ep 15 | march astrology forecast: diving deep into pisces season 🐠, pluto’s changing signs, and why imagination is essential
This month, Dana and I join forces to chat about the zodiacal seasons, energies, key astrological moments, and important aspects. We also pulled a card from Lily Ashwell’s Heavenly Bodies deck to get insight and support on how to handle the month ahead.
Change is afoot with Mars, Saturn, and Pluto changing signs this month and lots of Neptune transits.
It’s also Dana’s solar return and she welcomed her sweet baby last month, so it’s an extra exciting and joyful Pisces season 🥰!
We also talk about:
- The support of a trine and it’s connection to Jupiter
- Aligning with your values in your every day actions with Venus in Aries
- Pisces planetary rulers and friends, Jupiter, Neptune, and Venus
- Pisces as a mutable water sign and its connection to the subconscious
- Aries season and the astrological new year
- Saturn’s move into Pisces and why imagination is essential
- The light and shadow of escapism
- Pluto’s move into Aquarius and why we’re not making a big deal about it
- Why we don’t actually know when the Age of Aquarius starts/started
- Mars moving into Cancer, a passion for being cozy
- Mars, the Sun, and Mercury conjoining Neptune the week of March 12th
- The magic of confusion
- Dana’s growth into embracing her Pisces Sun (and stellium) and understanding Pisces energy
- Pisces’ gift: reminding us to stay present
“Piscean energy is very much the opportunity to say, what have I learned as I’ve gone through these previous 11 signs, and how am I integrating it to become the next version of myself?”
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hello everybody.
Lynnette:Happy March.
Lynnette:We are not recording this in March, and talking about March is making
Lynnette:me very happy because to me March is practically summer, even though it's one
Lynnette:of our snowiest months here in Colorado.
Dana:Yeah, it's, it's usually very gloomy here as well, um, here in St.
Dana:So I hope that you, your optimism makes it so, like, maybe it will just
Dana:be a beautiful spring moment in March
Lynnette:Also, I am Lynnette of Cosmic Moves
Dana:and I'm doing that from Witch.
Lynnette:We are just so happy to talk to each other and to you today.
Lynnette:rological forecast for March,:Lynnette:And boy is there some stuff happening.
Dana:I, I wanna talk about the clam, but I won't, um, . And if you dunno what
Lynnette:everyone's gonna be confused.
Dana:no, you gotta go back and listen to February, do some reflective astrology.
Dana:Listen to February, see what came up for you.
Dana:And you'll know the inside joke about the clam.
Dana:Um, we can't go down that road
Lynnette:We shan't.
Dana:We can't.
Lynnette:go down the clam road.
Dana:Oh yeah.
Dana:But there is like, honestly a lot happening in March.
Dana:And really for the next few months there's kind of like big, big shit popping.
Dana:Um, sorry we don't cuss on your podcast, do we?
Lynnette:We don't, but it's okay.
Dana:I'm sorry.
Lynnette:you didn't for the February one, so
Dana:okay, good, good.
Lynnette:every other month,
Dana:I'll take, well, one month, month off, one month off.
Dana:Um, yeah, there's a lot.
Dana:So we're gonna get into all of that today.
Lynnette:Well, most of it cuz this is, this is not a six hour podcast.
Dana:yeah, we don't, we like truly don't have time to talk about everything.
Dana:So we're gonna focus on just like the zodiacal season energy, the
Dana:key moments with the ingresses.
Dana:That's really the big news.
Dana:And then we've got some key aspects that we'll discuss as well.
Lynnette:And it's Dana Solar return, so we'll talk about that too.
Lynnette:Whoop, whoop.
Lynnette:As always, since last month, we're going to start by pulling a card.
Lynnette:Here's Dana's favorite ASMR part.
Lynnette:Why is that hard to say?
Dana:A R.
Dana:I'm not good at shuffling, so I like to hear other people
Lynnette:So we're gonna pull a card, and whether you're listening to this as
Lynnette:it comes out at the beginning of March or afterward, um, this card is for you
Lynnette:regardless, and take what resonates.
Lynnette:Leave the rest.
Lynnette:Um, we'll just take this as a message from spirit.
