ep 8 | settled, not stagnant, in navigating your Saturn Return with Lucy Jobe
Have you ever wondered what the big deal is about your Saturn Return? Technically, it just means that Saturn is back to the same spot in the sky as it was when you were born, but it has quite the astrological reputation that rivals mercury retrograde!
Well, my guest today, Lucy Jobe, is at the tail end of hers and is sharing all about her experience with this and a couple other milestone transits.
Lucy is a Leo Sun, Sagittarius Moon, and Libra Rising
She is a project manager by day, word lover by night. A formerly grounded yogi still searching for roots in a new city. She’s lived all over the place with so many different people, and for the first time doesn’t know what’s coming next, so is learning to relax about that. She’s coping using at-home lattes, outside time, the Nashville dog rescue Instagram, Formula 1 races, and FaceTime, of course.
We dig into the milestone transits that come before a 30th birthday and how to navigate them instead of being afraid of them. We also talk about Chiron and how it’s so much more than just the wounded parts of ourself.
This episode is for you if you’re navigating or reflecting on your own Saturn Return or learning how to work with “challenging” planets or aspects.
Over the past few years, I’ve lived in, I don’t know, three, four different places. And it’s very interesting to settle down now and to not have a next step in mind. I move really fast and I’m always like, what’s coming up next, and right now I don’t know what that is. And so sitting with that and just being comfortable being stagnant…that’s probably not the word for it…the word is probably settled, but that’s new to me. And so I’m trying to figure out what that means. – Lucy Jobe
Lucy and I also chat about:
- Her background as a midwesterner and oldest of 4 sisters
- Living abroad in Chile and Madrid and spending several years in California
- Selling everything that didn’t fit in her car and taking a 4-month road trip across the Southwest before moving cross-country
- How her time in Chile taught her a love of being outdoors
- Transitioning from constantly moving and looking toward what’s next to not knowing what’s next and feeling settled
- Not fully identifying with being a Leo Sun and having a Leo stellium
- Resonating with having a Libra rising and creating harmony between groups of people
- Having a Sagittarius Moon and loving travel and adventure
- Having your Sun conjunct Chiron in Leo
- Feeling “cursed” by not connecting with your Sun sign
- Astrological stereotypes
- Why we should go beyond our Sun sign
- Why astrologers shouldn’t guess your Sun sign
- The connection between astrology and yoga
- Why Chiron can feel scary and how to work with it
- A really poor rendition of the Greek mythology behind Chiron
- How we often overlook the aspects of teaching, healing, and guidance with Chiron
- How ignoring your Saturn Return and Chiron can cause them to show up more fiercely
- The basics of what a Saturn Return is
- How your Saturn Return and Uranus Trine are setting you up for your midlife transits
- Why Saturn is like a father in your chart
- Why your Saturn Return is your entry into being a grown up
- How to navigate a Saturn Return that retrogrades
- How long you might feel your Saturn Return
- What happened to Lucy on the exact day of her Saturn Return
- How having natal Saturn retrograde may support you in working with your Saturn Return
- How to work with an opposition energy in your chart
- How to read your horoscope based on what time of day you were born
- What is your Uranus trine?
- Why a line a day journal is one of the best habits you can start!
- Using ritual to separate your work day from your home life when you work from home
Where to find Lucy:
The transcript of this episode can be found here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.
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Welcome to It's Astrological the podcast that
Lynnette:shares astrology as self care.
Lynnette:I'm your host lynette Wennerstrom and this week my guest is my friend lucy job
Lynnette:This week's guest is my friend, Lucy Jobe.
Lynnette:She and I met and became fast friends.
Lynnette:When we were at grad school, studying translation.
Lynnette:She's now a project manager by day, but a word lover and aspiring writer by night.
Lynnette:Lucy's coming up on her 30th birthday in August, which I'm super excited
Lynnette:to celebrate with her in Tulu Mexico.
Lynnette:But that also means that she's working with some milestone aspects in her chart.
Lynnette:Like her her uranus trine and...bum bum buuuum...
Lynnette:Her Saturn return.
Lynnette:We dig into these pre 30 transits and what they actually mean how to work
Lynnette:with them and how they actually set us up for many, many years to come.
Lynnette:She also opens up about what it's like to feel settled, not stagnant.
Lynnette:That was the first word that she used.
Lynnette:After basically just going and going and going and living all around the world
Lynnette:and moving around for the last several years and why she feels the quote curse
Lynnette:of being a Leo and not feeling like one.
Lynnette:We did have so many technical difficulties.
Lynnette:That you'll notice my audio sounds a little like I'm in a cathedral.
Lynnette:and I do mention it in the podcast.
Lynnette:Most of it is edited out.
Lynnette:but in case you do pick up on any of that, just know that Lucy and I had a
Lynnette:few adventures on the technology side before actually recording this episode.
Lynnette:I'm so excited for you to listen in and learn about what Lucy
Lynnette:calls the Chiron monster and how to navigate these milestone
Lynnette:transits without fear or anxiety.
Lynnette:Here we go.
Lynnette:Hi, Lucy.
Lynnette:Welcome to it's Astrological.
Lynnette:I'm so happy to talk to you because, well, first of all, we always
Lynnette:just have a blast and laugh the whole time, but we haven't caught up in a
Lynnette:while and you got some pretty major Astrological stuff coming up in your
Lynnette:life or have been living through it.
Lynnette:So I think it'll be interesting to talk about your Saturn return.
Lynnette:You have a solar return coming up.
Lynnette:You have a uranus trine that you probably haven't even thought about.
Lucy:No idea what that is.
Lynnette:So let's start with the basics.
Lynnette:Where in the world are you?
Lynnette:And what's your cultural background?
Lucy:I'm currently in Nashville, Tennessee in the United States,
Lucy:which I just learned that putting the us into that is like, it matters.
Lucy:It's very important.
Lucy:so I've been trying to work on that.
Lucy:And then, yeah, culturally, I am super Midwestern.
Lucy:I grew up in Ohio and I lived there for 22 years.
Lucy:Um, 18 of which like, obviously I was in school and then I stayed there for
Lucy:undergrad and then I just kind of started moving around the world after that.
Lucy:it's so funny.
Lucy:Like this question has been giving me so much, pause and thought.
Lucy:Cause I'm like, I don't know.
Lucy:It's so boring.
Lucy:Like I'm Midwestern.
Lucy:I have a family, like we're pretty normal.
Lucy:No one has done the like 23 and me stuff.
Lucy:Um, and it's just kind of like very like boring.
Lucy:Like, I, I guarantee you everyone, like down the line or back in time is
Lucy:probably like, just English or something.
Lucy:Like jobe my grandpa was like, comes from the Bible and I was like, what?
Lucy:No, I don't have ever read that.
Lucy:Um, and
Lynnette:you know that's my favorite translation.
Lynnette:Lucy and I both studied translation, so we both have that background.
Lucy:Which is my favorite thing to bring up when people talk about
Lucy:translation, I'm like, there's no way anyone lived inside of a whale.
Lucy:Like they got that preposition wrong.
Lucy:anyway, I was like, thinking about this question and I was
Lucy:telling my boyfriend about it.
Lucy:And I was like, I just dunno how to answer this because I'm just
Lucy:not like a, like a genealogist, I guess, or like into that stuff.
Lucy:And he was like, yeah, but.
Lucy:Imagine how boring it is for someone in like Norway to answer that question,
Lucy:because just like everyone is Norse, Norse, Norse, Norse, which sounds
Lucy:like snores if you say it that many times in a row, he's like, it's very
Lucy:cool that we live in a place where like, it doesn't go back that far.
Lucy:And I was like, wow, that's a very cool way of thinking about it.
Lucy:So anyway, I'm from Ohio.
