ep 7 | what do psychic mediumship and astrology have in common? with Alexandra Bebe Shelley
Have you ever wondered what the difference between a psychic, a medium, a channeler, and an intuitive is?
Well, my guest today, Alexandra Bebe Shelley, answers that question and more because she is all of those things!
Bebe is a Pisces Sun, Sagittarius Moon, and Scorpio Rising
She’s had these “gifts” since the age of four, yet was never sure what they meant. Meanwhile, her creative outlets growing up were dancing, reading, and writing. Post-college, she pursued her career in advertising as a copywriter, interning and working at several well-renowned agencies. Once she realized her soul purpose as a Medium, she took the signs from Spirit. It’s been many years of healing, self-development and training for her to be where she is today.
She’s now building her business, Embody Your Soul—with the mission to help you discover your divine self through spiritual connection and practices. She holds private readings, Soul Circles and hosts her own podcast, Embody Your Soul.
Additionally, her outlet for books is through her book club, DogEared Book Club, where she hosts a bi-monthly podcast interviewing thought leaders, avid readers and book-content creators on how books have impacted their lives.
She opens up about what it’s like to be a psychic medium…and I straight up asked her how do you not get scared when the spirit world crosses into the 3D world and starts writing you notes in your mirror in the bathroom?! (this actually happened to her!)
We also talked about how connecting to your guides and cosmic cheerleaders PLUS having your astrological chart as your roadmap for navigating life can help you live a more intentional and embodied life. You’ve probably heard me say this before, but Intuition is data, astrology is data, and having these as tools in your toolbox help you to make informed decisions based on what’s right for you, right now.
We had so much fun, and Spirit even came in during the not-so-rapid-fire section to send some energy!
This episode is for you if you’ve ever wondered how you can connect to Spirit, Bebe gives some great practical tips and reminds us that we’re all psychic.
Tune in if you to hear more about the pretty large crossover that astrology and mediumship have in the Venn diagram of the esoteric!
Everyone can be psychic, really being psychic is just tapping into your soul and then connecting soul to soul with a physical person. – Bebe Shelley
Bebe and I also chat about:
- Her background as the daughter of immigrants from New Zealand
- Her experiences growing up going to Christian schools and summer camps
- Why psychics and astrologers have had a reputation as fortune tellers throughout history (and why a good psychic or astrologer isn’t a fortune teller)
- Her first and most formative experiences with her psychic gifts and abilities and how they have shaped her (including Spirit leaving a note on the mirror for her in the bathroom)
- How to not feel afraid of Spirit crossing over to the 3D world
- How to tap into your own psychic gifts through getting quiet and meditating
- Coming out to the other side after a bout of depression and commitment to healing
- The importance of having a guide when studying esoteric modalities
- Everyday ways to cleanse your energy and connect to Spirit
- How to embrace a morning and evening routine and stick to it
- Using your intuition to connect to what your body needs
- Using your love language as a guide to finding the right self care for you
- Using your south node as a guide to finding the right self care for you
- The importance of eating clean for a psychic medium
- Why rituals don’t need to be perfect or elaborate, they just need to have intention
- Why, as a Scorpio rising and North Node, Bebe finds deep conversations energizing
- How Scorpio serves to guide us through the deeper places in life
- What it’s like to have Jupiter at the same degree (conjunct) your Moon
- Which US President had astrological counsel (mostly via the First Lady)
- Why JP Morgan said “millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do”
- How we can all embody our soul in this lifetime by connecting to our intuition
- That we are creators of our own destiny (and it’s not just a catch phrase)
- How faith and trust play into manifestation
- Why holding on too tightly to control is actually losing the magic in life aka squeezing out all your glitter
- Our 24/7 support from our guides
- What it’s like to have Chiron in Virgo
Where to find Bebe:
- Bebe’s Chart
- Suzanne Giesmann
- Melissa Wallace
- Oneness by Rasha
The transcript of this episode can be found here. Transcripts of all episodes can be found here.
Listen to the episode on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and anywhere else you listen to podcasts!
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Hello, Bebe.
Lynnette:Welcome to It's Astrological.
Lynnette:Thank you for being here.
Bebe:Oh my gosh.
Bebe:Hello, Lynnette.
Bebe:I'm so happy to be here.
Bebe:And I know last time we spoke you're on my podcast.
Bebe:I just adored talking to you.
Bebe:So I'm excited to talk.
Lynnette:I know.
Lynnette:I'm excited to ask you all of my questions, cuz I'm
Bebe:Oh my
Lynnette:in everything that you do, which we will get into.
Lynnette:But first, so everyone can get to know you a little bit.
Lynnette:Where in the world are you and what's your cultural background?
Bebe:So I am in Santa Monica, California, and my cultural background.
Bebe:So born and raised Southern California.
Bebe:my parents are immigrants from New Zealand and I would say I'm super, super blessed.
Bebe:To come from, um, an affluent family, my dad, my mom didn't have a penny to their
Bebe:name and they worked really, really hard.
Bebe:So it's been really incredible, like growing up as a young woman, watching my
Bebe:parents really build this beautiful life, not only for themselves, but also for us.
Bebe:also my parents are divorced.
Bebe:I know that's kind of a part of a cultural background.
Bebe:it hasn't defined honestly, really any part of my journey actually, but I
Bebe:would say, you know, it's just been an interesting perspective on, you know, life
Bebe:communication, success, relationships, and, you know, it's interesting.
Bebe:I grew up going to, well, I first went to a private school and it
Bebe:was Episcopalian and I also went to sleepaway camps and it's so funny.
Bebe:I was.
Bebe:So I'm still so oblivious, but like, not as much, but I was so oblivious,
Bebe:like, I didn't realize how Christian the sleepaway camp was like, oh, that's
Bebe:so like, oh, we're doing Bible study.
Bebe:Like, Ugh, yawn.
Bebe:Like, I just was like, oh, it's not like, I just had no idea what was going on.
Bebe:And then I look back and I'm like, there was a night where they literally,
Bebe:like, it was some kind of ceremony.
Bebe:And then the camp counselor would be like, do you welcome
Bebe:Jesus Christ into your life?
Bebe:And I was like, okay.
Bebe:Like I literally, I looked back like, wait, that was a hardcore Christian
Bebe:summer camp, but I had no idea.
Bebe:I was just like, I'm here for banana boating and pie, like,
Lynnette:you're a kid.
Bebe:And I think that's actually, what's kind of perfect for me because that's
Bebe:how I actually used to really operate.
Bebe:Most of my life was like ignorance is bliss, which obviously as a kid,
Bebe:it is kind of nice to be honest.
Bebe:Uh, it's how I got through a lot, but obviously now I look back and I'm like,
Bebe:wow, I really I've always had like a really deep relationship with God.
Bebe:And with a higher source, I always knew there was something
Bebe:up there and out there.
Bebe:And I'd have these really, really big, epiphanies and thoughts when
Bebe:I was like four on the playground.
Bebe:And then I just didn't really know how to explain them.
Bebe:And I would snap back and start running, you know, start getting
Bebe:back into the game of tag.
Bebe:and yeah, now I'm here and I'm a psychic medium, and
Bebe:honestly it makes so much sense.
Lynnette:everything came together.
Bebe:yeah, literally.
Bebe:Oh my God.
Lynnette:so you describe yourself on your website.
Lynnette:as psychic, medium channeler and intuitive.
