
Krikor:our perspective on life.
Krikor:I'm not necessarily, we might not be kind and nice people.
Lynnette:but it's important to us.
Lynnette:I would say those are values.
Lynnette:Maybe that niceness like nice is such a.
Krikor:Yeah, that's right, like they're values we have in life, and
Lynnette:kindness, compassion, caring.
Lynnette:when I think of how we compliment each other, I think you are
Lynnette:the most thoughtful person.
Lynnette:I know at least in my life.
Lynnette:And you're just always thinking, like, even if we don't talk because
Lynnette:you're busy or like, whatever, I know.
Lynnette:You're not always thinking about me, but like, you're not like, forget, like,
Lynnette:if I needed you, you would be there.
Lynnette:And the gifts that you give me, you're always so thoughtful.
Lynnette:you're always listening to what I'm saying and you know, all of that stuff.
Lynnette:And then I think on the flip side, I am your biggest cheerleader.
Lynnette:you could literally do anything.
Lynnette:I'd be like, you're so good.
Lynnette:Great job.
Krikor:Even when I know I'm not that driving the other day was not like
Krikor:and then you were like, great job!,
Lynnette:because it's true.
Lynnette:See, this is a fundamental belief.
Lynnette:You're the best.
Krikor:The beeping of the car suggested otherwise.
Lynnette:that was not your fault!
Lynnette:Everyone listening we took a little road trip, which meant driving on the
Lynnette:left-hand side of the road and being in the well then our passenger side.
Lynnette:But driving from that side, he did a great job and he was the best.
Lynnette:But I think even there, if you narrow down the things that we have in common, we
Lynnette:just support each other in different ways.
Lynnette:And my enthusiasm for you is very high in all the ways.
Krikor:No, that's a good, good way of putting it.
Krikor:I like the values piece because I agree that those things are not necessarily,
Krikor:we don't always deliver on it.
Krikor:No, I don't think any single person can, but as a value, like I think
Krikor:we placed a lot of importance on those things and yeah, I think being
Krikor:the other person's cheerleader and valuing them and supporting them is a
Krikor:hugely important part of a friendship.
Krikor:Otherwise it becomes really one-sided.
Krikor:So I appreciate that.
Lynnette:I appreciate your thoughtfulness You are correct.
Lynnette:I am just slightly more introverted just, like, the teensiest bit, and I
Lynnette:almost feel like that's a situation where you, like, because you have all
Lynnette:of this Gemini energy, and Sagittarius energy, actually, you are so mutable.
Lynnette:Like you, I feel like adapt to the situations around
Lynnette:you the people around you.
Lynnette:I mean, I feel like the Gemini piece that almost stimulates you because
Lynnette:it's like something new and you've, you're getting a new experience and
Lynnette:like all of this stuff, but I feel like you adapt to me in that sense, because
Lynnette:like we talked about at the beginning, our time together is always limited.
Lynnette:so we're trying to make the most of it, which is great.
Lynnette:And that's part of the reason why I was so happy to do this trip because
Lynnette:we saw each other in February, but we were with other people and it was
Lynnette:amazing, but I love my one-on-one time with you because I'm so introverted.
Lynnette:And I'm a, one-to-one friendship kind of person.
Lynnette:And so to be able to spend just five days straight with you, like
Lynnette:24 hours a day, all day, every day makes me the happiest person.
Lynnette:I don't know what I was going to say.
Lynnette:It just makes me really happy.
Lynnette:but I feel like you adapt to me because I don't want to go out
Lynnette:dancing until three in the morning.
Lynnette:I mean, we have done that sometimes, but like it's not my,
Lynnette:the circumstances have to be.
Krikor:The stars have to align.
Lynnette:The stars have to align!
Lynnette:In order for me to like leave the house.
Lynnette:No, but like that's being dramatic.
Lynnette:Anyway, I appreciate that.
Lynnette:The point is of this very long speech is that I appreciate it.
Krikor:The grocery store doesn't count.
Lynnette:that's my second favorite place other than home!
Lynnette:i love a grocery store.
Lynnette:I love going to new grocery stores, I love going to grocery stores
Lynnette:in new countries and you have taken me to the grocery store.
Lynnette:That's a good best friend, like you're adapting to me.