Lynnette:But also but I think in a lot of ways, a lot of people
Lynnette:think that their upbringing is like boring or just normal or whatever.
Lynnette:But I think, you come from a family with lots of sisters, you're the oldest child.
Lynnette:You kind of went out on your like worldwide adventures and
Lynnette:that comes from somewhere right.
Lucy:For sure.
Lucy:The four sisters thing is really fun.
Lucy:I guess, four of us total.
Lucy:sometimes when I say.
Lucy:That people think I have, I have four sisters and there are five of us.
Lucy:And then I just kind of like, let people go with that idea, cuz I think it's fun.
Lucy:I'm like if you thought having three sisters was fun, what if I had four?
Lucy:Um, yeah, lots of like very cool energy in the house.
Lucy:Like all girls we're always like if we had a brother, we would probably
Lucy:like talk to boys better in our life.
Lucy:Um, but also like he would be so thrown off.
Lucy:Like he would just be like our fifth sister.
Lucy:Um, so yeah, lots of feminine energy, lots of like chatty communication.
Lucy:we're in touch all day long.
Lucy:Um, all of us and sometimes it'll be like a competition, like not, not like
Lucy:explicitly, but like, well I've talked to like one and two sisters today, so I might
Lucy:as well call the third and like make the full circuit, you know, sometimes you hear
Lucy:the same story from like three different perspectives, which is really fun.
Lucy:I'll be like, not, you know, everyone always says like, there's
Lucy:three sides to the story, like your side, my side and the truth.
Lucy:And I feel like I'm dealing with like a like hexagonal
Lucy:story when I talk to everyone.
Lucy:Cause it's like, there's like one sister, second sister, like
Lucy:what one sister said to mom.
Lucy:And then I talk to my mom and she'll be like, well, here's
Lucy:what I said to your sister.
Lucy:And I'm like that doesn't line up, like, what's this about?
Lucy:So yes, mm-hmm fragmented than others.
Lynnette:that makes sense.
Lynnette:, we met in grad school circa:Lynnette:through quite a few transitions, life changes, physical moves.
Lynnette:can you talk a little bit about your journey and what led you to where you are
Lynnette:in this lovely closet in Nashville today?
Lucy:so yeah, after grad school, um, I was not lucky enough to have secured a job
Lucy:a few months before graduation like you.
Lucy:so I kind of hung out in Monterey, California.
Lucy:That's where we were in school for quite a bit, probably like a
Lucy:summer, and then did end up getting a job that was in San Francisco.
Lucy:So I went up and I interviewed and I got the job and I accepted it cuz I had to I
Lucy:didn't have anything else going for me.
Lucy:And the day I accepted the job, I texted a friend from college
Lucy:who lived in San Francisco.
Lucy:And I was like, I just accepted a job.
Lucy:I'm moving here in a month.
Lucy:And she's like, one of our roommates is moving out in a month.
Lucy:You can move in.
Lucy:And I was like, oh my God, this is perfect.
Lucy:This like lines up.
Lucy:moved up to San Francisco in:Lucy:There was great.
Lucy:It was a good time.
Lucy:Obviously two year, two and a half years ago, you know,
Lucy:like the world went to flames.
Lucy:And during that time I was living in an apartment with two roommates.
Lucy:and after a while I was like, you know what?
Lucy:We're spending a lot of time together.
Lucy:I think I'm gonna go home for a little bit to Ohio, see my family.
Lucy:And we'll just kind of see what happens.
Lucy:So I went home to Ohio and, I ended up staying for like two months.
Lucy:And during those two months, I guess this part is also important.
Lucy:I started dating someone when I was in San Francisco and he moved
Lucy:to Tennessee, in:Lucy:And we were just kinda like, we're gonna see what happens.
Lucy:Like we're gonna be long distance or we're, we're not,
Lucy:we're gonna figure this out.
Lucy:So it was just easier to be on one side of the country during COVID.
Lucy:So I was in Ohio and then I would come down to Tennessee to see him.
Lucy:And then I got tired of my parents and staying at their house during COVID.
Lucy:So then I came and stayed with him and we're like, we're gonna make this work.
Lucy:So over a span of like six weeks, I figured out how, how I was
Lucy:gonna leave San Francisco, what I was gonna do in Nashville.
Lucy:and it just kind of like happened.
Lucy:It unfolded.
Lucy:So I went back to San Francisco, I sold everything that didn't fit in my car.
Lucy:And then I took a long road trip for like four months.
Lucy:And I went to Arizona and Utah and New Mexico and just like drove around to see
Lucy:parts of the world that I hadn't seen.
Lucy:like growing up in the Midwest, I was super lucky to travel a
Lucy:lot, but I hadn't done a lot of the Southwest, so it was nice.
Lucy:And one of my sisters was moving to Arizona at that time.
Lucy:So it all just kinda like worked out.
Lucy:and then I finally got to Nashville after like four months on the
Lucy:road and then, yeah, I ended up in Nashville and I have been here, with
Lucy:my boyfriend, Joseph ever since.
Lucy:so it's been like over the past few years, I've lived in, I don't
Lucy:know, three, four different places.
Lucy:And it's very interesting to settle down now and to not have like a
Lucy:next step in mind, like I'm just in Nashville and I move really fast and
Lucy:I'm always like, what's coming up next.
Lucy:And right now I don't know what that is.
Lucy:And so sitting with that and just being like comfortable being
Lucy:stagnant is I see it as stagnant.
Lucy:That's probably not the word for it.
Lucy:The word is probably settled, but that's new to me.
Lucy:And so I'm trying to figure out what that means.
Lynnette:Well, yeah, I mean, we've talked well, you've talked a lot about
Lynnette:your moving across the us and traveling within the us, but before I met you, you
Lynnette:lived abroad, you've traveled extensively.
Lynnette:So can you tell us a little bit about that?
Lucy:When I was in college, I went to Chile for a little semester, abroad, loved it.
Lucy:Um, it was a perfect time of life.
Lucy:It's where I really learned how much I loved being outside.
Lucy:I was never an outdoor cat.
Lucy:And then I went there and I was with a lot of like just hippie kids.
Lucy:and we would just go outside all the time.
Lucy:We would hang out at the beach, cuz I lived in viña del mar, valparaiso.
Lucy:So just like coastal city, like an hour and a half away from Santiago.
Lucy:And so we were just outside all the time and I was like, this is so nice.
Lucy:This is so fulfilling.
Lucy:And then I came back to school after that semester and.
Lucy:I didn't notice a change in me, but a lot of my friends did.
Lucy:They're like, you're so chilled out, like, and you have a great tan.
Lucy:And I was like, well, that was the pro I'm going to like the Southern
Lucy:hemisphere during the winter.
Lucy:what's up.
Lucy:And I was like, I don't know.
Lucy:I'm just like, I just feel better.
Lucy:So I don't really know like what happened there.
Lucy:And then I came back, finished school, and while I was waiting to
Lucy:get into that fateful grad school, I went and lived in Madrid for a
Lucy:year and I was an English teacher.
Lynnette:I love that.
Lynnette:we're 10 years apart in age.
Lynnette:And I
Lucy:something I didn't know for a long time,
Lynnette:what do you mean?
Lucy:I always thought, like you were like two or three years older than me.
Lucy:Not all, not always, not always, but like when we were gonna SoulCycle that first
Lucy:time and you told me how old you were.
Lucy:I was.
Lucy:Oh, my, like, I was like 23 at the time and I was thinking you
Lucy:were like 26 and then you weren't.
Lynnette:and then I wasn't you're right.
Lynnette:I wasn't Yeah.
Lynnette:And I think you've just done so much.
Lynnette:In, you know, you're 10 years less than I have under my belt.
Lynnette:I'm thinking in Spanish how many years I have.