Lynnette:So I feel like I know what those three things are, but I'm curious,
Lynnette:how you would define each of them.
Lynnette:And then how do they work together?
Lynnette:Is there like a Venn diagram we can talk about?
Lynnette:Or do you think they're just all part of the same circle?
Bebe:Well, it's funny cuz like yes and no, it's almost like mostly yes,
Bebe:a little bit of like technicalities.
Bebe:So pretty much a psychic is when we're able to tap into the
Bebe:physical person's energy and their energy waves with our energy.
Bebe:and what's amazing is everyone is psychic.
Bebe:Everyone can be psychic, really being psychic is just tapping into
Bebe:your soul and then connecting soul to soul with a physical person.
Bebe:however, not everyone is a medium, but every medium is a psychic.
Bebe:So a medium is when it's.
Bebe:The way I was described to it by, one of my teachers, Suzanne Giesmann, who
Bebe:is amazing if anyone ever wants to look her up, it's pretty much thinking about
Bebe:like tapping into radio frequency.
Bebe:So when you're a psychic, you tap into a certain radio frequency.
Bebe:When you're a medium, you tap into another radio frequency that is across the veil.
Bebe:And we connect with people with, souls and loved ones that are no longer living.
Bebe:And intuitive, I guess it's just kind of like another title, but it's
Bebe:really like psychic at the same time.
Bebe:I just think it's one of those qualifiers because sometimes I think the one thing
Bebe:about the word psychic gets a little.
Bebe:Like poo-pooed because, I mean, I still am even like, wow, there's
Bebe:so many psychic shops around LA I'm like, why are there physical shops?
Bebe:I don't know any mediums with a physical, like medium blah, blah, blah.
Bebe:So I just feel like the word psychic is still, associated with people who are
Bebe:not, you know, just kind of using it for bad when actually psychic is good.
Bebe:It's like, it's actually a very beautiful part of who we are.
Bebe:And then a channeler is someone who, spirit like a specific
Bebe:spirit or the collective is communicating through me or us.
Bebe:And I'm just able to vocalize it.
Bebe:And the way they're communicating is not that they're saying something but it's
Bebe:actually, we're getting the translation, the download just from consciousness.
Bebe:It's really interesting how that works.
Bebe:So yeah, that's, that's the breakdown.
Lynnette:So cool.
Lynnette:And you have had some very interesting experiences.
Lynnette:I'm sure more than I know about, because this is what you do.
Lynnette:but just a little bit that I've read in your bio and stuff about how you actually
Lynnette:realized that you had these gifts.
Lynnette:I know one was when you were a little girl and one was when you were a little
Lynnette:bit older, can you give us a highlight of those and tell us what that was like?
Bebe:So when I was four, I was, in my grandparents' caravan, we were in
Bebe:New Zealand visiting them during their summer, cuz it's the opposite.
Bebe:And I was just, I think I was just taking a nap or something and all of a sudden.
Bebe:The only way, honestly, for so many years up until like last year, the
Bebe:only way I could verbalize it was like, oh, I felt like my limbs felt like 300
Bebe:pounds and I felt really warm and I saw some fuzzy figures, but now that I
Bebe:have more of a vocabulary and a deeper understanding of what it actually feels
Bebe:like to invite spirit in and blend, I felt like my insides were expanding.
Bebe:Like I felt like every cell was expanding with light and warmth and
Bebe:oh, I'm like getting the chills.
Bebe:It was really, it was really, really incredible.
Bebe:and I felt really weighted, but not weighted as in like despair, but just
Bebe:weighted as in like, just so comforted and supported, And I just remember.
Bebe:I remember seeing three soft figures.
Bebe:It wasn't like super defined who they were, but I know later on when
Bebe:I was describing the experience to my personal medium, she was
Bebe:like, those are your ancestors.
Bebe:And those, that was like your first experience.
Bebe:So Woohoo.
Bebe:And I was like, woo.
Bebe:I know.
Bebe:Super fun.
Bebe:And I guess my, ultimate initiation into really like walking life with spirit was
Bebe:maternal grandmother died in:Bebe:Like mid-October and just a couple days later, she crossed over and
Bebe:really just visited me immediately.
Bebe:And, obviously I was just like, no way, like what, like that's crazy.
Bebe:And the first time, it, it was crazy how it started, like on a
Bebe:Monday and then ended on a Monday.
Bebe:Like it just went all the way through the week.
Bebe:I was waiting for my, my old roommate Levi to come home.
Bebe:And then I heard someone come home and I was like, okay, Levi's home.
Bebe:Like I can go to sleep cuz you know how it is like, being in your first
Bebe:big girl apartment, I was sleeping alone and I wake up and he's not there.
Bebe:And I'm like, oh Levi, like where are you?
Bebe:And he's like, oh I was at, Michael's like.
Bebe:And I was like, oh, did you come home at all?
Bebe:He's like, no.
Bebe:And I'm like, I swear, I heard a human come home, like doors, opening
Bebe:lights, turning on, feet up the stairs, fidgeting in the bathroom.
Bebe:Like what?
Bebe:it was weird.
Bebe:and for some reason, that's, what's really funny about intuition
Bebe:too, is the first thought I had, I was like, that's my grandma.
Bebe:But then I was like, no way, like no way, like how, and then all week I
Bebe:was having these really interesting experiences where I felt like this,
Bebe:like weighted, it felt like I always describe it as like a sandbag, just
Bebe:like on my eye and just on my left side of my body, cuz left is females.
Bebe:Is male at least what traditionally comes in for me.
Bebe:And I'm like, oh, it's whatever.
Bebe:It's just darker over there for some reason.
Bebe:so I'm so oblivious.
Bebe:It's just so funny.
Bebe:And then I remember hearing like.
Bebe:And truly out loud, like clear as day, Bebe, so I had multiple,
Bebe:very interesting experiences.
Bebe:And I know by the end of the week, I was a little spooked out.
Bebe:Cause I'm like, what's going on?
Bebe:I really don't know how to explain this.
Bebe:and then finally, of course, on the beloved November 1st, the final day
Bebe:of hallow's Eve, I think, right.
Bebe:I came home from the gym and on my bathroom mirror in the fog, there was
Bebe:writing and it said this was with my soul and that's when I just broke down.
Bebe:Cause I was like, I just, this is her like, who else would write
Bebe:this such a profound message.
Bebe:And it was in such beautiful, thin writing.
Bebe:Like, you know how our ours look really clumsy and it.
Bebe:Yeah, so it was pretty insane.
Bebe:And I remember I was at my internship that day, looking up, like how to say
Bebe:hello to a spirit, like, what do we do?
Bebe:And so I texted my mom.
Bebe:I'm like, can you come over?
Bebe:And I'm just like, this whole thing happened.
Bebe:Like, I just need you to be with me.
Bebe:And so I read this letter out loud and it was pretty much like
Bebe:an invocation, like, hi grandma.
Bebe:I love you.
Bebe:I see you.
Bebe:I feel you like, thank you so much for visiting me, but can you visit
Bebe:me at another time while like pretty much starting a conversation with her.
Bebe:And I felt and experienced and saw like all of these sensations, like my
Bebe:ears were ringing and I was, had the chills and it was freezing and my head
Bebe:felt like a magnet was pulling it.
Bebe:And I saw like heat waves.
Bebe:Like it was crazy.
Bebe:And I was like, mom, did you.