Lynnette:But like you said last night, even in some ways that's out of your
Lynnette:comfort zone because you are such a social person, you do have such a big
Lynnette:group of friends and you love that.
Lynnette:But that's just another way that we kind of balance each other out.
Krikor:And I do think like I do enjoy the time home, the time that's like one-on-one,
Krikor:but my go-to nature isn't that?
Krikor:So sometimes I like deprive myself of it.
Krikor:Not intentionally, but because my knee jerk reaction is otherwise.
Krikor:But to your point, like that offers me the time to like, do that sort of stuff.
Krikor:where actually, otherwise I might not.
Krikor:So to your point, I think that that yin and the yang is there, So, and maybe I
Krikor:push you sometimes in the other way in situations where you're like, no, I don't
Krikor:know if I want, I don't want to do that.
Krikor:Go or I'll do it.
Lynnette:You're like, just go, have fun, Adapt.
Lynnette:Don't be fixed.
Krikor:What's the worst that could happen.
Lynnette:Ugh...I'll tell you.
Lynnette:I'll give you a list of 15 things.
Lynnette:But even this trip was spontaneous.
Lynnette:I mean, I just booked it three weeks ago and that's very out of my character.
Lynnette:This eclipse has made me very spontaneous.
Lynnette:Like I went to a random concert.
Lynnette:I came here.
Lynnette:I that's enough.
Krikor:That's enough, that's more than enough.
Krikor:Stop before you..
Lynnette:That's a big deal.
Lynnette:Should we do some newlywed style game questions?
Krikor:I've never done this before.
Krikor:I'm almost nervous.
Lynnette:Me too.
Lynnette:We'll see how it goes.
Lynnette:Are you ready?
Lynnette:I'm going to ask the question and then we'll both write our answers down and
Lynnette:then we'll read them to each other.
Lynnette:What was your first impression of your friend?
Lynnette:Are you done?
Lynnette:I'll read mine first because you know what it's going to be.
Lynnette:I thought he was nice enough, but was asking dumb questions at work.
Lynnette:It was not his fault because he was, we were both new.
Lynnette:I mean, we started within a month of each other at the job, right.
Krikor:Didn't we, on the same day.
Krikor:No, or no, we did the, we started within a month.
Krikor:But at that time the trainings were,
Lynnette:This is boring, nobody cares about our training.
Krikor:No, we did.
Krikor:That's where we met though.
Krikor:Like the, we met at work.
Krikor:We met at like the first week where everybody who's just started, gets
Krikor:together and they do the orientation.
Lynnette:I don't remember that.
Lynnette:I remember meeting Alexa Baltadano
Krikor:she was in that same group.
Lynnette:I know, I don't remember you there.
Krikor:That's why cuz uh I think we might've started a couple of weeks
Krikor:apart, but they like grouped the people who started on similar days.
Lynnette:Well, apologies.
Lynnette:That was clearly not my first impression of you.
Krikor:Um, so I was forgetful, apparently it was my, your first impression.
Lynnette:I think it was about like FedExing, a package or something.
Lynnette:And you asked me to send it like,
Krikor:I know,
Lynnette:after I could send it, like, I was like, sir, this does not make sense.
Lynnette:Why are you asking me this?
Lynnette:But it wasn't your fault your boss asked you to do it,
Krikor:but you thrust that upon me
Lynnette:15 years later, because this is our fifteen-year anniversary,
Lynnette:that is how I remember you.
Lynnette:But then we became best friends.
Krikor:I thought you were friendly and professional
Lynnette:Well, isn't that perfect.
Krikor:And didn't want to send my FedEx package I didn't write that down..
Krikor:Now I do recall that.
Lynnette:I thought you were friendly and professional.
Lynnette:Thank you, Krikor.
Lynnette:Again, not your fault to ask a dumb question.
Lynnette:Do you remember the moment when you were like, ah, this is a good friend.
Lynnette:This is somebody I want to talk to outside of work.
Krikor:I think it was when we went to someone's going away party after work.
Krikor:Was it Tiffany?
Krikor:Who left?
Lynnette:I don't remember any of this!
Krikor:Yeah, and it was like, I think maybe the first time we had a very
Krikor:professional experience up until that, and that was the first time we hung
Krikor:out and it was like, we were dancing.
Krikor:And then I think we started, like, I was gonna say gossip, talk and talking shit.