Lynnette:and I think it's just so incredible that you have jumped into those adventures
Lynnette:and you just like grab life by the horns and, you know, just do things.
Lynnette:And we are very opposite in that way.
Lynnette:I think that's one of the things that we learned in grad school.
Lynnette:but that makes sense to hear that you're like, Ooh, this is kinda weird
Lynnette:to not have the next thing planned or like the next adventure waiting for
Lynnette:me, or like I'm just in Nashville.
Lynnette:and that's what's happening.
Lynnette:So I think that that must be a pretty big change for you because
Lynnette:you've just kind of been going and going and going ever since school.
Lucy:Yeah, I have, and it, it is a big change and it's definitely just like so
Lucy:new and weird, and it's really hard to like have grace with myself about it.
Lucy:but you know, like I could tell anyone else in my situation,
Lucy:like, yeah, you're chill.
Lucy:Like just hang out, do your thing.
Lucy:But like, we are our own biggest critics and all of that.
Lucy:So, yeah, I mean, trying to find even footing has been extremely
Lucy:strange in the past, year or so.
Lynnette:well, speaking of the last year,
Lynnette:start Digg into Astro stuff, so we can
Lynnette:to start to
Lucy:a topical
Lynnette:everything that you're going through.
Lynnette:UN that's not even a word,
Lynnette:so we can talk about everything that's going with you.
Lynnette:You are turning.
Lynnette:So you are turning 30,
Lynnette:for everyone who didn't know how old I was you can do the math . and so
Lynnette:when we're talking about astrology, 28 29.
Lynnette:And is when we start talking about the Saturn return and what that means.
Lynnette:And is it hard?
Lynnette:Is it not?
Lynnette:So we will dive into that in a minute, but first, since it's Astrological,
Lynnette:do you know your Sun, Moon and rising?
Lynnette:And if so, what are they,
Lucy:I do.
Lucy:I'm a Leo Sun and I have a tattoo of a Sun on my person in case I ever forget that.
Lucy:Um, then I am a Sag Moon and Libra rising.
Lynnette:and how do you feel about those?
Lynnette:Like, does one resonate with you more
Lucy:I, I go back and forth on the Leo thing a lot and I think.
Lucy:I don't think I'm like boldly a Leo.
Lucy:Like if I met you for the first time at a party, you would be like, totally a leo.
Lucy:Like, I'm not great at like the new environment, but established
Lucy:environments a hundred percent, shaking the mane and you know, like
Lucy:being personable and loud and like loving attention, like yeah, for sure.
Lucy:That's me, but it's definitely, that's the part of a Leo that I don't necessarily
Lucy:think matches me because like a trader Joe's person, for example, how much we
Lucy:love the store, they would probably not be like, she's a Leo, but I do think like all
Lucy:trader Joe's people are probably Leo's.
Lucy:Um, so, anyway, there's that, Libra rising.
Lucy:I get that a lot.
Lucy:the whole like harmony between groups and people, that's really huge.
Lucy:I think that is reflected a lot.
Lucy:And also just kind of like my upbringing being the oldest of a bunch of girls.
Lucy:and also just having, like, I have a pretty spread out social network.
Lucy:like here, one way that's manifesting is for my 30th birthday, I'm having 10, 11
Lucy:friends come to Mexico to celebrate me.
Lucy:So I am a Leo.
Lucy:but they're all from different parts of my life.
Lucy:And so a lot of these people don't know each other and have never met.
Lucy:And so I'm like excited for that to happen.
Lucy:And I'm excited for those personalities to all come together.
Lucy:So I think that's very like Libra, and then Sag Moon, just like
Lucy:the traveler and the adventurer, and that's 100% me as well.
Lynnette:I find it very interesting that your, You have a Leo stellium.
Lynnette:So I know in your intake form, you were like, like, Leo, what, what is this?
Lynnette:How do I resonate with it?
Lynnette:And you have a lot of Leo in your chart.
Lynnette:What I thought was super interesting because I believe the word you use
Lynnette:was curse the curse of not feeling like the curse of not feeling like
Lynnette:Leo or something to that effect.
Lynnette:And your sun and your Chiron are three degrees apart in Leo, in your 11th house.
Lynnette:So first of all, 11th house is friends, acquaintances, kind of that social aspect.
Lynnette:So I think that ties in really nicely into everything that you were
Lynnette:talking about with your Libra rising.
Lynnette:But I think when I saw it this morning, I was like, oh, that's so funny
Lynnette:that she used the word curse because your identity, your sun is really
Lynnette:tied into your Chiron and Chiron is.
Lynnette:Our wounds, our trauma of that stuff, but it's also where we heal
Lynnette:ourselves and where we heal others.
Lynnette:it's about teaching and mastery and, a lot of other things that people
Lynnette:don't associate with it because we always think of the scary stuff.
Lynnette:but when I saw curse that kind of aligned with Chiron for me, because they're
Lynnette:just that energy is inextricable from each other, like your sun and your
Lynnette:Chiron, like you are very connected to those ideas or those wounds that
Lynnette:you're working through or whatever.
Lynnette:so that, to me explains to some extent why maybe you're like,
Lynnette:what is this curse of Leo?
Lynnette:Like, why do I, this, why, why do I struggle maybe with feeling that
Lynnette:identity of my sun your, your Chiron and your sun are inextricably related.
Lynnette:And so for you, I think that's really important information because all that
Lynnette:means is that number one, you have work to do with what it means to be a Leo.
Lynnette:and that's just your chart.
Lynnette:That's who you are.
Lynnette:So for you to be questioning it or to be skeptical or.
Lynnette:um, bothered by it.
Lynnette:guess for lack of a better word is normal because chiron is asking you to actually
Lynnette:dig into that, to understand it, to work through it so that you can then, I mean,
Lynnette:to use Leo term, like shine your light to help other people to heal themselves.
Lynnette:Now, the other thing you have in your chart is Mercury
Lynnette:in Leo and it's retrograde.
Lynnette:So for you to be so, like, what's the word I'm looking for?
Lynnette:not confused, not uncomfortable, questioning maybe
Lynnette:. Yeah,
Lynnette:just to, to be like, What is Leo?
Lynnette:Like, how do I connect to this?
Lynnette:I think your Mercury retrograde is also inviting you to turn inward and
Lynnette:be like, what does Leo mean to me?
Lynnette:to reflect on your thoughts and to reflect on how you're communicating to
Lynnette:yourself about what Leo means to you.
Lynnette:So you have all of this energy, that's really like you're right.
Lynnette:Where you need to be.
Lynnette:Like your planets are telling you to investigate, to understand, to
Lynnette:question, to do all of those things.
Lynnette:So I will say not a curse.
Lynnette:There is no, no curse with anyone's sign.
Lynnette:Like you are born into the chart that you have for a reason.
Lynnette:And obviously we learn from it, we grow into it and all of those things
Lynnette:with those placements, but really this is just a gift energetically in your
Lynnette:chart for you to understand, learn.
Lynnette:And I think it also goes back to the stereotypes about signs, right?
Lynnette:Like, so you were talking Gemini in your form and all of
Lynnette:that stuff.
Lynnette:And in a couple of episodes, I've talked about Scorpio, I think is
Lynnette:the first sign that gets stereotyped and often very negatively.
Lynnette:And I think my whole episode with Anoush was about how to,
Lynnette:like, we shouldn't do that.
Lynnette:Um, I think Leo is probably the second most stereotype sign because people just
Lynnette:think like, tada like I'm a rockstar.
Lynnette:I wanna be on stage.
Lynnette:Like that's what people think Leos are like, they're like showoffs and dramatic.
Lynnette:And then Gemini, I would say is probably third on the list just because
Lynnette:I dunno people, I, I never heard that, but it's, it's like a thing,
Lynnette:like I'm slowly learning that people are like, oh, you're like two faced.