Lynnette:For the theme and how to, to support us during the month of March.
Lynnette:So Dana, please tell me when to stop.
Lynnette:Oh, trine!
Dana:Oh my God.
Dana:Love it.
Lynnette:So nice.
Lynnette:Dana and I are both super excited because with all of the action going on
Lynnette:in the heavens, it's a lot of energy.
Lynnette:So the trine is a harmonious, supportive aspect.
Lynnette:This card, this deck that I'm using is Lily Ashwell's Heavenly Bodies deck, and
Lynnette:I just love how she approaches everything.
Lynnette:She's super poetic.
Lynnette:. So on this card itself, it says angelic support, harmony, and perfect flow.
Lynnette:So to me, what that says is without actually reading her omen, that like
Lynnette:no matter where you are, you're in the right place and you have the support
Lynnette:of the universe and Dana, you have your solar return, but you're also probably,
Lynnette:by March, gonna have a brand new baby.
Lynnette:so I mean, we're talking about some major shifts for you and like even though in
Lynnette:our 3D form things might be the biggest miracle, you can possibly experience.
Lynnette:It doesn't mean it's gonna be easy , like whatever anybody is going through.
Lynnette:anytime we have shifts, it usually means there's some kind of growth going
Lynnette:on, which is not easy or it's just hard because the energy is changing.
Lynnette:And as humans, we don't necessarily love change.
Lynnette:So to have the support of this trine energy, while we're dealing with some
Lynnette:of these shifts that happen every, oh, I don't know, 40 years , 20
Lynnette:years, however many it is with Pluto.
Lynnette:I think the message here is like, you're supported and
Lynnette:just keep going with the flow.
Lynnette:don't fight it.
Lynnette:Just make sure you're learning from it and make sure you are taking something from
Lynnette:it, even if it's not always super easy.
Dana:Yeah, I love that because, on many levels.
Dana:Everything you just said, including the card you pulled, is speaking to
Dana:Jupiter, which is the traditional ruler of Pisces and like a big
Dana:focus of the energy of this month.
Dana:Trines are like Jupiter, they are Jupiter's aspect.
Dana:because like Jupiter, they cohere, they make things easier,
Dana:they make things work together.
Dana:and Jupiter, I like to remind people is also about your
Dana:philosophies and values and.
Dana:if you can approach challenging situations.
Dana:Not saying that everyone's gonna have a challenging month at all.
Dana:there's not even really a lot that indicates something like that actually.
Dana:But if you can have that jupiterian perspective is what I'm trying to say.
Dana:Like if you can kind of think about.
Dana:what's here for me?
Dana:what am I supposed to gain from this, from like a spiritual point of view?
Dana:Embrace that from Jupiter because we're in Pisces season for a lot of the month
Dana:and we've got Saturn moving into Pisces, so that can be really, really helpful.
Dana:I think.
Lynnette:I think this also ties into, what we talked about for February
Lynnette:with Venus in Aries and like getting really clear on your values and your
Lynnette:philosophy and how you want to live your life because that supports you,
Lynnette:whether it's in times of challenge or flow to make informed choices.
Lynnette:Does this align with my values or does it not?
Lynnette:and I think that's something that, whether it's like when you're at a cash register
Lynnette:at a store and you're like, does this purchase I'm making support my values?
Lynnette:Or is it just something that I like, want in this moment?
Lynnette:Or, it's a book that you wanna read or whatever it is.
Lynnette:Like you can apply that to everything.
Lynnette:but again, in these times of.
Lynnette:Big shifts or changes or beginning of new cycles.
Lynnette:just having kind of a, a roadmap or like a checklist that you can compare against
Lynnette:for yourself can be super helpful.
Dana:Well, I guess that might be a good segue into a recap of
Dana:our zodiac seasons for March.
Lynnette:Yes, you start, cuz this is your homeland.
Dana:Pisces, we're in Pisces Land.
Dana:we will be in Pisces until March 20th when the Sun moves into Aries.
Dana:So, um, between March 1st and March 19th, we are in Pisces Land and.
Dana:As we said in the February forecast, Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac.