Bebe:Like feel anything she's like, no.
Bebe:What are you talking about?
Bebe:I'm like what the what's going on?
Bebe:And then finally in December I met my personal, my personal medium, my medium.
Bebe:I don't know.
Bebe:Why is it personal?
Bebe:That's so weird.
Bebe:I be, I met my medium Melissa Wallace and that's when she was
Bebe:like, girl, I gotta teach you.
Bebe:Then I'm like, okay, sounds good.
Bebe:And here I am.
Bebe:Wild little goose chase.
Lynnette:Wow that, I mean, I'm a spiritual person.
Lynnette:I talk to my grandma, I talk to my MTLOs you know, like all of that stuff, but I
Lynnette:have never had something like that happen.
Lynnette:I've had like dreams and things like that, but it's scary to think about that
Lynnette:stuff happening, like in real life.
Lynnette:Now, when you're talking about the weightedness to me, that sounds like my
Lynnette:weighted blanket that I use for anxiety.
Lynnette:So that sounds very soothing but how do you cross your own?
Lynnette:Like, obviously there's a difference between Your spiritual understanding of
Lynnette:what's going on and then your 3d world understanding of what's going on and
Lynnette:being freaked out versus like it's okay.
Lynnette:It's just grandma.
Lynnette:how do you work through that process and feel not afraid, I guess.
Bebe:you mean, honestly.
Bebe:Oh my gosh.
Bebe:Yeah, cuz that, that was a huge, huge, jump for me.
Bebe:I think I mean really one of the most important, parts about getting
Bebe:in on that level is getting quiet.
Bebe:And for someone who is super ADHD, super anxious, you know, diagnosed
Bebe:anxiety, depression, all that, it was really, really hard for me to get quiet
Bebe:and sit still and actually get in this meditative state in my literal brain.
Bebe:And so that was already kind of scary for me because I just didn't know what
Bebe:it was like to not have noise inside.
Bebe:I don't know, I think, but what's really, really interesting.
Bebe:which again, I don't know if this is something that cuz honestly, the
Bebe:way you kind of helped me describe myself with my chart on my podcast.
Bebe:It was so helpful.
Bebe:And that really, that was, that was really life changing.
Bebe:And maybe there's something in the chart to you that would make sense
Bebe:that clicks to you as an astrologer.
Bebe:But like when I had my first like really, really deep dark bout of
Bebe:depression, like two years earlier, it was interesting because as insanely
Bebe:depressed, as I was deep inside, I was like, I will do whatever it takes to
Bebe:become Bebe 3.0, I will do whatever it is.
Bebe:And ever since then, I'm so willing to just throw everything
Bebe:on the table in order to heal.
Bebe:I think just because I've always been that person that I cannot wake up and
Bebe:live a day that does not feel authentic to me, And I'm really fortunate.
Bebe:And sometimes I wish like, you know, I didn't have to feel so much.
Bebe:I could just turn it off, but then I really actually
Bebe:don't at the end of the day.
Bebe:so I think it was.
Bebe:Because after that, after really, you know, going through my depression and just
Bebe:really kind of overcoming that, I'm like, I know I can go through the depths again.
Bebe:And I know I have the tools and I have the strengths and what it takes.
Bebe:And so then I guess, meeting Melissa and possibly, honestly having
Bebe:the gift of having a mentor, like literally guide me and teach me.
Bebe:And that's something I am going to start really talking about on my platform
Bebe:because, I think there are too many of us who are like, who we're all tapped in.
Bebe:but however, there are people that are tapped in like, oh, let's stay like
Bebe:at a haunted house or like, whatever.
Bebe:And I'm like, First of all, whatever those were fun, but you could actually
Bebe:get yourself in such dangerous situations and just harming yourself and, you know,
Bebe:emotionally, physically, spiritually.
Bebe:And, the fact that I had a guide, literally teach me and let me know,
Bebe:like, okay, that's just, that's literally just your brain processing.
Bebe:That is literally just your body, like whatever.
Bebe:And also because Melissa has a background in neuroscience, so she
Bebe:has that insanely crazy analytical data brain, like literally, but then
Bebe:is also a, a fricking medicine woman.
Bebe:So she was literally able to break down, like, this is what your brain
Bebe:is doing and you just need to let your mind know that it's okay.
Bebe:Half of it is really just letting yourself know that you are safe, nothing is wrong.
Bebe:And especially when you have the intention and the only intention to work with
Bebe:light and serve the light and be of the light, then you will be protected.
Bebe:Obviously you have to listen to yourself and tap in when you ignore your intuition.
Bebe:Yeah, of course.
Bebe:Like you're gonna like, you know, put yourself in like silly situations,
Bebe:but also when you have a mentor, honestly, like that was life changing.
Bebe:So it was kind of answering the question, but like a little extra.
Lynnette:love that.
Lynnette:I think having a guide when you're, and we talked about this on your podcast
Lynnette:as well, having a guide or somebody.
Lynnette:Who just understands and appreciates the sacredness of any of these modalities is
Lynnette:so important because to your point, you can get yourself into a lot of trouble.
Lynnette:Now, I think when you're talking about spirits and , entities and
Lynnette:stuff like that, it's a little bit different than getting in trouble with
Lynnette:your chart, but you can spiral out.
Lynnette:You can think that you're, heading in the wrong direction.
Lynnette:You can, you know, work yourself into a tizzy, in either of these ways.
Lynnette:And I think at the end of the day, our intuition is what guides us.
Lynnette:And if we're not centered, if we don't trust in our authenticness,
Lynnette:um, you know, then that's when we're out seeking for
Lynnette:something outside of ourselves.
Lynnette:And that's when we can get into trouble.
Bebe:Yes, no.
Bebe:And honestly, something I recently learned that really like
Bebe:also changed the game for me.
Bebe:So I'm sure you've heard of him, but I was listening to Jay.
Bebe:Um, no, Andrew Huberman on Jay Shetty's podcast.
Bebe:And he was talking about like, when you start to feel really anxious when you're
Bebe:learning something new, it's actually your brain connecting new neural pathways.
Bebe:So that is actually the signal for you to keep going.
Bebe:And I think that is a really good tip, not only for myself, but really
Bebe:for anyone that also wants to get from their 3d into the soul level,
Bebe:because it's just something new.
Bebe:It's just a new sensation.
Bebe:You're not being physically harmed.
Bebe:You are simply tapping into a filling in an energy that is so much higher
Bebe:than the one that we can generate.
Lynnette:and I think if you have the intention to connect
Lynnette:with the right energies, then
Bebe:Hundred percent.
Lynnette:you're only gonna be supported.
Lynnette:yay For us.
Lynnette:So you've already given a ton of advice.
Lynnette:For free without me asking , which is great.
Lynnette:but I'm wondering what can we do every day to cleanse our energy,
Lynnette:to connect with our guides?
Bebe:Um Hmm.
Bebe:I love this.
Bebe:Cause I, you know, what's really funny is I am like, where has my morning and
Bebe:night routine been all my life because I actually didn't start getting like
Bebe:really dedicated to it until lockdown.
Bebe:I think because, you know, like we were, I was living with
Bebe:my dad back in orange county.
Bebe:I was like, freelancing slash didn't really have a job.
Bebe:And I just needed a purpose every day.
Bebe:So I was like, okay, I'm gonna wake up.
Bebe:I'm gonna meditate.