Krikor:We were just commenting about other people there.
Krikor:We were observing the environment around us.
Krikor:Were observing the environment around us.
Krikor:And I was like, oh,
Lynnette:Where was this party?
Krikor:I remember, I can't remember the name of the place, but it was the one
Krikor:where you just go like in west LA, just down the street, right across from like my
Krikor:pet, naturally, there was this bar that we would always go to, like when people were
Krikor:having like a last drinks or something.
Lynnette:I remember this much of this I'm so lucky.
Lynnette:One of us has to remember.
Lynnette:Okay, well, I'm sure this was shortly thereafter.
Lynnette:I'm certain of it.
Lynnette:I remember giggling a lot at work because we have the same sense of humor, which
Lynnette:is like my number one requirement in any friend is they have to make me laugh, but
Lynnette:we went on our first dinner date right before I left to move back here to London.
Lynnette:but we were I feel like we were silent for most of the dinner because the
Lynnette:table, like literally four inches away from us was on a first date
Krikor:At Ugo.
Lynnette:At Ugo on Cardiff street.
Lynnette:and I feel like that was obviously the first thing I
Lynnette:remember, but we had developed our own telepathic language.
Lynnette:Like we were not saying anything.
Lynnette:We were just like making like eyes at each other and being like,
Lynnette:oh, oh, oh, like that was when I knew we understood each other.
Krikor:I think this was in and around the same time, because I
Krikor:remember this going away party.
Krikor:You were like leaving in a couple of weeks as well.
Krikor:So it could have been all in and around the same time.
Krikor:I thought you were actually going to say, now that I think back at it, this
Krikor:must have also been, it was before you left was when we were on a phone call
Krikor:with somebody and couldn't stop laughing.
Krikor:So we had to hang up and pretend like the lost connection on the phone.
Lynnette:I thought that was after I left.
Krikor:We were in the same room.
Lynnette:I believe that.
Krikor:Yeah, we were, it was like late night.
Krikor:We were in the same office and then we were just like,
Lynnette:yeah, I think it's going back to like, what makes a good friend for
Lynnette:me is like, if I pee my pants, if I like stop breathing, if I like have to hang up
Lynnette:on somebody because I can't speak, these are all good signs of like solid friend.
Lynnette:the other thing is, and we both touched on this, just a little bit.
Lynnette:We are both very nice people who like to observe things
Lynnette:around us and people around us.
Lynnette:We're a little judgy, but I feel like that's another safe space.
Lynnette:Like we have a container for us to be able to just hash things
Lynnette:out or like what happened or like, why did this person say that
Krikor:Reflect on our observation
Lynnette:Yes, they're simply observations of the people around us and how they
Lynnette:engage with the world around them.
Lynnette:That's all.
Krikor:Yeah, I agree.
Krikor:that's why I said maybe at the beginning, the nice part is more
Krikor:of a value system aspirational.
Krikor:And like, sometimes you falter, but we don't ever do it in a,
Lynnette:but we are also kind people.
Lynnette:So we're like, okay.
Lynnette:At the end of the day,
Krikor:But inevitably it happens, right?
Krikor:Like you're sitting somewhere and you observed something and
Krikor:you're like, oh, this awkward date happening next to us for the first
Krikor:time, it was not going to work out.
Krikor:Is it?
Lynnette:We're just anthropologists.
Lynnette:That's all.
Lynnette:Let's do.
Lynnette:Oh, this is a good one.
Lynnette:What is your favorite memory of traveling together?
Lynnette:I said it was a good one, but there's so many to choose from.
Krikor:Well, I went with the first one that popped up in my head.
Lynnette:I just wrote keywords this time.
Lynnette:Oh, I go first.
Lynnette:oh no.
Lynnette:Well I'm, I'm analyzing the question, we have not traveled together very often.
Lynnette:We just meet up in places.
Krikor:Yeah, but I assumed that it meant
Lynnette:Okay, great, Hi, Virgo.
Krikor:We're covered.
Lynnette:I'm glad.
Lynnette:So to your point, the first one that popped into my head was Stockholm.
Krikor:Mine is also in Stockholm.
Lynnette:Then it must be the right one.
Lynnette:We pick the right answer.
Lynnette:So Stockholm, we went for my graduation with my boyfriend.