Dana:So it's very much like the subconscious realm.
Dana:it is the planets we think about or associate with Pisces
Dana:are Pluto or Pluto, not Pluto.
Dana:what, where did that come from?
Dana:Um, Jupiter.
Lynnette:That was interesting.
Lynnette:If we had more time, I would dig into that
Dana:Yeah, weird.
Dana:Where did that come from?
Dana:Um, okay, so Jupiter.
Dana:Venus and Neptune, the modern ruler.
Dana:So, what all of these planets kind of have in common is there's something spiritual.
Dana:and I don't know if maybe Venus, we wouldn't necessarily say that, but Jupiter
Dana:for sure, there's like this philosophical, spiritual sort of like, connection to
Dana:something greater that is very Piscean.
Dana:And then with Venus it's more about that harmonizing aspect.
Dana:with Pisces we're talking about mutable water, so the boundaries
Dana:are not there, and that allows us to connect and empathize and, understand
Dana:other people on a really deep level.
Dana:And then with Neptune we're talking about, the transcendence of going
Dana:beyond your bodily experience and dipping your toes or maybe like dunking
Dana:your whole body because it's Neptune into like, the waters of your psyche.
Dana:So this is really what Pisces is all about, is connecting with something really
Dana:deep and, and liminal and subconscious.
Dana:In order to transcend the limitations of ordinary life and for better or for worse,
Lynnette:Yes to all.
Lynnette:And we were also just talking about how, Pisces contains all the
Lynnette:other signs of the zodiac, but it.
Lynnette:It's that other worldliness, right?
Lynnette:So when I think of Pisces as compared to the water signs, like Scorpio, is
Lynnette:the part of the ocean that like humans can't go into because it's too dark
Lynnette:and too much pressure and it has like all these weird creatures living there.
Lynnette:Um, cancer is like the beach, right?
Lynnette:The crab can go on the sand or in the water and it's like great.
Lynnette:And then Pisces is like the ethereal mist that just goes everywhere, right?
Lynnette:Like it cannot be contained.
Lynnette:And for me, I really like the expression of connecting Pisces to the 12th
Lynnette:house where it's the pre incarnation
Lynnette:So it's the time where, you know, I believe that a soul decides what
Lynnette:it's coming to earth to achieve, what birth chart it's gonna
Lynnette:incarnate into, all of that stuff.
Lynnette:And so it's like this in between time where you have physically here, like if
Lynnette:you have, wherever you have Pisces in your chart, you're connected to the 3D
Lynnette:realm, but you also have the ability to tap into that otherworldliness,
Lynnette:the mysticism, like everything behind the veil, which is super cool.
Dana:It's a disorienting, yet fascinating energy to, to be in.
Lynnette:and boy, do you have a lot of it.
Dana:Yes, I do.
Dana:Yes I do.
Dana:And it, it's been a journey to understand it.
Dana:So we're also getting Aries season
Dana:What do you love about Aries season?
Dana:Tell us
Lynnette:Well, um, now in our third podcast, once again, I'm going to
Lynnette:mention how much I do not adore January 1st as the New Year, because Aries
Lynnette:season , in addition to your own personal new year at your solar return, is the
Lynnette:start of the Astrological New Year.
Lynnette:It aligns with the pagan calendar.
Lynnette:I don't even like calling it a calendar.
Lynnette:Maybe it's called calendar.
Lynnette:But it's springtime.
Lynnette:It's the beginning of the new year in terms of nature.
Lynnette:So who doesn't love that?
Lynnette:And Aries being the first sign of Zodiac is a time for us to all be honorary
Lynnette:Aries unless our sun is in Aries, and put ourselves first and try new
Lynnette:things and take risks and be bold and.
Lynnette:Hopefully some sunshine.
Dana:Yeah, absolutely.
Dana:It, it, I think rebirth is a great word.
Dana:just for the, the season in general and embracing the Sun, and your
Dana:unique Sun placement as well.
Dana:Knowing the Sun is exalted.
Dana:It's, that's why it's such a good time for you to embrace your individual nature
Dana:and like really be about yourself, so it's a great time to reflect on your
Dana:personal sun placement and how you can kind of embody that in your life too.