Bebe:I'm gonna read like, and first of all, that is just funny, cuz I feel like
Bebe:people probably look at me like, oh my God, you've been like you master them.
Bebe:And I'm like, no, honestly only for the last, like two and a half
Bebe:years, three years I've been like actually obsessed with routines.
Bebe:But I would say, like I said earlier, honestly, Getting quiet with your mind and
Bebe:your body when you are actually able to get quiet, you can listen to your needs.
Bebe:You can listen to, you know, if you're hungry, if you need to go pee, like,
Bebe:I think so much we ignore our needs.
Bebe:And not only just physical needs, but also these boundary needs, even if
Bebe:it's like, you know what, I'm sure that dinner with friends is gonna be
Bebe:really fun, but I just don't have the energy for it and just being so, okay.
Bebe:so when you get quiet and then you can also actually you know, if you body hurts,
Bebe:if you're injured, it's interesting.
Bebe:The patterns I recognize is I used to literally like, just beat myself
Bebe:up in the gym and every single time.
Bebe:I've gotten injured it's because I've pushed myself too far working out.
Bebe:And I always saw that as like Beebs, you have to slow down.
Bebe:And then when I finally was like, first of all, this just isn't
Bebe:the way my body wants to move.
Bebe:But the fact that I allowed myself to get quiet and be like, okay, what
Bebe:does my body actually like to do?
Bebe:What does it actually need?
Bebe:What actually feels good.
Bebe:And then of course that led to, you know, I mean, not only meeting incredible
Bebe:practitioners, but actually eating the way I need to eat and thinking the
Bebe:way I need to think and just living and breathing the way I need to live.
Bebe:So that was a long winded answer.
Bebe:But number one, getting quiet.
Bebe:I really cannot express that enough.
Bebe:number two, definitely having a dedicated, meditative practice, honestly.
Bebe:This is something again, my mentor, my medium Melissa Wallace will
Bebe:always say like, the work is done when your butt's in the seat.
Bebe:I will be a medium on like, I feel like very multidimensional, but the
Bebe:true work is what I'm sitting with.
Bebe:A client and I'm helping them heal and I'm communicating through spirit.
Bebe:And so I think that's really where the work is done.
Bebe:When you sit down and you meditate and you, really work that
Bebe:muscle because it is a muscle.
Bebe:And also, finding meditation in other parts of your life, whether
Bebe:that's simply when you work out, when you take a walk outside,
Bebe:when you drink water, what I mean, something I still work on is so funny.
Bebe:It's like, I rush to do the dishes and I'm like, what am I rushing for?
Bebe:I live alone.
Bebe:no, one's like telling me to go somewhere.
Bebe:Like it's only myself.
Bebe:And so it's when you find meditation in other aspects of your life and allow that
Bebe:to expand, you can actually really just soothe your nervous system, just straight
Bebe:up and just really soothe yourself.
Bebe:Definitely identifying those self-care practices, but in the
Bebe:realm of your love language.
Bebe:And I didn't actually recognize that until recently.
Bebe:And now I'm like, oh my God, no wonder I'm obsessed with
Bebe:my skincare and face routine.
Bebe:I now have my routine is really dedicated to like drinking tea and feeling warm
Bebe:and energized and then meditating.
Bebe:So I get calm and then working out.
Bebe:But then also I do my Guha and my face yoga and I love my skin oil.
Bebe:So I'm like, wow, I really, my, you know, physical touch is so important to me.
Bebe:that's how I take care of myself.
Bebe:So I think, again, if yours is like words of affirmation, it's, maybe
Bebe:it's writing, maybe it's, you know, staying affirmations out loud.
Bebe:If it's, you know, acts of service, maybe it's getting yourself a cup
Bebe:of coffee at your favorite coffee shop or getting yourself flowers.
Bebe:I think really identifying like, wow, what, what makes me like wanna
Bebe:get up in the morning and do this, then you can actually create these
Bebe:really beautiful self care practices.
Bebe:what else?
Bebe:eating clean, honestly, you, you just have to be like, as fit as
Bebe:a fiddle, you know, a part of my journey with accepting spirit.
Bebe:was having certain allergies.
Bebe:And I think people look at my diet and like, oh my God, you're so restricted.
Bebe:And I'm like, honestly, I feel so good.
Bebe:there is no reason for me to splurge.
Bebe:and it's, and it makes so much sense because when you eat the
Bebe:foods that inflame you, you're not a clear clean vessel.
Bebe:You can't think straight, you can't sleep well.
Bebe:Like my body is quite literally my job.
Bebe:I have to drink clean water.
Bebe:I have to eat really clean food.
Bebe:it's just is what it is, but I love it.
Bebe:And I feel so vibrant.
Bebe:And I think that's definitely one of the hardest parts for people, because again,
Bebe:like we're, we're all addicted to food and, it's easy to be stuck in your ways.
Bebe:Food, I think just because of just what it does to your brain,
Bebe:honestly, what it does to your brain.
Bebe:Like every single day.
Bebe:And I don't know.
Bebe:So I think not torturing yourself and actually eating really, really good foods.
Bebe:That's when you'll see so much work.
Bebe:and then finally, honestly, just.
Bebe:I think the beautiful thing about all these spiritual practices is
Bebe:everyone does 'em so differently.
Bebe:for me say like, my energy feels really off or like, why
Bebe:have an attachment or whatever.
Bebe:you know, I do just a really simple meditation.
Bebe:I learn from, again, my teacher, Suzanne, where it's just imagine a shower of white
Bebe:light and it just sprinkles down you.
Bebe:And it could literally take two minutes.
Bebe:sometimes I dance around my room with music.
Bebe:Sometimes I spray some sage.
Bebe:Sometimes I just sit and breathe.
Bebe:or I talk to my guides and I'm like, Yo guys, like, can you help me out here?
Bebe:Can you kind of cleanse my energy?
Bebe:Can you, you know, to, you know, move some, move some stuff around and whatever.
Bebe:I don't make it super complicated.
Bebe:I think one just for myself, I just don't wanna complicate things.
Bebe:I think it's just because again, rituals are really beautiful, but they're only
Bebe:necessary for building the intention.
Bebe:So if your ritual is more like you use crystals, you use salt, you use candles,
Bebe:you use Sage, you use polo Santo, you use I don't know, but just know that it's
Bebe:not about, if you doing it perfectly, it's just setting the intention.
Bebe:So yeah, those are my, those are my tips.
Lynnette:that's so helpful.
Lynnette:Thank you.
Lynnette:I'm gonna like skip ahead and then we'll come back to,
Lynnette:but like, when you were talking about your self-care in your face, I was like, where
Lynnette:does this girl have taurus in her chart?
Lynnette:I have to look.
Lynnette:And your south node is in taurus.
Lynnette:And our south node is our comfort zone.
Lynnette:It's what we feel good in.
Lynnette:And taurus is all about, you know, different, the kinds of self care
Lynnette:that you were talking about, physical self care and luxury and good smells
Lynnette:and good feels and all of that stuff.
Lynnette:So that's, you're doing exactly the right thing.
Bebe:Oh my God.
Bebe:Astrology is so fun like that.
Bebe:That's great.
Bebe:That makes so much sense.
Lynnette:So since it's Astrological, do you know your Sun, Moon and rising signs?
Bebe:uh, yes.
Bebe:So my Sun is in Pisces, my moons in Sagittarius, and
Bebe:then my risings in Scorpio.