Lynnette:Well, it was my gift from him and it was lovely.
Lynnette:And the three of us travel really well together.
Lynnette:So that's always amazing.
Lynnette:I think most of the time that we've traveled, he's been with us.
Lynnette:But it was just, it was so magical because I still sometimes even watch
Lynnette:that video of you coming up from the train and I'm like, Krikor!
Lynnette:And you're like, oh hi!
Lynnette:and like, I'm so happy.
Lynnette:We kept I captured that because like, I just get so excited to see you.
Lynnette:And like, it's like, we're we're uniting.
Lynnette:So you were there like two or three nights.
Lynnette:I don't remember
Krikor:three nights I think, yeah.
Lynnette:and I had borrowed a, an item from the Airbnb that was out.
Lynnette:I didn't dig through any closets or anything.
Lynnette:It was a beautiful, well, how would you describe it?
Lynnette:Cause I feel like how I'm going to describe it it's going to sound weird.
Krikor:I think it wasn't fur, but it was like a.
Krikor:Fur- type, like move.
Krikor:There was a lot of movement in this jacket.
Lynnette:It was something I would never wear, like, well now
Lynnette:I'm constantly looking for it,
Krikor:Yeah, I feel like it was Something like Abba would wear,
Lynnette:Yes, very, like 70s
Krikor:was it like ostrich feather?
Krikor:Maybe it was ostrich feather.
Lynnette:I don't think it was real.
Krikor:Okay, but it moved like it was ostrich feather.
Krikor:It wasn't like, it wasn't like chicken feathers
Lynnette:No, you've been watching some drag race.
Lynnette:But, anyway, it's purple.
Lynnette:It was big.
Lynnette:It was fluffy.
Lynnette:It was also summer.
Lynnette:So it was fine most of the time.
Lynnette:But when we were at a bar dancing, this girl like wiggled up to me and
Lynnette:she was like, oh, I love your jacket.
Lynnette:And we're just like dancing.
Lynnette:and she was like, But are you so hot?
Lynnette:it's summer!
Lynnette:Like I can't, not wear this..
Krikor:Once you have that on you like transformed,
Lynnette:Well, we went to the ice bar, it was perfect for the ice bar.
Krikor:It was, true.
Lynnette:It was maybe the club, but that it was not,
Krikor:it was a club.
Krikor:And then we partied, that was one night where we partied until
Krikor:like 3:00 AM in the morning.
Lynnette:We've done that twice..
Krikor:Until the sun came up, literally
Lynnette:well it never went down down and
Krikor:it kind of didn't go down.
Lynnette:that's my favorite memory.
Krikor:Well, it's the same one I was going to,
Lynnette:did you have anything to add?
Krikor:Well, I think it was, I liked it because it was also like,
Krikor:well, the time together was fun, but also like you pushing out.
Lynnette:I can be fun!
Krikor:No, no.
Krikor:Like the idea of you like borrowing this jacket was giving you anxiety.
Krikor:But I think like we may have egged you on, on that, and
Krikor:then you kind of went with it.
Lynnette:I am certain of it
Krikor:really, really
Lynnette:Give me a couple glasses of wine and egging on you look so great.
Krikor:It was yeah, amazing.
Krikor:It turned out to be a fun night.
Krikor:I feel like we also ate something at the end of that night and I
Krikor:don't remember what it was once we left that bar, what does it mean?
Lynnette:Yeah, we got, like, ice cream.
Krikor:Oh, okay.
Lynnette:And chips probably.
Krikor:Yeah, it was, but like so many people around and it was like
Krikor:three, 4:00 AM in the morning.
Krikor:It felt like
Lynnette:That's crazy.
Lynnette:Speaking of anxiety while staying up all night, the time I literally,
Lynnette:the one time in my whole life, I've literally stayed up all night in LA
Lynnette:and we went to, what was that place called?
Lynnette:Like the diner place
Krikor:no, no.
Krikor:It was, um, Astro burger?.
Lynnette:yeah, Astro burger.
Lynnette:That sounds right.
Lynnette:And we had all been drinking all night.
Lynnette:I made a decision.
Lynnette:I was like, either I'm going to, because I had a flight the next
Lynnette:morning, I was like, either, I'm going to go back to the hotel, go to
Lynnette:sleep at 11 o'clock or I'm doing this.