Lynnette:Another opportunity to set goals and resolutions,
Lynnette:and we'll talk more about it, in the April forecast cuz we
Lynnette:got what, 10 days of Aries in March.
Dana:We'll revisit Aries once we move into, and we've got some, some
Dana:pretty cool, happenings aspect wise in Aries, like, we're gonna get a
Dana:Sun Jupiter conjunction, in Aries.
Dana:I'm pretty sure, yeah, on April 11th, so we'll, we'll touch back on
Dana:Aries energy when we get to April.
Dana:Well, should we move into our key moments of the month?
Lynnette:We should,
Lynnette:because there are a lot
Dana:There's, there's a lot happening.
Dana:Well, it looks like our first major event is the ingress of
Dana:Saturn into Pisces on March 7th.
Dana:What are your thoughts on that?
Lynnette:I think that at face value, saturn is about boundaries
Lynnette:and Pisces is about no boundaries, . So, um, it's an interesting vibe.
Lynnette:I think again, if we're looking at it face value, you're kinda
Lynnette:like, hmm, that sounds weird.
Lynnette:but you can also think about it in the sense that, they can support each
Lynnette:other because Pisces imagination.
Lynnette:helps create the ideas and then Saturn's structure and foundations
Lynnette:helps actually put them into place.
Dana:a hundred percent.
Dana:And I felt the same way as you, where at first when I was contemplating
Dana:on this combination, it seemed very antithetical or like opposite.
Dana:And actually I think it's more complimentary.
Dana:One thing I was just telling Lynnette before we started recording, I really
Dana:appreciate how she contextualizes things and I'm gonna try to do that with the
Lynnette:are gonna do great.
Dana:n in Saturn ruled signs since:Dana:It's been in either Capricorn or Aquarius.
Dana:So it's been in a place where it can be, as Saturn-y as it wants, it can
Dana:set all the boundaries and, uh, okay.
Dana:We were locked down with covid, like.
Dana:it can, create new perspectives too though, with Aquarius
Dana:where we can kind of zoom out.
Dana:So I think what we saw, or what happened was we did get subjected to that Saturnian
Dana:restriction, and that allowed us to gain some perspective on like, okay,
Dana:so what are we actually doing here?
Dana:And I think you have seen, or at least from where I am looking at.
Dana:A lot of questioning, a lot of aquarian questioning about the
Dana:structure of our society, and at least in the United States.
Dana:but globally too.
Dana:I would, I would imagine, what are we doing here, ? Like
Dana:what, what are the rules?
Dana:What are the boundaries?
Dana:Who are they for?
Dana:So there's been a lot of that heavy Saturnian energy in the air, and
Dana:now we're moving into Pisces where it's all about the liminal, the
Dana:unconscious, and the imagination.
Dana:So we need to take what we've learned from Saturn in Saturn ruled
Dana:signs, and now allow ourselves to go into that liminal imaginary
Dana:space and figure out what's next.
Dana:because after this Saturn will be in Aries, where as we were just
Dana:saying, we can start new things, but in order to get that part right,
Dana:we need to really surrender now.
Dana:Cuz that's another Piscean theme, is that ability to surrender.
Dana:Let's surrender to the, Imagination, like what's the best case scenario?
Dana:What do we want this world to be like?
Dana:What structures, what laws, what rules do we want to be in place and how can
Dana:we, bring them into form with Saturn?
Dana:That's what Saturn in Pisces is here to help us do.
Lynnette:Yeah, and I really like the theme of surrender.
Lynnette:Pisces also, as we talked about, contains all the other signs.
Lynnette:So it's able to relate and to be reflected back, in the eyes of others.
Lynnette:And so I think when we're talking about applying Saturn to that oneness
Lynnette:of Pisces, right, we are all one.
Lynnette:I am you, you are me.
Lynnette:Saturn gives us the ability to bring that to reality.
Lynnette:and hopefully dissolve some of that divisiveness that has been going
Lynnette:on, in a tactical way, not just, the Piscean, like hippie dreamy,
Lynnette:like, you know, which is great.