Lynnette:And how do you feel about those?
Lynnette:Do they all resonate with you?
Lynnette:Do you do any of them confuse you?
Bebe:I don't think they confuse me very much.
Bebe:, I think the Pisces part has always made sense to me because
Bebe:I've always been a daydreamer.
Bebe:, I'm always like up here.
Bebe:Like, not that I, not that my energy is very grounded, but like, I'm silly.
Bebe:I'm creative.
Bebe:I, just feel like I'm always thinking really big and typically I need
Bebe:to be pulled back down to earth rather than kind of pulled up.
Bebe:, I'm deeply intuitive, which makes a lot of sense.
Bebe:, and also when I do get a chance, I do, I love the ocean.
Bebe:I love the water.
Bebe:It's so amazing.
Bebe:, even though I wish I was more bold, like, I'm always like, oh my God, you
Bebe:know how little kids are at the beach?
Bebe:Like, they're just bold and shameless.
Bebe:And like, I wish I was like that still like, oh my God, it's 20 degrees.
Bebe:I wish like, you know, I was like, God, I really want, like now
Bebe:we're all like, self-aware adults.
Bebe:We're like, oh, it's cold.
Bebe:Lame, , Scorpio, I'm starting to really love and understand more honestly,
Bebe:especially since the last time we talked, it makes a lot of sense with
Bebe:why I do get really deep and dark.
Bebe:that, yeah, as I am a very bubbly, high energy happy person,
Bebe:I do, I get incredibly dark.
Bebe:I get incredibly deep.
Bebe:And also it's interesting.
Bebe:these deep conversations actually weirdly energize me.
Bebe:, and yeah, I'm not super drained by them,
Lynnette:we need Scorpio energy in the world.
Lynnette:I think number one, we all have every sign in our chart, whether or not we have
Lynnette:planets there, but, and I think so many people are like, ah, Scorpio, stay away.
Lynnette:people get really intimidated by it, but it's for exactly those reasons, Scorpio
Lynnette:is comfortable with the deep things that most of the other signs aren't.
Lynnette:And I think that we need people to be able to go deep and talk about the deep,
Lynnette:psychological things that are going on or, you know, death and transformation.
Lynnette:Like that's something that people just kind of like to gloss over and, if I'm
Lynnette:not gonna do it, I sure as heck hope that, you know, I have a strong Scorpio
Lynnette:presence in my life who can help me.
Lynnette:Maybe be more comfortable with those topics and guide me through it.
Lynnette:You know, going back to the topic of guides, Scorpios are really
Lynnette:the ones who are like, I got you.
Lynnette:I am not afraid to go to those places.
Lynnette:come with me.
Lynnette:I will hold your hand.
Bebe:And I also recently discovered that my north note is in Scorpio.
Bebe:So that also makes sense too.
Bebe:, Sagittarius.
Bebe:It's interesting.
Bebe:every time, at least in the last few months when I like meet someone and I'm
Bebe:like, girl, we are gonna be best friends.
Bebe:We are actually sag moons.
Bebe:And I'm like, that's hilarious.
Bebe:I love that.
Bebe:like similar, just like energy or vibe.
Bebe:Like we like humor.
Bebe:it's great.
Bebe:Sag part it's I still don't understand Sag like super fully, but, the one
Bebe:thing that I'm like a note in which I'm sure is like a stereotype is like
Bebe:Sag is like heartbreaker and I'm like, no, I always got my heart broken.
Bebe:Like, I'm the one that like,
Lynnette:I've never heard that
Bebe:Really or just the one to like, I don't know, like Sag's are
Bebe:like, I wanna be single and like fun.
Bebe:And I'm like, no, like I snuggle.
Bebe:And like, I've just never been that way.
Bebe:but I feel like I have the silliness and the desire to learn like Sag
Bebe:does that that's a Sag right?.
Bebe:So I don't understand all of them, like super deeply, but again, like,
Bebe:I definitely need to get like an astrology book cuz I, I really wanna
Bebe:like understand everything so much more.
Lynnette:well, there's so much.
Lynnette:And you know, just starting with your Sun, Moon, Moon rising is a great start
Lynnette:and going to wherever you're called.
Lynnette:I think for Sagittarius, you know, you were mentioning you're bubbly personality.
Lynnette:Like that's very Sagittarian, optimistic, good humor.
Lynnette:it's like the charmer of the Zodiac.
Lynnette:Maybe not in a bad way, but just like charismatic.
Lynnette:That's the word I'm looking for.
Lynnette:and also your Jupiter is right on top of your Moon.
Lynnette:So that would just expand any of those Sagittarius Moon
Lynnette:energies, cuz Jupiter expands.
Lynnette:Anything that it touches.
Lynnette:So your Moon is.
Lynnette:Bigger for you in your chart than most people's, which could speak to, why
Lynnette:you connect with other people who have that Moon sign, but also the learning,
Lynnette:the higher realms, even Sagittarius is all about just expansion and traveling.
Lynnette:And we think of that in terms of crossing an ocean, but it could be astral realms.
Lynnette:It could be everything.
Bebe:Oh my gosh.
Lynnette:really strong in your chart.
Bebe:Oh my gosh.
Bebe:Wait, because yeah, my Sag is my Jupiter, right?
Lynnette:on the same degree.
Bebe:Oh my God.
Bebe:That does make so much sense.
Bebe:So fun.
Bebe:So interesting.
Bebe:My goodness.
Lynnette:it is so fun.
Lynnette:So you're like intermediate, I guess, in terms of your chart,
Lynnette:like you said, you wanna learn more, what's your Astrological background?
Lynnette:What has brought you to where you are now and what.
Lynnette:Has made you lean into thinking, okay, this is a thing and
Lynnette:it works and I'm interested.
Bebe:honestly, I have to say, I, you know, cause obviously growing
Bebe:up I'm like, oh my God, cute fun.
Bebe:I'm a And so when I started working at mystic journey, in LA, Goodness gracious.
Bebe:I remember it was so funny, the manager there she's freaking everything.
Bebe:she's like, oh yeah, the owner, he's a triple cap.
Bebe:And I'm like, what?
Bebe:Like, oh no, he's, he's like a triple Capricorn.
Bebe:So like that explains blah, blah, blah.
Bebe:And I'm like, okay.
Bebe:So it just was first of all, like kind of a part of the language, cuz you
Bebe:know, working at a crystal shop with books and all that goodness and also
Bebe:the girls, I mean all the girls that work there were like so into it and we
Bebe:would kind of like, oh my gosh, like, wait, you're this I'm, that's so cute.
Bebe:So that's how I guess they connect with people.
Bebe:And so obviously I'm in that environment and I'm like, okay, cool.
Bebe:Like this is fun.
Bebe:and I think then like, Again, also, I guess also sort of back
Bebe:peddling, like Melissa again, she's, there's nothing she's not good at.
Bebe:Like, she also is really good at astrology, so she would also break
Bebe:down some things with my chart.
Bebe:That would make a lot of sense.
Bebe:Like for instance, you know, she like, one of my flareups can be like, in
Bebe:my eyes, like get eczema in my eyes.
Bebe:She's like, oh, so you're a Sag Moon.
Bebe:And so, yeah, you're really sensitive in the liver.
Bebe:So you need to make sure you do like a liver detox and I'm
Bebe:like, what are you talking about?