Lynnette:I am not going to bed.
Lynnette:I'm just going straight to my hotel, getting my suitcase and getting
Lynnette:on my flight, guess what happened?
Lynnette:But you're talking about the anxieties about the coat and that
Lynnette:just reminded me of when we were all Astro burger or wherever it was.
Lynnette:And I got a veggie dog and I, I don't know.
Lynnette:So time, is this really?
Lynnette:Do you think this has meat in it?
Lynnette:Raise your hand.
Lynnette:If you think this is actually a veggie burger, raise your hand.
Lynnette:If this is actually a meat and then finally Dean, at one
Lynnette:point, it was like, it's meat!
Krikor:Like you just eating the meat.
Krikor:What do you want us to tell you?
Lynnette:But I appreciate you easing my anxieties while traveling.
Lynnette:Let's end on a nice one because then I have to give you my
Lynnette:not so rapid fire questions.
Lynnette:What is your favorite thing about your friend?
Krikor:So I said, I mean, I guess it's two things, but I said, it's the combination
Krikor:of the accepting and supportive.
Krikor:And I think that's something that I love so much about you is that you have,
Krikor:despite the fact that we were talking about this or that you have no judgment,
Krikor:but also like the supportive side of it, the combination of it makes it such
Krikor:a special thing, because I can share anything with you, but then you can
Krikor:also be supportive through that process.
Krikor:So, you know, having somebody that you could rely on to have, an honest and
Krikor:open conversation with, but then also get guidance and support and advice from
Krikor:is something that I can't think of any people in my life that I can do that with,
Krikor:so that's that I think is super special.
Lynnette:Well, no, I'm going to cry.
Lynnette:Thank you, Krikor.
Lynnette:Well, I also appreciate that you are nonjudgmental and supportive of me.
Lynnette:and what I wrote down is your thoughtfulness, your kindness,
Lynnette:and that you make me laugh.
Lynnette:And I know I said that you have to be able to make me laugh was first on my list,
Lynnette:of friendship, but your thoughtfulness and kindness have just shone through
Lynnette:so bright, that that's like, those are the first things that I think of when
Lynnette:I think about you and you have traveled across the world just to come meet me
Lynnette:in all these places, just because I'm like in your neighborhood of Europe.
Lynnette:And you're just, I didn't put on here.
Lynnette:Like you're so easy going.
Lynnette:And I think that goes back to your Gemini adaptability and all of that stuff.
Lynnette:But I think I'm pretty relaxed, but I like things to go my way probably.
Lynnette:More than you.
Lynnette:but you always just do whatever I want to do.
Lynnette:Or you like take me to the places I want to go.
Lynnette:Or you traipse across London to go to like three different bookshops and
Lynnette:you never you're, you're speaking of supported, like you're supportive.
Lynnette:You're like, okay, like live your dream, go to astrology shop!
Lynnette:And then yesterday I was like, oh, these are too many books.
Lynnette:And you were like, okay, I'm going to help you figure out which ones you don't need.
Lynnette:And then I couldn't, you were like, oh, you need all of them!
Krikor:It was a process of elimination of none.
Lynnette:There was no elimination.
Lynnette:There was no need.
Lynnette:But that's the way that you support me is just letting me be myself and like letting
Lynnette:me do the things that I want to do.
Lynnette:And I dunno.
Lynnette:You're just, that's why you're the best friend.
Krikor:Thank you.
Lynnette:Thank you.
Krikor:That is so kind.
Lynnette:I have one gentle teardrop just coming out of the corner of my eye.
Lynnette:I'm very seriously.
Lynnette:Not a dramatic one.
Lynnette:Okay, Krikor, on every show I started doing rapid fire questions,
Lynnette:but I'm not a rapid fire person.
Lynnette:I am a slow cooker, not an instant pot.
Lynnette:So this is the not so rapid fire question section.
Lynnette:You can rapid fire or whatever it's up to do you consider yourself to
Lynnette:be more introverted or extroverted?
Lynnette:We already get this one
Krikor:Yeah, more extroverted.
Lynnette:What is your superpower?
Krikor:Yeah, I think I, I it's a superpower, but a superpower is, I think
Krikor:people sometimes struggle with.
Krikor:You have to harness it in the right ways.