Lynnette:Or like, whatever.
Lynnette:I don't know.
Lynnette:Like I
Lynnette:, Lucy: yeah,
Lynnette:I don't buy into the stereotypes.
Lucy:it's so weird because like, like the whole, like dualities of the
Lucy:signs, I guess, like there, something that is so interesting to me is like,
Lucy:I will meet someone and be like, Okay.
Lucy:Like, you're a Virgo.
Lucy:Like, yeah, you totally fit Virgo.
Lucy:Like that is it.
Lucy:And then I'll meet another person who has like, if I know they're a Virgo, but
Lucy:I see them having the like, perceived like negative stereotypes of a Virgo.
Lucy:I'm like, man, like, I wish you were born in another time.
Lucy:You know that, like, I feel like another sign would fit you better.
Lucy:Not that I'm the one out here, calling the Astrological shots.
Lucy:But I do think like, yeah, there are people in my life
Lucy:where I'm like, okay, awesome.
Lucy:This sign is you.
Lucy:We got this.
Lucy:And then there are people who have that same sign where I'm like, oh, restart.
Lucy:Like, you know that one's it's, it's just tricky, but
Lynnette:But also we are, our entire charts.
Lynnette:So like astrology hasn't even been a thing for more than like 50 years.
Lynnette:and it was just pop culture.
Lynnette:Like someone was like, I'm gonna sell more newspapers by selling horoscopes.
Lynnette:So the fact that we are so like, as a society, currently ingrained
Lynnette:to be like, oh, you're this, you're that astrologically.
Lynnette:Like, if someone is like, guess my sign, I'm like, no, like I,
Lynnette:you could be so many things.
Lynnette:I need to see your whole chart.
Lynnette:oftentimes for me, it's easy to see like, oh, you have a lot of Leo energy
Lynnette:in your chart, or you have a lot of Virgo energy in your chart, but I'm
Lynnette:not gonna be able to tell you, is that your Sun is that you're rising?
Lynnette:Is that you're Midheaven is that, you know, like there's so many ways
Lynnette:that the energy can express that.
Lynnette:I think that's something else for you with your.
Lynnette:Leoness and like, all of the things you're working through is like, what
Lynnette:parts of your chart do you resonate with?
Lynnette:And is that something that you can lean on to better understand that Leo side of you?
Lynnette:So Lucy, after that big speech I just gave, tell me a little more about
Lynnette:your It's Astrological background and kind of what you think of astrology in general.
Lucy:I think I started to take astrology seriously, probably when I met you,
Lucy:because beforehand I just kinda like knew my sun and was like, whatever.
Lucy:and I think there were a lot of like special things that coincided, with
Lucy:you just kind of like talking about it, like in general, about like what was
Lucy:going on with the Moon or like the time we had to Google, where is the Moon?
Lucy:Because it was so cloudy if we couldn't find it.
Lucy:Um, so that's why, like, I could just sort of picking up like little
Lucy:things here and there from you.
Lucy:And you would just like talk about it a lot.
Lucy:And I was like, oh, this is kind of cool stuff.
Lucy:and then right around that time is when I got pretty serious into yoga as well.
Lucy:And there are, I think a lot of crossovers, especially just like element
Lucy:wise, like a lot of like fire or water.
Lucy:so I kind of started to like, draw those connections, between like the elements
Lucy:and the stars, which was really cool.
Lucy:And then, yeah, I mean, you were like my go to astrologer for like a long
Lucy:time or more like my crisis astrologer.
Lucy:I mean, like today's a bad day what's happening in the stars.
Lucy:and then I decided to, I guess, like widen my intake.
Lucy:So I started following a bunch of astrologers on Instagram and
Lucy:then moving to San Francisco.
Lucy:I mean, like, you know, you don't live in San Francisco unless
Lucy:you have an astrologer, right?
Lucy:Like it's just like part of like the, the idea there.
Lucy:So I continued my yoga, a lot up there.
Lucy:I ended up going through yoga teacher training and one of my
Lucy:favorite teachers at my studio, she was super into astrology as well.
Lucy:And I went to her at one point because I was getting really bored
Lucy:with yoga and I hated that feeling because I was like, I love this.
Lucy:I love coming here.
Lucy:But like, for some reason, like I'm just bored.
Lucy:And like, I was taking a variety of classes with a variety of teachers.
Lucy:And so she and I sat down and she kind of gave me like, okay, well here
Lucy:are like the eight limbs of yoga.
Lucy:And here, here are different ways to think about your practice.
Lucy:And in this just like one hour meeting, I was like, oh, I
Lucy:have so much more knowledge.
Lucy:I'm so excited to go back into the studio and practice all
Lucy:of these things she gave me.
Lucy:And that's what led me to take my teacher training.
Lucy:so yeah, between.
Lucy:My other astrologer in San Francisco, Lucia, and you, I just kind of kept it up.
Lucy:And then I was just telling everyone I knew about it to the point where like
Lucy:one year for my birthday, I got like four astrology books from different friends.
Lucy:they would just like flip through it at like house parties and stuff, and be
Lucy:like, I'm this I'm that da, da, da, and like take pictures and like send it to
Lucy:their boyfriends and be like, you know, this is what it has to say about like,
Lucy:what part of the body is best for like a taurus, like all of these things.
Lucy:So it just kind of like, I, yeah, that, that's how it all happened.
Lucy:Just a lot at once.
Lynnette:with where you are in your journey now, and it sounds like it was
Lynnette:super impactful for you when it came to yoga and kind of connecting the dots.
Lynnette:what parts of astrology are you still skeptical about?
Lynnette:Or do you wanna learn more about.
Lucy:oh, I think, I mean, Chiron definitely like is a flag for me.
Lucy:Um, and I think probably because because of the associations with like trauma
Lucy:and like wounds and stuff like that, and especially knowing like how close
Lucy:it is to like, cuz it's in Leo and so close, like, Ugh, that, that part
Lucy:just like kind of like, oh, scares me.
Lucy:Like I don't stay up at night thinking about it.
Lucy:I know it's like the Chiron monster is not like underneath my bed.
Lucy:Um, I don't even know what Chiron looks like.
Lucy:I mean like, is there a shape or like an animal or like a, a being like
Lucy:What is it?
Lynnette:was one of, I don't remember the name.
Lynnette:He was like half, man, half horse, I think.
Lynnette:And I'm horrible at retelling Greek mythology, but I will
Lynnette:just give you the cliffs notes.
Lynnette:Bad version.
Lynnette:So he was the like master healer in the forest or wherever he lived.
Lynnette:And so he knew how to like make herbal things and help people
Lynnette:and teach them how to do it.
Lynnette:And he was, immortal.
Lynnette:So at one point he got like shot with an arrow or something and to
Lynnette:anybody else they would've died.
Lynnette:But because he was immortal, just suffer this pain for every day, like forever.
Lynnette:And so he was like, please Zeus, whomever.
Lynnette:like, please like, let me just move on because I don't,
Lynnette:this is no fun for anybody.
Lynnette:And so he did, and then he was placed in the heavens, but that's
Lynnette:why, like, I think the part that gets overlooked is his mastery of
Lynnette:teaching and his gifts of healing.
Lynnette:And I think everyone always thinks about like the wound itself.
Lynnette:but the lessons that he learned and the lessons that he.
Lynnette:shared with other people as kind of this, master teacher or, guide
Lynnette:or whatever you wanna call him are really what people overlook in terms
Lynnette:of when you actually face that wound.
Lynnette:And you, first of all, realize what it is.
Lynnette:Maybe cuz sometimes that stuff is buried deep down.
Lynnette:and you bring it up and you look at it and you're like, okay, I'm gonna have a plan.
Lynnette:I'm gonna actually like learn to embrace this and work with this.