Bebe:So it was almost like she, I think it's called her medics, medics or something.
Bebe:it's literally like the medical astrology and like medical
Lynnette:mm-hmm like what aligns with each part of
Bebe:So that was interesting.
Bebe:She would bring that up.
Bebe:And so I guess, there are things that I know that I'm sensitive with.
Bebe:I'm like, okay, apparently my liver my sag Moon.
Bebe:which I also thought was like, pretty interesting, the way that it's.
Bebe:Not only just connected to who you are and your being, but also like to your
Bebe:little physical being, which again, of course makes a lot of sense too.
Bebe:and I think just being in this world, like being a medium, you know, I follow
Bebe:all kinds of accounts, like, like yourself and, astrology is something
Bebe:that is just a part of the language.
Bebe:And I think, it's just made a lot of sense.
Bebe:And then when a really good friend of mine, she was like, oh, you're north
Bebe:node's in Scorpio, no wonder X, Y, Z.
Bebe:And I'm like, Oh, okay.
Bebe:So I think just having these random little tidbits of like
Bebe:epiphanies, I'm not, surprised.
Bebe:And especially it was, you know, it was created by the Babylonians,
Bebe:like years and years, right.
Bebe:The baby, like yeah.
Bebe:And like, how is it not, you know, like it, it was an ancient, beautiful
Bebe:modality of language and understanding like, why I think people only think
Bebe:it's fake because it's become like cute, which it frickin' cute, but it's
Bebe:like actually like very analytical.
Bebe:And it's like, it's almost like data backed.
Bebe:And then even when Melissa was like, you know, ah, I'm sure.
Bebe:You know, but she said a, a president had an astrologer, like a
Bebe:past president.
Bebe:Ronald Reagan.
Bebe:And then I think JP Morgan, um, had an
Lynnette:well, he says millionaires don't have astrologers billionaires do.
Lynnette:And the whole reason that came about was because he was actually testifying
Lynnette:at a trial, going back to what we were saying about the psychic shops, for an
Lynnette:astrologer who was being charged with being a fortune teller and she actually
Lynnette:set the precedent for astrologers.
Lynnette:Being able to run businesses and not be called fortune tellers.
Lynnette:but you'll still see laws in certain states that say will you probably
Lynnette:run into this as a medium as well, but like on PayPal or like any of the
Lynnette:credit card servicers or anything like that, like there's still verbiage in
Lynnette:there that says you can't do certain things related to fortune telling.
Lynnette:it's crazy.
Bebe:That is crazy.
Lynnette:I know, I know, but I don't probably same as you, like,
Lynnette:I'm not a fortune teller, like I cannot predict your future.
Lynnette:Sorry, everybody who's listening and thinks that I can like go
Lynnette:find another astrologer.
Bebe:Oh my God.
Bebe:Yeah, go find someone.
Bebe:That's not actually like an astrologer.
Bebe:And I think that's, what's so interesting though.
Bebe:Like about this work is like, it's not that we're like telling the
Bebe:future, but it's like, we're telling the, if you, how do I put this?
Bebe:It's like, I sometimes don't like, when people are like,
Bebe:oh, like, God did this to me.
Bebe:Or like, God did this me for XYZ.
Bebe:And I'm like, God, didn't do anything to you.
Bebe:actually everyone is walking on a road and there's stones and
Bebe:you're like, oh, this looks fun.
Bebe:Oh, this looks fun.
Bebe:One stone is gonna be a hot burning potato one.
Bebe:Stone's gonna be a glittery pot of gold.
Bebe:And that's what we're kind of, we obviously want to guide you to the
Bebe:glittery pot of gold, but we're not.
Bebe:Telling the future is, taking away your free will.
Bebe:and that's, what's interesting is I always want people to know, like when
Bebe:they come to me, honestly, something you said last time you spoke was so great.
Bebe:It's like, I'm not here to tell you exactly what to do, but I
Bebe:want you to be even more curious.
Bebe:And I think that's what I'm supposed.
Bebe:That's not what I think.
Bebe:I that's, what I'm supposed to give to everyone is I'm gonna give you what I
Bebe:am getting, but, you ultimately have the decision if it resonates with
Bebe:you or not, and take what you will.
Bebe:So, and hopefully it inspires you.
Lynnette:I agree.
Lynnette:um, but I think it's like, especially when it comes to
Lynnette:astrology, it's about the patterns.
Lynnette:So yes, this is an ancient science.
Lynnette:it is based on math and planets and things that correlate to those
Lynnette:events that happen in the sky.
Lynnette:But I think.
Lynnette:It's not fortune telling, but it can tell you how the energies will
Lynnette:impact you so that you can then use your free will to decide how you're
Lynnette:going to react, act, whatever, you know, however you're gonna handle that
Lynnette:next stone that you find in the road.
Bebe:Mm-hmm absolutely.
Bebe:We are simply tools and also I'm like literally looking at,
Bebe:oh, I'll like, I'll get it.
Bebe:You know what cuz why not show it?
Bebe:So this is like one of my most loved books, oneness, probably the most
Bebe:important book, in my spiritual journey thus far, I'm sure I'll read many, many
Bebe:more and it is so doggier like, look
Lynnette:And posted it.
Bebe:it's the most beautiful book in the entire
Lynnette:Are there any words that aren't highlighted or underlined or
Bebe:oh God.
Bebe:I just don't know.
Bebe:It's like, I mean, there are, but like, wow.
Bebe:it's funny.
Bebe:And, um, it's funny because it's like, might as well, like not even
Bebe:dogear it, cuz the whole book is
Lynnette:I know, but it feels better.
Bebe:like something nice and something that, it said one, one chapter.
Bebe:Like it was honestly after some kind of heartbreak, during lockdown
Bebe:and it was like being connected to a higher realm doesn't mean
Bebe:that you are a fortune teller.
Bebe:they are just simply guiding you to your highest self into your soul.
Bebe:And that's why also.
Bebe:I wanted to name my company embody your soul, because that's
Bebe:what I feel like I'm doing.
Bebe:I feel like I'm embodying my soul.
Bebe:That's what I feel.
Bebe:You know, that's what our guides are put on earth to do.
Bebe:They're here to help you.
Bebe:They're here to guide you and help you just become the best version of you.
Bebe:and they're not gonna tell you that.
Bebe:You can't do something they're gonna suggest might not be
Bebe:best, but you know what?
Bebe:it's like it's to you ultimately, so, yep.
Lynnette:and if we listen to everything as a message to us for our
Lynnette:highest good, then that supports us in taking whatever decision is best.
Lynnette:I mean, we do live in this 3d world.
Lynnette:We do have to pay bills.
Lynnette:We do suffer loss, all of those things.
Lynnette:But I think having the background of like, okay, great.
Lynnette:I have this entire team of cheerleaders who are here to guide me and support me.
Lynnette:And maybe I have my roadmap of my birth chart.
Lynnette:And, you know, I know what direction I'm meant to be heading in.
Lynnette:Really gives you the tools to be able to make informed decisions.
Lynnette:Those it's all just data.
Bebe:Yes, absolutely.
Bebe:I totally agree.
Bebe:And like, to dovetail off that is not that life gets any easier life doesn't
Bebe:like life just gets weirder, honestly.
Bebe:and we get weirder and, but the thing is.