Krikor:And sometimes it's like a strength and sometimes I feel
Krikor:like it could be a hindrance.
Krikor:and so, I think kindness and sometimes I think kindness like is
Krikor:perceived to be weakness in quotation.
Krikor:Um, or how it manifests sometimes feels like it's effortless, but I
Krikor:think it actually takes a lot of thoughtfulness and consideration, but
Krikor:again, sometimes to your detriment.
Krikor:So that's what I mean in that the superpower, I think sometimes
Krikor:people feel like has to be something that is only like positive, but
Krikor:actually superheroes struggle with they're like, I can't think of one
Krikor:I'm sure Spider-Man has moments where.
Krikor:Um, goes out like what?
Krikor:It's not supposed to the webs, just keep going.
Lynnette:But kindness is a choice.
Lynnette:It's very easy to just ignore things or like move on with your life
Lynnette:or pat someone on the head, like,
Krikor:I guess it has to be genuine.
Krikor:You have to want to be kind too.
Krikor:So like faked kindness is the worst, worse than just not being yet.
Krikor:Just don't be
Lynnette:I'd rather you ignore me.
Lynnette:What is your dream travel destination?
Krikor:You know, I used to not be like growing up.
Krikor:It was always like a hustling bustling sort of like city vibe.
Krikor:And like, as life has passed on, I feel like the more relaxed and serene
Krikor:places I do love going somewhere like the Balearics or like the coast in Italy
Krikor:where it's just beautiful landscape.
Krikor:You kind of forget the sense of time and you can kind of like,
Krikor:again, the coast, see, going back to what we talked about earlier, like
Krikor:it's like, you can see the water.
Lynnette:Colorado has beautiful mountains.
Krikor:And so, so I think that sort of like peaceful, serene places,
Krikor:somewhere that I yearn for more.
Krikor:I don't know.
Krikor:There's no specific, I mean, I guess I gave those two examples top of mind,
Krikor:it's not like, oh my God, I need to go to like the Maldives or Seychelles.
Krikor:I'm not going to say no.
Krikor:Yeah, I do want to go.
Krikor:But yeah, either that or something that actually is a truly cultural
Krikor:immersion, something where you're like.
Krikor:I've never experienced this sort of thing.
Krikor:Like when I went to India while it was a hustle and bustle and a
Krikor:lot of difficult moments, like it truly felt that there were like,
Lynnette:what kind of difficult moments?
Krikor:what kind of difficult moments?
Krikor:well, I spent a whole night getting very intimate with the toilet one
Krikor:evening, but, um, uh, no, like the beauty of it and there's a magic to it.
Krikor:And there's actually like a lot of stuff that's happening that you
Krikor:just have never seen in your life.
Krikor:And that sort of stuff I think is also pretty amazing because it just
Krikor:kind of, again, allows you to like, experience and reflect and yeah.
Krikor:Move out of your comfort zone.
Lynnette:I think one of my favorite things about traveling and probably why
Lynnette:we travel well, is like, I just like to wander around and like see daily life.
Lynnette:And of course you want to hit the big tourist spots.
Lynnette:Some of them even those, like don't hold that kind of appeal for me in
Lynnette:a lot of cases, unless it's like something really special to me.
Lynnette:but for me, like, like in French they say flâneur or flâneuse,
Lynnette:like it's just to wander.
Lynnette:Like, it's this very French term, you know, Paris is the best city in my
Lynnette:opinion, to just wander around in, but just see like what you discover
Lynnette:and like what restaurant you stumble upon and what bakery, like, I dunno.
Lynnette:I think it's just, there's something so magical about that.
Lynnette:And I think, because let's just put, say, because I'm not
Lynnette:a super spontaneous person.
Lynnette:but that doesn't make sense.
Lynnette:Like I think traveling is maybe where I am more spontaneous, but I
Lynnette:also don't it's not about the big.
Lynnette:things I just want to like live there for a bit.
Lynnette:I just want to be home away from home.
Krikor:Well, that's it.
Krikor:That's what makes it good.
Krikor:Like I actually find the second or third visit to a specific place.
Krikor:Almost more interesting and exciting is because it feels like you've gotten
Krikor:all those things out of the way that maybe feel a little bit more touristy
Krikor:or like that you want to let you put your mind to going and seeing.