Lynnette:there's something on the other side, like not to get all Leo, but like
Lynnette:you get to be a star at the end.
Lynnette:Like , you know, Chiron became a constellation.
Lynnette:And so I think, that healing aspect, we might be so afraid of that Chiron
Lynnette:monster, as you said, that we.
Lynnette:Hide away from it, or we don't wanna look at it, but that actually in some
Lynnette:ways ties into the Saturn return,
Lynnette:because with both of those, the less you acknowledge it, the less you
Lynnette:engage with these things, the scarier they get for lack of a better word.
Lynnette:and so you take your time, you work in baby steps, you do what you need
Lynnette:to do to, to manage it energetically.
Lynnette:but these are both things that you're not going to be able to just ignore
Lynnette:and shove under the rug for eternity.
Lynnette:Like the more you ignore them, the bigger they're gonna get
Lucy:Mm, yeah.
Lucy:It's like hairballs
Lynnette:Just like that.
Lucy:or like dust bunnies hair in the shower.
Lucy:Um, yeah.
Lucy:So yeah, riddle me more about Saturn return, because I know I'm like in the
Lucy:sweet spot and like I was telling you yesterday, I went to go find the last
Lucy:recording I had about my Saturn return.
Lucy:It was missing from the internet.
Lucy:I went to my storage unit to go grab the journal that it was written in.
Lucy:Cuz I knew exactly which journal.
Lucy:And then it was like everything that could have been on top of
Lucy:the box, where it was was there.
Lucy:And my storage unit is really tightly packed and I was like scampering
Lucy:around like a little mouse, like on my couch, like just wearing my socks.
Lucy:Cause I didn't wanna get my shoes and everything.
Lucy:And then I was like, you know what, I'm essentially going to
Lucy:like Astrological refresh tomorrow.
Lucy:So with that in mind, Saturn return.
Lynnette:Saturn return.
Lynnette:So basics.
Lynnette:All that means is that Saturn is coming back to the same place
Lynnette:in the sky, as it was when you were born, Saturn's a slow mover.
Lynnette:I can relate.
Lynnette:So takes him about 28 and a half to 29 years to come back to that spot.
Lynnette:Saturn represents our maturity, our responsibilities, our
Lynnette:structure, our foundation in life.
Lynnette:So when we're talking about 28, 29, 30 years old, we're not kids anymore.
Lynnette:And Saturn is reminding us of that.
Lynnette:And it's part of a series of planetary returns and aspects that
Lynnette:is really setting us up for midlife.
Lynnette:So there's a whole series of your Saturn return.
Lynnette:Your Uranus trine that happened around the time between 28 and 30,
Lynnette:and then it evolves back to your Uranus opposition and then ultimately
Lynnette:to your Chiron return around 50.
Lynnette:So you are like.
Lynnette:Premo spot to actually start setting yourself up for success
Lynnette:and growth to actually be prepared for the next 20 years of your life.
Lynnette:Not in a like high pressure way at all, but I think just knowing that
Lynnette:these kind of milestone transits are coming up, they're once in a
Lynnette:lifetime transits, they would happen whether you knew about them or not.
Lynnette:And you would feel the effects of them, whether you knew about them or not.
Lynnette:What is so helpful about astrology is that knowing about them, at least
Lynnette:allows you the context to be like, okay, my Saturn return is coming up.
Lynnette:Saturn is like the, the father of the planets.
Lucy:Daddy energy?
Lynnette:Yeah, kind of but like, not like, not like Andy Cohen but
Lynnette:like, like standing in the corner, telling you to be a responsible adult.
Lynnette:And if you do something that aligns with that Saturnian energy of being mature
Lynnette:and all of that stuff, he'll just give you an approving nod from the corner,
Lynnette:but he is not gonna like give you round of applause and congratulate you and
Lynnette:tell you what a great job you're doing.
Lynnette:Saturn's goal is for you to build that solid foundation so that
Lynnette:you can be responsible adult.
Lynnette:So a lot of people think that adulthood starts maybe at 18, maybe at 21, 25.
Lynnette:I don't know what ages, but that 28 to 30 period is really
Lynnette:critical in, in a lot of ways to.
Lynnette:Set the stage, not only for your next Saturn return portion until you're 60,
Lynnette:but it's like, okay, I've pretty much mastered this physical plane, right.
Lynnette:You probably have a job.
Lynnette:Um, you know, what you wanna do?
Lynnette:You may or may not be in a relationship you may or may not
Lynnette:be thinking about taking that relationship, to the next level.
Lynnette:You may have kids, you probably have sorted out family stuff.
Lynnette:you are, hopefully by this time kind of foundationally grounded, and then that's
Lynnette:leading you into, okay, I'm an adult now, what does that adult look like?
Lynnette:how do I take care of myself?
Lynnette:how do I become the adult that I thought I would become maybe
Lynnette:when I was in my twenties?
Lynnette:so We as a society, put a lot of pressure on ourselves to figure out what we're
Lynnette:gonna do after college or after high school, or like all of these things.
Lynnette:But our twenties truly are the time for us to experiment, work our way
Lynnette:toward that maturity, that Saturn brings around the Saturn return.
Lynnette:And then we're able to use your word kind of settle and,
Lynnette:just officially be a grownup.
Lynnette:I can't think of another, another, like phrase to it, but going back to what
Lynnette:we said, like the key and why people have so much like mystique or anxiety
Lynnette:or insert word here about your Saturn return is because as much as Saturn is
Lynnette:gonna nod at you in the corner and say like, good job, he's also going to.
Lynnette:Maybe start gently, like putting you back on your course to be
Lynnette:more mature, to be an adult.
Lynnette:But if you continue to not listen, if you continue to not take that
Lynnette:responsibility, those gentle nudges are gonna become harder, more challenging.
Lynnette:and if needed, he can turn your world upside down, like he can
Lynnette:just blow it all up and be like, you're not taking responsibility.
Lynnette:So I'm putting this in your lap so that you're kind of forced to embrace
Lynnette:the structure, embrace the maturity, and let your old ways be in the past.
Lucy:I'm ready for that.
Lynnette:Well, yours already happened.
Lucy:I guess like the, maybe I'm feeling okay.
Lucy:Is there like a, um, you know, like when Mercury goes retro, but then it stops
Lucy:feel like it's not back to normal for like a little bit like a bounce back time.
Lucy:I know there's like a astrology word for it.
Lucy:Is there like a bounce back time for, for Saturn return?
Lynnette:Yeah, your Saturn return.
Lynnette:You have one kind of Saturn return.
Lynnette:other people have another kind.
Lynnette:So because all of the planets go retrograde, a lot of people's Saturn
Lynnette:return will, happen three times.
Lynnette:So Saturn will cross over the point where your natal Saturn is, and
Lynnette:then he'll go backwards back over it and then he'll go forwards again.
Lynnette:And in some ways that's nice because you just like you work
Lynnette:with any other retrograde.
Lynnette:You're like, oh, the first time is telling me what I need to work on.
Lynnette:The second time is time for me to make my plan.
Lynnette:The third time is for me to put my plan in action.
Lynnette:for you, you only had once so you kinda get all of that at once.
Lynnette:So great.
Lynnette:Your official Saturn return was January.
Lynnette:28th of this year.
Lynnette:So I don't know what was going on for you, but anytime we're talking about these
Lynnette:outer planets, because they move more slowly, you feel the effects of it for a
Lynnette:while before that day actually happens.
Lynnette:And then they kind of ease out.
Lynnette:So with Saturn return, you can feel it, for up to three years, really.
Lynnette:I mean, as that energy builds and as it decreases.
Lynnette:And so when you're talking about all of the shifts and transitions
Lynnette:and decisions that you had to make, right, like Saturn, every time he
Lynnette:gives you a choice to make, you're like, okay, am I gonna be responsible?