Bebe:What I've realized is regardless of the tears, regardless of the losses or
Bebe:the pains or the, or the struggles, I just I'm actually able, I know that I
Bebe:can get through them and I know I can overcome them because I have the tools.
Bebe:So I may cry, but I don't have a meltdown for as long as I used to because I'm
Bebe:like, actually I know I'm gonna be okay.
Bebe:I know I'm not gonna break.
Bebe:I know my skin's not gonna break out in hives.
Bebe:Like when I used to, when I would get really, really anxious and
Bebe:stressed or when I would eat food, that would make me allergic.
Bebe:I now know I'm like, you know what?
Bebe:My body knows what to do.
Bebe:I'm gonna do what I can and life goes on.
Bebe:that's really what it is.
Bebe:life goes on and we are ultimately the creators of our
Bebe:destiny as everyone tells you.
Bebe:But it's just, it's just fact.
Lynnette:And there's an element of trust there, right?
Lynnette:If you are looking to hold on and grip, so tightly to controlling
Lynnette:everything, you don't have space to, your point, be still receive messages
Lynnette:to reflect, to ask yourself questions.
Lynnette:and I think in this world that we live in, to your point at the very beginning about
Lynnette:just feeling like you couldn't even take time to sit still and just listen, whether
Lynnette:it was because of how you felt or because of external things, how you have to
Lynnette:make the effort to connect to that side.
Lynnette:If you want to be able to reap the benefits
Bebe:and honestly, it's like, once you actually begin to have faith and then
Bebe:you see like your manifestations come to life, you're like, Like why have
Bebe:I not had faith in the first place?
Bebe:Like I, it's just, it's just amazing.
Bebe:And it's so it's so amazing to now be in this space where yeah, there's
Bebe:obviously like, you know, I, for instance, I love, I love you apartment.
Bebe:I love you, but I can't, I cannot wait.
Bebe:Until I can move into a one bedroom.
Bebe:I can't wait, but I have complete faith that spirit will provide me with exactly
Bebe:what I need and not only what I need, but then some, and I think that's where
Bebe:you can't when you just grip on you really like you lose the magic of life.
Bebe:I think, not even, I think you lose the magic of life.
Bebe:You lose the magic of just yourself.
Bebe:Like you're really, it's like you're squeezing out all of your glitter.
Bebe:It's like, what's the point of just, oh God, I was, it sounded really dark.
Bebe:I was like, what's the point of living?
Bebe:I'm like, that's really not.
Lynnette:I was still stuck on squeezing at all your glitters
Bebe:It's like, you're just squeezing out all your glitter when
Bebe:you do not have faith in yourself.
Bebe:And just to even know that, like not only is God supporting you
Bebe:and guiding you, but you are so fricking supported that he literally
Bebe:has recruited a squad for you too.
Bebe:Like what?
Bebe:Like that's the way I think about it.
Bebe:Like how freaking amazing, like we have him and then some by our side 24, 7,
Lynnette:and ourselves in our intuition and it's lucky.
Bebe:lucky us.
Bebe:So, so blessed.
Lynnette:Okay, this is the end of the podcast.
Lynnette:And I have changed this series from rapid fire to not so rapid fire questions.
Lynnette:So take your time.
Lynnette:I'm not a very good rapid fire interviewer.
Lynnette:I have learned So
Lynnette:Bebe, do you consider yourself to be more introverted or extroverted?
Bebe:Oh, my gosh.
Bebe:That is like really hard because I'm kind of a half introvert, half extrovert.
Bebe:yeah, I don't know, because I think for a long time I only considered
Bebe:myself an extrovert, but then when I actually began to, live alone, I
Bebe:am like, wow, I really, really need that day or two to be by myself.
Bebe:But then I also like love being around people.
Bebe:Like, I love it, obviously more specifically my people, but also
Bebe:like maybe this is an extra, I'm sure it's an extrovert quality, but for
Bebe:instance, live music, It, you can literally raise me from the dead.
Bebe:Like not only is it because of the energy of the people around you,
Bebe:but it's like the music and just, it's like, I'm getting the chills.
Bebe:It's like, that is so electrifying to me.
Bebe:So I don't know, being in that environment, being in like a super amazing
Bebe:energetic environment, gets me going and also like really great conversations.
Bebe:So maybe like more extroverted, but I guess also I'm kind of technically
Bebe:extrovert introvert because according to my ENFP that's where it says, but you
Lynnette:allowed to an ambivert.
Lynnette:That's okay.
Bebe:I totally am.
Bebe:I totally am
Lynnette:I need to add that to the question.
Lynnette:I will add that.
Bebe:Oh my gosh.
Lynnette:what is your superpower?
Bebe:Oh my gosh.
Bebe:You know what?
Bebe:I think I have a lot because we are a multidimensional being S um,
Bebe:I think my superpower is to really like lately I've noticed that my,
Bebe:passion has become really infectious and it makes me really, really happy.
Bebe:I know at least, for instance, with my book club, with dogeared book
Bebe:club, even just my little sister, not a reader, sorry, my, oh God.
Bebe:I know spirit comes in and they make my nose itch, so energy's
Bebe:high, but it's a good thing.
Bebe:Um, what was I gonna say?
Bebe:Um, She not a reader, not, you know, like she would watch TikTok and
Bebe:she started to read and appreciate reading and I'm like, that's amazing.
Bebe:Like that was any, I was not expecting her or just even like, you know, just friends
Bebe:or like you're inspiring me to read more.
Bebe:It makes me so happy.
Bebe:And then, for instance, I've done a couple, you know, I need
Bebe:to actually get back on them.
Bebe:Like I would do these weekly soul circles where it's just like meditation and,
Bebe:communicating with spirit and then guiding everyone through like journal prompts.
Bebe:But, I did one for a couple of my girlfriends and I'm going to, one of
Bebe:the weddings I'm going to is one of the girls that has been in the soul circle.
Bebe:And she was like, Hey, like, would you mind doing a soul circle for us?
Bebe:as we get ready for the wedding, like, I think it'd be nice for us bridesmaids
Bebe:and me to like, kind of get in.
Bebe:And I'm like, it would be my honor.
Bebe:that's amazing.
Bebe:You know?
Bebe:So I think the fact that even just like that, like, it just makes like
Bebe:someone wants that on their special day.
Bebe:Like that makes me so happy.
Bebe:So anyway, I can inspire others is definitely one of my superpowers.
Bebe:Oh, thanks.
Lynnette:I love that you're sharing your gifts
Bebe:Which is like, girl, you
Lynnette:the dream.
Bebe:doing our thing
Lynnette:What is your dream?
Lynnette:Travel destination.
Bebe:my gosh.
Bebe:Um, The first thing that comes to mind is like, so one of my happy places,
Bebe:like when I go into meditation to connect with spirit is like wildflowers,
Bebe:mountains, cows, clear skies, tall grass.
Bebe:So I
Lynnette:I love cows.
Bebe:oh my God.
Bebe:But that's, what's so hard is like, I love a good ribeye.
Bebe:It's like, I'm the worst I love
Bebe:Like, like if I could just cuddle with a cow, but anyways, like, my, my mom did a
Bebe:hiking trip in Zermatt and I never forgot.
Bebe:She sent me this video of this beautiful cow with this leather bell.
Bebe:And it was just like this slow swinging bell and like the wild flower.
Bebe:I'm like, no, like that's my happy place.
Bebe:Like, that's where I need to be.
Bebe:So there anywhere
Lynnette:and those cows are so well cared for.