Krikor:And then it's like,
Lynnette:And you know, like how to take the train or like how to get places.
Krikor:And you allowed yourself to like wander and just explore because there's
Krikor:no pressure of like, like I've done it.
Krikor:So now I was just going to hang out.
Krikor:It's cool.
Lynnette:I appreciate that.
Lynnette:How do you a bring ritual into your daily life.
Krikor:Sorry, I thought you said rich wool.
Krikor:I was like, what is rich wool?
Lynnette:Like, a sheep with money?
Krikor:No, I thought maybe it was some sort of luxurious wool.
Krikor:I was like, do I have any of that wool in my,
Lynnette:you're like, yes, let me tell you,
Krikor:um, yeah, you know what?
Krikor:I actually struggled with ritual and that's part of something that I think
Krikor:I need to like, because I think there's a difference between habit and ritual.
Krikor:And like, sometimes I think we do things out of habit because it's not
Krikor:like an intentional sort of thing.
Krikor:And for me, at least, when we say ritual, it's something that has intended
Krikor:meaning that kind of serves a purpose.
Krikor:And so, I don't actually, if that's like an answer I don't, but it's
Krikor:something that I try to bring in.
Krikor:and, am working on,
Lynnette:you said a couple of things that resonated from previous episodes,
Lynnette:one was that habits can be rituals, and then you mentioned intention.
Lynnette:a lot of times when we think of ritual, we think of like pulling a daily tarot
Lynnette:card, like meditating or lighting incense, or like all of these things
Lynnette:that like, we think of looking into a crystal ball, like all of this stuff
Lynnette:that you think of as like, I dunno Instagrammy or like witchy, I dunno.
Lynnette:There's, there's a connotation to the word ritual, but.
Lynnette:I think we have to number one, give ourselves grace, because we're always
Lynnette:all trying to like have a morning routine and like make green juice and do a ritual
Lynnette:and, like, go to work, and, like, have a life, we have to like chill out.
Lynnette:Like it's okay.
Lynnette:Like you don't have to like, make a big deal out of it.
Lynnette:But even if every day when you brush your teeth, you have an
Lynnette:affirmation that you say, or you high-five yourself in the mirror.
Lynnette:Like that's a new thing, right?
Lynnette:Like there's little things that we can actually do that, that
Lynnette:can be sacred rituals to us that already fit into our daily life.
Krikor:No, I think like the something that you think of as a ritual can become a habit.
Krikor:But I think the other way around, maybe it was rising, but actually, maybe
Krikor:this is a super non-answer, but I do find that like I do, I have placed
Krikor:an intention To try and avoid certain things that maybe feel like I should be
Krikor:doing every, or like the green juice.
Krikor:I'd love a green juice, but like, if I'm in like force myself to do something like
Krikor:that every day, sometimes it feels forced.
Krikor:And so there's this kind of ritual of like, live your life in a
Krikor:way that's like a bit flexible.
Lynnette:Very Gemini of you.
Lynnette:Be flexible!
Krikor:Like not every day, not every day needs to be kind of the same.
Krikor:yeah, but that's yeah.
Krikor:That's the, I think that there is some ritual in that, because I feel like almost
Krikor:marking things as things that have to happen each day, you stay almost feels
Krikor:like, so, what's the word I'm looking for?
Krikor:Maybe it's.
Krikor:like in like an easy out, like, you know, you're just like,
Krikor:okay, this is my way of living.
Krikor:And actually it's like, why don't we live each day differently?
Lynnette:I like that.
Lynnette:Talk about out of my comfort zone.
Lynnette:I'm going to have to think about that one.
Lynnette:Okay, Krikor, last question.
Lynnette:Where do you shine brightest in your life?
Krikor:So I think there's like something about food and cooking,
Krikor:because there's so many components to it.
Krikor:I feel myself, like when I'm cooking and preparing food, whether
Krikor:it's just for myself or others, there's this, transcendence.
Krikor:it's like, actually I forget about a lot of other things.
Krikor:It's kind of like meditative, it's creative, but it also is a
Krikor:way to show love to other people.
Krikor:And it's abundance and showing care.
Krikor:And it also is like, particularly once I moved to the UK.
Krikor:It became like a form of communicating with my mother because making the sorts
Krikor:of foods that she would typically make.