Lynnette:Or am I gonna like, stay with my old ways?
Lynnette:And so you've, you've had a lot of opportunities to
Lynnette:um, which path you're taking.
Lucy:I feel like I need to get my line a day and like, see what
Lucy:was happening on, on the 20 should
Lucy:I'm looking at my line a day at January 28th.
Lucy:There's a chance.
Lucy:This is gonna have to be edited out oh, okay.
Lucy:This is like a good one.
Lucy:Like, sorry, not good.
Lucy:This is one that like, I would feel comfortable sharing with listeners.
Lucy:How about that?
Lucy:finally made it to Friday and paid for a nine dollar dirty chai to celebrate.
Lynnette:How responsible you!
Lynnette:to, like, be aware.
Lucy:Of work, but also lots of focus for a Friday dinner and
Lucy:cozy couch time with Joseph.
Lynnette:That sounds like you have returned.
Lucy:I have returned.
Lucy:I like that.
Lynnette:That sounds very adult.
Lucy:I I'm sure it felt very adult, you know, waiting
Lucy:until payday to like indulge.
Lucy:That's crazy.
Lynnette:very grown up.
Lynnette:the other thing is you have a natal retrograde Saturn, and, for those
Lynnette:of us, cuz we have a lot of similar retrograde planets in our chart
Lynnette:that is often late bloomer energy.
Lynnette:So it can take us longer to kind of externalize those energies, with
Lynnette:Saturn being retrograde, oftentimes.
Lynnette:It can be maybe a struggle with responsibility or you
Lynnette:feel overly responsible.
Lynnette:It's hard to, kind of separate your inner self, your inner workings, your thoughts
Lynnette:from that level of responsibility.
Lynnette:and I think that oftentimes gives people the ability to maybe process their
Lynnette:Saturn return a little bit easier.
Lynnette:only because you're already used to like internalizing the saturnian work.
Lynnette:You're already used to processing it in your thoughts and thinking about what your
Lynnette:plan is gonna be, what your next step is gonna be, what you're responsible for.
Lynnette:Everyone's Saturn is different.
Lynnette:There are no generalizations when it comes to astrology, but I think
Lynnette:for you having that natal, Saturn retrograde could potentially make
Lynnette:it easier for you to navigate.
Lynnette:And then your Saturn is also in Aquarius and in traditional astrology,
Lynnette:Aquarius is ruled by Saturn.
Lynnette:So your Saturn is fairly happy.
Lynnette:which means that that's just another, like additional layer of ease, or the
Lynnette:ability to, to flow with that energy.
Lucy:I like that.
Lucy:I feel confident with that, that checks out.
Lucy:I think the responsibility thing is super interesting because.
Lucy:I mean, I don't think I'm unique in this mindset that there are some days or even
Lucy:weeks when I'm like, I am so responsible.
Lucy:Like I have made so much food and the fridge is full and all is well.
Lucy:And then there are days where it's like, yeah, I had a meeting at nine
Lucy:and I got up at 8 55 and then like, who knows when I brushed my teeth today.
Lucy:And it sounds like it's gonna be takeout for like two or three meals a day.
Lucy:Um, and then we'll just figure it out and like, you know, so I think like
Lucy:that's something that I feel that like, at least I know the difference.
Lucy:like, I feel very comfortable with that of being like, they're gonna be
Lucy:on days, they're gonna be off days.
Lucy:And I think similar to this whole idea of like, settling, like I've
Lucy:learned that like I need the off days.
Lucy:because like, I can't like living every day.
Lucy:Like by the standards I've set for myself is not sustainable.
Lucy:So like the idea of taking a day to rest or like sleep in.
Lucy:or like sit down or like log less than like, you know, 200 steps.
Lucy:that's extremely foreign to me.
Lucy:I never let it happen.
Lucy:I'm working on getting better at doing it.
Lucy:but it's learning to slow down cuz I haven't and in so long and being okay
Lucy:with it and being like, it's a good thing.
Lucy:It's okay.
Lucy:Like sitting down is not necessarily a bad thing.
Lynnette:well, and that is.
Lynnette:Also very mature of you, right.
Lynnette:To have that self-awareness to acknowledge that we can't be on all the time.
Lynnette:and then creating space.
Lynnette:The other thing that's interesting in your chart is your Saturn is
Lynnette:opposite that Leo trine so you have a natural tension between wanting
Lynnette:this control responsibility, focus, foundation, all of that stuff.
Lynnette:And between dealing with your Chiron stuff.
Lynnette:that Sun in Leo, like wanting to have fun, wanting to spend time with friends,
Lynnette:like working on your hopes and dreams, cuz that's all 11th house stuff.
Lynnette:So I always say with an opposition, it's technically I'm putting this in quotes,
Lynnette:a challenging aspect in astrology, but I think, the way to think about it is,
Lynnette:you're in a house, someone knocks on the front door, someone knocks on the
Lynnette:back door and you freeze in the middle.
Lynnette:Like I think that's what happens a lot of times with oppositions.
Lynnette:Like, ah, I can't.
Lynnette:Talk to my identity or my responsibility.
Lynnette:I'm just frozen.
Lynnette:Like, I don't wanna do anything.
Lynnette:I just like, how can I answer both doors at once?
Lynnette:And the answer is you can't, it's impossible.
Lynnette:You cannot clone yourself and open both doors at once, but you can open the
Lynnette:back door first and say, hello, Saturn.
Lynnette:Like let's focus on our routine and our stability.
Lynnette:And then you can say, come on in, have a seat, I'll grab you tea and then go
Lynnette:answer the front door and be like, Hey, I'm gonna hang out with my friends.
Lynnette:I'm going to be a Leo like blah insert thing here.
Lynnette:So oppositions are inherently connected.
Lynnette:Like the energy in your chart is intrinsic.
Lynnette:It's just like your son and your Chiron.
Lynnette:It's who you are.
Lynnette:It's the energy that you were born with.
Lynnette:and we can sometimes interpret that as.
Lynnette:I can't do this, or it's, I'm being pulled in too many directions, but
Lynnette:you also have that innate ability to say, okay, I'm making a choice.
Lynnette:And today I'm choosing this or this hour, I'm choosing this or
Lynnette:this minute I'm choosing this
Lynnette:the next time I'm answering the other.
Lucy:yeah, definitely still in the, like choosing it by minute stage.
Lucy:but that's, you know, it's kind of nice and like, I think my, I know my freeze
Lucy:time between opening those two doors, like it's definitely, it's feeling less
Lucy:frozen and just kind of more like, Maybe still like a slushie, like we're not
Lucy:dealing with like full ice right now.
Lucy:Maybe we're at like the frosé stage, um, of me too.
Lucy:Me too.
Lucy:Um, so it's been, yeah, I think that time it's, it's just like seeing it, right.
Lucy:It's like knowing that the option is there and like, not like,
Lucy:you know, forcing anything.
Lucy:And I think dude, that's like all of astrology, you know,
Lucy:it's like, you can't force it.
Lucy:Just like, let it happen.
Lucy:And here I need to take my own advice.
Lucy:Be like, you don't have to be like a Leo all the time or like lean into
Lucy:that just because that's your sun.
Lucy:Cuz obviously it's like more than that.
Lucy:And so I think, yeah, maybe in astrology books, like I'll start
Lucy:reading more than just the Leo parts,
Lynnette:I mean, in your horoscope, let's see, you were born,
Lynnette:you were born during the day.
Lynnette:So, since you were born during the day, you would read your rising sign
Lynnette:first, actually, and then your Sun sign and then your Moon sign, and then
Lynnette:people who were born at night would read rising Moon and then Sun sign.
Lucy:I like that.
Lynnette:And they're all just layers.