Lynnette:I am a big fan of it, , but, my dream for Saturn in Pisces is that we
Lynnette:are actually able to, dissolve the otherness, the me versus you or you
Lynnette:versus them, because Saturn is actually building a foundation to create some
Lynnette:sort of way that people are okay with not otherizing, or like, separating.
Dana:a million percent.
Dana:And yeah, I, I am now adopting that as my greatest wish for Saturn in Pisces too.
Dana:I was watching a, uh, workshop by Shawn Nygard, who is an astrologer.
Dana:And, he was talking about Saturn in Pisces and he was really beautiful.
Dana:It was just kind of, um, just like archetypal thinkings and , like, I don't
Dana:wanna, uh, this might sound bad, it was.
Dana:Kind of Like the slides were a little random.
Dana:Like here's this other thing that evokes Saturn in Pisces, but it worked.
Dana:Um, and he had this like slide of quotes and one of them was the
Dana:psyche creates reality every day.
Dana:And that's a Carl Jung quote, and I loved that he brought that in because.
Dana:Pisces is the psyche.
Dana:It's that liminal, unconscious space, that we all have access to, right?
Dana:Where we all are, the are one, and it's what creates reality.
Dana:And that is Saturn.
Dana:And it reminded me that, like what we were talking about in February, what you
Dana:brought up about neuroaesthetics, when you, what you think becomes your reality.
Dana:what you think becomes your reality.
Dana:And when we don't tap into that imaginal, liminal space, we are fundamentally
Dana:disconnected from something so important to, not just like having a personally
Dana:satisfying life, but being able to connect with all of humanity, because that's
Dana:what connects us to all of humanity.
Dana:Um, I, I feel like I sound like a mad scientist right now.
Dana:I hope I'm making sense.
Lynnette:You've never made more sense to me.
Lynnette:I don't know if it's my Aquarius or what, but, I'm super passionate
Lynnette:about this and we were texting about this yesterday because, Pisces is
Lynnette:ruled by Neptune in modern Rulership.
Lynnette:But the connection between Saturn and Neptune and therefore
Lynnette:Saturn in Pisces is a lot more similar than people might think.
Lynnette:You, Dana, have a very tight , Neptune, Saturn conjunction in your chart.
Lynnette:So this is like literally a part of your dna.
Lynnette:But I just wanna share a couple of the quotes that we were tossing back
Lynnette:and forth yesterday because I think they're really helpful for either
Lynnette:people like us who are like, yay, the dream, like let's make it a reality.
Lynnette:Or people who maybe are more grounded in the 3D world and maybe
Lynnette:aren't as connected to the oneness.
Lynnette:So, the first one I love is by astrologer Caroline Casey.
Lynnette:And she says, imagination lays the tracks and the reality train follows.
Lynnette:So imagination here being Pisces or Neptune, and the reality being Saturn.
Lynnette:You can't have anything without imagining it first, right?
Lynnette:The wheel back in prehistoric times or the internet or you know, whatever.
Lynnette:the one I really like and think is relatable for maybe more, um, earth,
Lynnette:earth heavy chart people, 3D world people, is by William Blake, where he says what
Lynnette:is now proved was once only imagined.
Lynnette:and I think that it's just a really good reminder for all of us
Lynnette:that our imagination is essential.
Lynnette:It's not a nice to have, like having time to daydream and to be creative
Lynnette:and to not just spend all of our hours scrolling or watching TV or working
Lynnette:or working out or, you know, whatever it is that you feel like you have to
Lynnette:fill your time with because we're in this like type A go, go go society.
Lynnette:We have to prioritize the dreaming and the imagination as well.
Dana:And the choice we have, I think with Saturn in Pisces is, and anytime we're
Dana:dealing with Pisces energy, really, you hear about Pisces being like the escapist.
Dana:Well, if you are escape, quote unquote, escaping to your imagination, I
Dana:would argue like you just said, that that is extremely fundamental
Dana:and not a negative thing at all.
Dana:Even though that word escape has a negative connotation.
Dana:Where we get into trouble is when we don't make time for that.
Dana:We will find other ways to do it, and that's why you have Pisces
Dana:being associated with drugs and alcohol and other means of escapism.