Lynnette:They like travel up and down the mountain to eat all the right grasses
Lynnette:and like make the best cheese.
Lynnette:they're so cute.
Bebe:I know.
Bebe:I just also like that's half of my feed is just like farm animals.
Bebe:So like, duh . Oh my gosh.
Lynnette:Well, I love that for you.
Lynnette:That's also your comfort Taurus your Taurus, south node.
Lynnette:We kind of already answered this one.
Lynnette:so feel free to say pass or rewind.
Lynnette:How do you bring ritual into your daily life?
Bebe:well definitely every morning.
Bebe:I wake up and I do my morning routine and of course there are days and nights
Bebe:where I can't, do them to the fullest, but I think no matter what, being
Bebe:adaptable and just doing a piece of it.
Bebe:So definitely in the morning.
Bebe:And, I just started doing night routine, but also I'm starting to, um,
Bebe:I'm starting to do it more throughout the day because I'm really finding
Bebe:that ritual for me is so soothing.
Bebe:So finding rituals on how I do my work, finding rituals on how I clean my house
Bebe:or just little, little things, I'm starting to expand the meaning of ritual.
Bebe:So it was like semi answer, semi not.
Lynnette:is perfect.
Lynnette:we're very flexible with the not so rapid fire section I'm sure your
Lynnette:Pisces and Sagittarius loves it.
Bebe:Oh, my God.
Bebe:They are.
Bebe:So I know, honestly, something I've been battling with lately
Bebe:is like, cuz obviously my every day is like, all right, beebs.
Bebe:Like what's next?
Bebe:Like with my schedule and I've, I've had this fear of being too rigid,
Bebe:but I actually need a little bit more structure than I thought I did.
Bebe:So I've kind of have been like, not, I don't wanna say battling, but I've
Bebe:kind of been working with that side of me and I don't know what in my
Bebe:chart is like, okay, structure's good.
Bebe:Maybe it's cause I have like three Capricorn placements.
Bebe:Maybe it's a Capricorn.
Bebe:So yeah.
Bebe:Right now I'm like getting into notion.
Bebe:I'm like, Ooh checklist.
Bebe:So I'm like,
Lynnette:I'm obsessed with
Bebe:it's, it's really, it's like, it's been so interesting embracing
Bebe:these different sides of me.
Lynnette:I mean, you do have so much fixed energy with Scorpio and Taurus axis.
Lynnette:your mid-heaven is in Leo.
Lynnette:So any like fixed energy is going to help you to keep doing
Lynnette:things that you've started.
Lynnette:and maybe not stray from that, but again, we all have little pieces, so
Lynnette:you have the Pisces energy, which is highly mutable, and the Sagittarius,
Lynnette:which gives you that adaptability.
Lynnette:But also I think, let me look where you to have.
Lynnette:You have your Chiron in Virgo?
Lynnette:Like usually when we think routine schedule, everyday habits, we think
Lynnette:of Virgo and your Chiron is there.
Lynnette:And Chiron is the healer.
Lynnette:Chiron is the, space where we have our deepest wounds, but through
Lynnette:healing them, we heal others.
Lynnette:So oftentimes that's a place for us of deep learning , of deep
Lynnette:healing and teaching others as well.
Lynnette:so that's an interesting piece of the puzzle
Bebe:Oh my gosh.
Bebe:So interesting.
Bebe:It just never stops.
Bebe:I feel like just your work, and like my work, just this, I don't know.
Bebe:This work just never stops being interesting.
Bebe:it will always, and it's so perfect for my add brain.
Bebe:I'm like, I will always be learning.
Bebe:Like I will always be expanding.
Bebe:I'll never get old and like, same for you.
Lynnette:Yeah, and I never could.
Lynnette:I mean, there's people could spend multiple lifetimes learning and not
Lynnette:know everything there is to know.
Lynnette:We get to do this for the lifetimes.
Lynnette:Last question.
Lynnette:BebeE where do you shine brightest in your life?
Bebe:Where do I shine brightest in my life?
Bebe:That is such a happy question.
Bebe:where do I shine brightest?
Bebe:I think, I think in a couple ways, like one living out my soul purpose, which
Bebe:is to be a medium, I really now feel myself shining super, super bright.
Bebe:And it makes me really, really happy because, you know, again, like for
Bebe:a while I've been trying to kind of figure out like, I've always known
Bebe:who I was, but I guess trying to fit like a square peg and around hole.
Bebe:And now that I'm creating actually my own mold, I feel myself shining really bright.
Bebe:And, I know I'm in this building phase, you know, of building my business, but
Bebe:I just know, oh, get brighter because of all the work I'm putting into it,
Bebe:all the dedication I'm putting into it.
Bebe:Also like sharing my passions, not only like being and doing but sharing.
Bebe:I mean, for instance, one of them is with reading, when I talk about books,
Bebe:it just, my, it, I mean, God, there's so many reasons why we should read books.
Bebe:Like it's like, that's why I started a podcast on it.
Bebe:You know?
Bebe:That's why, like, I literally have a pretty much, like I could fill a library.
Bebe:Oh my God.
Bebe:I know.
Bebe:And then, and then my desk, can you see
Bebe:And then like, it's like actually insane.
Bebe:Um, and I'll just, I'll never stop
Lynnette:Is this why you wanna one bedroom so that just
Lynnette:your bedroom can be all books
Bebe:I think so I also like, would like to just have like
Bebe:more separation of space.
Bebe:Cause it's like my bed's my couch, like, you know, and then shine brightest.
Bebe:I think also like when I'm with the people I love, um, you know, with my,
Bebe:my partner, he brings out honestly the best in me and he, um, just makes me
Bebe:really excited to build a life with him.
Bebe:what else with my family?
Bebe:they're my best friends.
Bebe:They're my, they're my silly goose tribe.
Bebe:They're my loves.
Bebe:And then also my friends, like my, my soul tribe.
Bebe:I mean, I don't know what I would do without them, so I
Bebe:guess it was like three things.
Lynnette:Lucky you.
Bebe:Aw, thank you.
Bebe:I know.
Bebe:So, so blessed my
Lynnette:well, I am so grateful that I have received some of your
Lynnette:sunshine and that we've crossed paths.
Lynnette:I've had so much fun, just getting to know you and your chart and all of your gifts
Lynnette:and how you're sharing with the world.
Lynnette:So thank you for coming on here and telling us all about it.
Bebe:Oh my gosh.
Bebe:It is my absolute honor.
Bebe:And pleasure.
Bebe:As you know, as you can tell, I can talk about this stuff all day.
Bebe:So I love sharing the goods and I love chatting with you.
Bebe:I'm so happy.
Bebe:We've connected and we will, of course be staying connected.
Lynnette:So Bebe, before we sign off, where can people find you?
Bebe:people can find me on Instagram at embody your soul underscore.
Bebe:And then in all of that jazz, you can find my podcast.
Bebe:You can find my website.
Bebe:if you feel called to book a reading with me, and then they could also find me if
Bebe:they're a book lover too, they can find me on instagram@doggeared.book club, and then
Bebe:that's where they can also find my podcast and more book recs and just have a ball.
Lynnette:are such a multi hyphenated shining fancy lady.
Lynnette:I love it.
Lynnette:All right.
Lynnette:B we'll talk so soon.
Lynnette:Thanks again for coming on.
Bebe:so much.
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