Lynnette:So like it's all just different energies and, you know, horoscopes are, are
Lynnette:their own topic of conversation in their accuracy and how we work with them.
Lynnette:but it's, it's all information and it's all gonna relate to your chart.
Lucy:Mm-hmm true.
Lynnette:So one other thing that I briefly touched on at the beginning
Lynnette:is that the same time as our Saturn return or a little bit before
Lynnette:we also have the Uranus trine.
Lynnette:So Uranus is coming into an angle with your natal Uranus placement.
Lynnette:that's called a trine and that's a flowing harm, harmonious energy.
Lynnette:We love this, but what we've experienced over the past couple of years is highly
Lynnette:tied to a Saturn Uranus, placement, like in the sky, in the world.
Lynnette:And that's where we're seeing a lot of this like old versus new,
Lynnette:the division between structure and freedom or like rules and whatever.
Lynnette:And what happens around this 28, 29 30 is the Saturn return is like, Hey.
Lynnette:Time to be responsible time to be a grown up, but Uranus is coming
Lynnette:in saying like, Hey freedom.
Lynnette:Like who are we gonna be next?
Lynnette:how do we wanna express ourselves?
Lynnette:so it's almost, it's this very interesting dichotomy of being like, okay, I'm
Lynnette:breaking away from maybe my parents or my.
Lynnette:Young adulthood or whatever.
Lynnette:And I want to express myself in this certain way, because Uranus is
Lynnette:all about authentic self expression and putting yourself out there.
Lynnette:And so that kind of sets the stage for you to be like, who do I wanna be?
Lynnette:Where do I wanna go?
Lynnette:What do I wanna break free from?
Lynnette:And then you have Saturn coming in and in the best case scenario, Saturn's like,
Lynnette:okay, let's put the plan in place so that you can express yourself in this way,
Lynnette:or you can build the life that you're envisioning, but in kind of the shadow
Lynnette:expression of that, you get that really strong conflict between those two pieces.
Lynnette:and so it can be very much kind of the opposition energy that
Lynnette:we were just talking about.
Lynnette:But again, I think just knowing that you have this piece that happens when
Lynnette:you're around 28, and then you have this piece that happens when you're around
Lynnette:29, Can help you work with the energies and identify where do I wanna break free?
Lynnette:And then how do I wanna set the stage for myself to be able
Lynnette:to actually become the adult?
Lynnette:I've always wanted to be.
Lucy:I feel that I definitely, I think that's something I've talked like ad
Lucy:nauseam about with my therapist as well.
Lucy:just kind of like, And I also think geographically, like, there's
Lucy:something to be said about moving back to this side of the country,
Lucy:cuz I was in California for years.
Lucy:And so even moving back to be closer to where I grew up, where my parents
Lucy:are, where you know, my sisters and I don't all live there right now,
Lucy:but you know, we all like descend upon this side of the country.
Lucy:there's a lot of I just feel it, like, I feel like more of the tension
Lucy:being closer and it's almost like before I was, so I was far enough
Lucy:away where like, it was kind of like, oh, like out of sight, out of mind.
Lucy:And now there's a little bit more insight, but also like, I think
Lucy:I have better foresight now.
Lucy:So yeah.
Lucy:I mean, you know, not like an original thought about growing up, but it's
Lucy:definitely like the geographical change has very much highlighted that for me.
Lynnette:we all have our own thoughts and opinions about what growing up is
Lynnette:gonna look like and what turning 30 is gonna look like or 40 or whatever.
Lynnette:But it doesn't mean anything be until it actually happens.
Lynnette:like until you actually work with that energy and experience it yourself.
Lynnette:So I think that makes sense.
Lucy:It does
Lynnette:well, I'm ready for not so rapid fire questions.
Lynnette:there anything else you wanna talk about with regard to
Lynnette:your returns or anything else?
Lucy:I'm ready.
Lucy:Rapid go.
Lynnette:Not so rapid.
Lynnette:Don't tell me that.
Lynnette:Didn't surprise you when it went from rapid to not so
Lucy:It did not surprise me.
Lucy:It was very like, um, I refused to use a Sharpie, but I'm not
Lucy:gonna use a colored pencil.
Lucy:Maybe we're going with like a Crayola, like washable marker right
Lucy:now or something.
Lynnette:Do you consider yourself to be more introvert or extrovert?
Lynnette:What is your superpower?
Lucy:Oh man.
Lucy:Here's the thing, like I know these questions and I think that there are like
Lucy:a few answers that like sub in for each other, but I'm gonna say my superpower
Lucy:is probably making people laugh.
Lynnette:You are very good at that.
Lucy:Thank you.
Lynnette:Did you wanna sub
Lucy:Um, I was also gonna say my superpower is keeping in
Lucy:touch with people in my circle.
Lynnette:You are really
Lucy:Thank you.
Lynnette:You love the post office..
Lucy:I, you know what, I need to go to the post office today.
Lucy:Well, I guess they're close.
Lucy:I need I'm outta stamps and really, that's why I haven't been using the
Lucy:mail because I don't have any stamps.
Lynnette:anything else in?
Lynnette:Oh, well this is your sign from the universe to go.
Lynnette:As soon as they're open.
Lynnette:What is your dream travel destination?
Lucy:Oh, you know, this is kind of unlike me, but I really think,
Lucy:like I obviously spent a lot of time in Spain, but it was mainly
Lucy:in like Madrid and like the south.
Lucy:And I would actually love to go to Northern Spain up to San
Lucy:Sebastian, to Galicia, uh, do the whole camino de Santiago.
Lucy:Like I think that would be so cool.
Lucy:I think like culturally great, but also just like a break from, from the world.
Lucy:Um, that's definitely up there right now, but honestly, like my
Lucy:mind is so on Tulum right now.
Lucy:So I'm like just being hot in Mexico with so many friends and like,
Lucy:that's my, like, that is my dream.
Lucy:And I'm about to realize that dream.
Lucy:So I'll pick a new one after that, but.
Lynnette:yeah, you've been talking about that since known
Lynnette:you, you're making it happen.
Lucy:I am
Lynnette:I love that.
Lynnette:How do you bring ritual into your daily life?
Lucy:Mm okay.
Lucy:A few different things.
Lucy:the big one for me is my line of day journal that I love so much.
Lucy:I'm on year nine of doing it, which is very fun.
Lucy:I think just like,
Lynnette:you're about to finish your second one.
Lynnette:Wait, so for anyone who doesn't know, can you explain the line a day?
Lucy:So the line of day journal is essentially a journal that is dated,
Lucy:uh, January 1st through December 31st.
Lucy:Every page is its own day and every page has five lines on it.
Lucy:So you can start writing like January.
Lucy:First of let's say:Lucy:through the whole year and then you start the book at the beginning.
Lucy:st,:Lucy:So anyway, I got that book, I dunno, however many years ago, I'm
Lucy:not gonna do math, like in public.
Lucy:Um, yeah, I guess nine years ago.
Lucy:Um, and I loved it.
Lucy:reat way to document actually:Lucy:year I graduated from college, and document was going on in my life.
Lucy:And the first year it was like really hard to get used to, but then I
Lucy:learned that there's a little gift with every year, because then you
Lucy:get to look back and see what was happening on that day, the year before.
Lucy:and I have since turned quite a few people onto it.
Lucy:I know yourself included.
Lynnette:doesn't stick for a lot of people though.
Lynnette:Like I've also gifted it to people and I honestly can't even think of one
Lynnette:person who has, like, stuck with it.
Lucy:I don't think, I mean, yeah, I mean you, but like that's but I have
Lucy:friends who are like, oh, like it takes so much like discipline or it's so hard.
Lucy:And I'm like, I don't know, like for me.
Lucy:For me, it's not, but also like these are friends who like run marathons and I'm
Lucy:like, that's you wanna talk about hard?