Krikor:And I would miss connecting with my culture because again, I've learned
Krikor:how to make a lot of the stuff that is traditional Armenian food.
Krikor:So that is a place where I feel like as I'm thinking and working through
Krikor:and cooking and eating, it's a place where it really feels at home.
Lynnette:that also sounds like ritual to me.
Krikor:that also sounds like ritual, there is some ritual around that I think
Lynnette:a hundred percent and tying it to not only your mom, but your roots
Lynnette:and your culture and the nourishment, like it's, like you said, it's not
Lynnette:just like nourishing to our bodies.
Lynnette:It's nourishing to our souls.
Krikor:So yeah, unfortunately it does.
Krikor:Unfortunately, I probably associate food with everything except for
Krikor:probably, I mean, of course I know logically the functional part of it
Krikor:is like sustenance and we need to
Krikor:and we need it to survive, but I'm like actually the way I think
Krikor:about it is everything, but that, which
Lynnette:but we're fortunate that the sustenance piece isn't a factor.
Krikor:no, no, of course.
Krikor:But it's not like a very.
Krikor:It's not for me.
Krikor:Like for some people it is very like a functional thing and it's just
Krikor:like, okay, I need this to like, survive or make it through the day.
Krikor:But for me, it's
Lynnette:like the people drinking Soylent.
Lynnette:Is that still a thing?
Krikor:What is Soylent?
Lynnette:It's like, it's probably making me sound so old, like
Lynnette:in Silicon valley and they were just drinking these like packets.
Krikor:Oh, well, that's the thing.
Krikor:I think there are people here who do it with like these like packets of
Krikor:it's called huel, do you know huel?
Krikor:It's like Fuel, but with an H I don't know why,
Krikor:but yeah, it's like boring.
Lynnette:Like what a waste.
Krikor:What a waste..
Lynnette:Don't your taste buds want something better than that?
Krikor:Texture flavor.
Lynnette:The fact that you appreciate cooking so much and you enjoy it
Lynnette:and it's a meditation for you.
Lynnette:I like that sometimes, but it's a lot of work.
Krikor:It's not every day.
Krikor:sometimes it's more often than others, but yeah.
Krikor:You're just it's you have to recognize.
Lynnette:But I would love to purchase something that somebody did all that.
Krikor:yeah, of course you can still, like,
Lynnette:but I would never drink one of those packets,
Krikor:you would never drink.
Krikor:Even the food that you buy from somebody else.
Krikor:They're, they're like one hopes that there is some, some sort of
Krikor:passion that has gone into it.
Krikor:Whatever it is driving that.
Krikor:And at the end of the day, it could still provide like a way for
Krikor:you to connect with other people.
Krikor:It's like a form of coming together and so.
Lynnette:Like, 'oh, you drink huel too?'.
Krikor:Yeah, I guess there's.
Lynnette:Let's go code!
Krikor:Yeah, let's go code!
Lynnette:I'm sorry, if you drink Huel, you're probably really nice too,
Krikor:I know some people who, yeah,
Lynnette:they're probably very efficient
Krikor:very efficient.
Lynnette:Again, like if we looked at these people's charts, I'm sure there
Lynnette:would be something in there that speaks to, like, I just want to get my food
Lynnette:in my body and I want to go do all the things I'm here to be on this Earth to do.
Lynnette:Like it's not a judgment in any way, shape or form.
Krikor:No, everybody has their own
Lynnette:and if it's in your chart to drink huell then it's in your chart.
Krikor:It's going to be there somewhere.
Krikor:It's going to say Huel.
Lynnette:Sponsored by..
Lynnette:All right, Krikor.
Lynnette:Well, thank you for joining me.
Krikor:You're welcome.
Krikor:Thank you for, thank you for having me participate as well.
Lynnette:I loved this being my first in-person interview.
Lynnette:We'll see how the sound quality is, but it doesn't matter because this
Lynnette:conversation was so special and I'm just thrilled to be in the same room as you so
Krikor:excited to see it come out as well.
Lynnette:Excited to see it pop up on your podcast player .All right.
Lynnette:Well let's, go out to London town.
Krikor:Yes, it's nice.
Krikor:Sunny day.
Lynnette:It is a nice sunny day!
Lynnette:We're gonna have so much fun!
Lynnette:Bye everybody.
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