Lucy:Like, please, like I pick up a pen for 30 seconds every night, like,
Lynnette:with it.
Lucy:please, you won't catch me doing physical activity.
Lucy:Um, so anyway, my line today, that's a big one.
Lucy:Um, I've also started working in kind of to separate.
Lucy:So, because I work from home, it's really difficult for me to kind of separate the
Lucy:end, what the end of the day really means.
Lucy:So I've taken to going outside.
Lucy:I'm lucky that it's hot and not rainy, so I can just go outside, at the
Lucy:end of the day and I'll take like a book out there or a journal or duo
Lucy:lingo, and spend like an hour outside.
Lucy:It's just like free from everything.
Lucy:And it really separates my day from, you know, my office in the
Lucy:house to, to what I'm doing outside.
Lucy:So I think those are the two big things.
Lucy:And then I guess, I mean, like, you know, drinking water before coffee in
Lucy:the morning, I really try to do that.
Lucy:Cause I think it like starts me on like a cleansing path of the day.
Lucy:Sometimes it's just like one sip of water, um, followed by like, you know,
Lucy:five coffees or four or not five, two.
Lucy:Um, but yeah
Lynnette:I would like to talk a little bit more about the line of
Lynnette:day though, because it's one of the best gifts that anyone has given me,
Lynnette:because like you said, I still do it.
Lynnette:I'm on year seven.
Lynnette:Um, so I'm on my second little journal and especially from a Astrological
Lynnette:perspective, I mean, you pulled yours out to see what happened
Lynnette:on the day of your Saturn return.
Lynnette:It's really helpful as a tool to, as you're learning about astrology,
Lynnette:go back and see what was going on in your life in certain times.
Lynnette:I have a plan to digitize mine in notion I have the template already.
Lynnette:A project, right.
Lynnette:It's seven, six and a half years worth of content.
Lynnette:That then has to be digitized.
Lynnette:But I think the ability to just see like what you were focused on at a given
Lynnette:time, what were you thinking about?
Lynnette:Who were you hanging out with?
Lynnette:What did you do?
Lynnette:Were you traveling like it all is data.
Lynnette:For you to see maybe how like Astrological energies were impacting
Lynnette:you or how they weren't or how you'd like them to in the future.
Lynnette:plus it's just fun to compare and contrast your growth and,
Lynnette:or lack thereof sometimes.
Lucy:It's so fun.
Lucy:I mean, like, I totally agree.
Lucy:And I think I hate to call like a social tool, but like socially it's really fun
Lucy:to be like, I had this like crazy night out with the girls and like, this is
Lucy:what happened and da, da, da, and then like, you know, I will text my friends
Lucy:all the time, be like, oh my God, like two years ago today, this was happening.
Lucy:And they'll be like, that was crazy.
Lucy:What, or, or, you know, also for like the low points, you know, you can kind
Lucy:of see like, okay, like this happened.
Lucy:This wasn't so great, but I don't know.
Lucy:I mean, like anyone out there dating, like use a line of day, cuz it's so
Lucy:funny to be like, yeah, this date, great.
Lucy:This date, not so much like this date, I went to a museum and like
Lucy:ended up making like voices for the fish all night long, you know, like
Lucy:it's just, that has been one of
Lynnette:voices for the fish?
Lucy:dammit i meant an aquarium.
Lucy:I meant an aquarium.
Lucy:So Yeah.
Lucy:Um, anyway, you're dating use it and it's just, it's a lot of fun to
Lucy:Yeah, it's great.
Lynnette:After all our technical difficulties, we have arrived at the last question.
Lynnette:where do you shine brightest in your life?
Lucy:I would say similarly to, while we were talking about the line
Lucy:today, probably the written word.
Lucy:big fan of that.
Lucy:And I think I do it really well.
Lucy:I'm not always super great with, uh, like talking on the fly, even those
Lucy:public speaking classes from grad school, I usually at least wrote a draft.
Lucy:and then would kind of go off of that.
Lucy:So I love writing stuff down.
Lucy:I love writing letters to people, sending emails, all of that stuff.
Lucy:And I also feel kind of like at my most confident when I'm doing that as well.
Lucy:I think that's my best way of communication.
Lucy:When I just get into a flow and I do it and it, and it just goes off.
Lucy:So yeah,
Lynnette:I've always enjoyed receiving a postcard or an email from you.
Lucy:highly rec well, thank you.
Lucy:First of all, secondly, I highly recommend the app touch note,
Lucy:cuz you can make custom postcards and you do it on your phone.
Lucy:It can be like a picture that like you took and then you can like fill
Lucy:out the, you know, the info, whatever, and then like pay for the postage.
Lucy:And it just like shows up in someone's mailbox.
Lucy:It's very.
Lynnette:do you have an affiliate code for that?
Lucy:No, no.
Lucy:An influencer.
Lucy:She is not
Lucy:mention the code leocurse
Lynnette:And nothing will happen.
Lynnette:well, Lucy, I am thrilled to hear that you're surviving your Saturn return
Lucy:thank you, thank you
Lynnette:and I can't wait to celebrate your solar return with you.
Lynnette:We'll have to see the exact time, actually let me pull it up right now.
Lucy:Get curious.
Lynnette:Cause you have to do something special at that time.
Lucy:Mm-hmm like get tan.
Lynnette:August 8th at 3:54 PM is when the Sun will be in the exact same
Lynnette:place as it was when you were born.
Lucy:I believe that's during a tequila tasting.
Lucy:pour one out.
Lynnette:Set some intentions set the stage for your next year.
Lucy:I love that.
Lynnette:So thank you for coming on.
Lynnette:Thank you for sharing all of the trials and tribulations that you're
Lynnette:exploring in your Astrological chart.
Lynnette:I appreciate it.
Lucy:Oh, you are so welcome.
Lucy:So fun to be on here.
Lucy:I love this pod and it's so good to talk to you too.
Lynnette:I know we have to do it more often.
Lucy:We shall, maybe I'll do that in my Saturn return.
Lucy:Talk to you more.
Lynnette:I love that.
Lynnette:Make thirty year commitment.
Lynnette:Well, talk to
Lucy:I love
Lynnette:you soon.
Lynnette:I am so grateful to Lucy for talking through her experience with her
Lynnette:Saturn return and even taking a minute.
Lynnette:Leaving the room, pulling out her line of a journal to fill us in on the
Lynnette:exact things that happened that day.
Lynnette:Honestly guys, that line of day journal is magic.
Lynnette:I could not be more thankful to Lucy for introducing me to it seven years ago.
Lynnette:If you get into the habit of using it shows you so much about yourself
Lynnette:and your patterns, and I could just go on and on about how great it is.
Lynnette:There's a link to it in the show notes.
Lynnette:If you'd like to start one, and if you do, please let me know how it goes.
Lynnette:I love it so much.
Lynnette:And I can't wait for you guys to work with it as well.
Lynnette:Lucy also mentioned that she loves the written word and uses reading as
Lynnette:ritual to transition out of her Workday.
Lynnette:She has a whole highlight about every book that she's read on her Instagram,
Lynnette:and you can find her at Lucy dot job.
Lynnette:If you want to check that out.
Lynnette:If you liked this episode, please share it with your friends.
Lynnette:I would also so appreciate it.
Lynnette:If you would rate it five stars and write a review on apple podcasts.
Lynnette:So more ears can find their way to this little show.
Lynnette:If you're learning astrology or have a Leo stellium or any other
Lynnette:placements like Lucy, you can find a link to her chart in the show notes.
Lynnette:And if you'd like to go deeper on your own Saturn return or your natal chart
Lynnette:in general book, a cosmic consult with me@cosmicmoves.com slash shop.
Lynnette:Wherever you are.
Lynnette:Here's wishing you a stellar day and see you next time.
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