Dana:Having sex with a lot of people or like whatever it is, right?
Dana:Having any kind of vice that helps you escape the 3D world, I can almost
Dana:guarantee that if you're in that space, it's because you're not making time to go
Dana:in and, and make friends with your psyche.
Lynnette:Make friends,
Dana:I don't know.
Dana:This is Pisces shit and I love it and I, I'm sorry I keep cussing, but.
Lynnette:it's fine.
Lynnette:Every other month you're allowed to
Dana:Uh, so I think we have a lot to look forward to with Saturn in Pisces.
Dana:I think the challenge is if you, again, are not making that conscious effort
Dana:to go inward and dream and imagine, you might find yourself in that Saturn
Dana:feeling of loneliness and in isolation and finding destructive ways to escape.
Dana:But it's, it's a real opportunity for having productive ways to escape that
Dana:allow us to create a better world.
Lynnette:And remember Saturn is the planet of time, so, he's literally opening
Lynnette:the door for us to make time for dreaming.
Dana:oh my God, yes.
Lynnette:was that a single clap?
Lynnette:I love that
Dana:One clap.
Dana:One clap for it.
Dana:Give you a lot of claps.
Dana:That Was that a plus?
Dana:I love.
Lynnette:We spent a lot of time talking about this.
Dana:I'm sorry.
Dana:I told you I had a lot to say.
Dana:Um, , but I think, I think we got it.
Lynnette:yeah, that was goodbye.
Lynnette:Have a great march
Dana:But wait, there's more.
Lynnette:the other thing that you're gonna hear everybody talking
Lynnette:about, probably more than us
Lynnette:we actually have that much to say about it.
Lynnette:actually we do, we just have a, a, maybe a different perspective.
Lynnette:is that Pluto slowest planet ever?
Lynnette:Um, probably not ever, but astrologically speaking, he's a slow mover.
Lynnette:is changing signs my friends.
Lynnette:This does not happen very often.
Lynnette:The last time it happened was when he moved into Capricorn on November 26th.
Lynnette:drumroll please,:Lynnette:That was a long time ago,
Lynnette:so anytime one of the outer planets that moves
Lynnette:so slowly changes signs.
Lynnette:That's a big shift.
Lynnette:That is a collective shift that everyone is going to feel.
Lynnette:And it's gonna last for another how many years?
Lynnette:20 something years.
Lynnette:until:Lynnette:when Pluto's gonna move into Pisces
Lynnette:I don't know why I whispered that.
Lynnette:It's very dramatic.
Lynnette:Now, the reason that Dana and I may not kind of feel as strongly about this
Lynnette:shift as other astrologers, and my guess is you're going to hear a lot about
Lynnette:the age of Aquarius, and how this may play a big part in it, and it might.
Lynnette:the thing about the age of Aquarius and any of the ages is that, I'm just gonna
Lynnette:pause here because Dana is drinking water out of a giant Beerstein It's enormous.
Lynnette:It is bigger than her head.
Lynnette:the thing about the age of Aquarius is that nobody will actually know when we're
Lynnette:in it until a really long time from now.
Lynnette:the ages themselves work backwards and because of the tilt of the earth we don't
Lynnette:actually know when it's gonna start.
Lynnette:Maybe it starts when Pluto moves into Aquarius.
Lynnette:Maybe it doesn't.
Lynnette:What we need to worry about here is what does that energetic
Lynnette:shift feel like for us?
Lynnette:And where is it happening in your chart?
Lynnette:Because with these outer planets, when they stop to move backwards or forwards,
Lynnette:that's when we feel it the most.
Lynnette:And then when they change signs, so we're gonna feel a shift.
Lynnette:It may or may not be the beginning of the age of Aquarius whatever.
Lynnette:but the other thing is, is that Pluto's also going to retrograde, so he's
Lynnette:going to be bouncing back and forth between Aquarius and Capricorn, which is
Lynnette:where he's been since:Lynnette:So as he moves through this, boundary between Aquarius and Capricorn over the
Lynnette:next couple of years, that's him really.
Lynnette:I think as Anne Ortelee says, like scraping the bottom of the mayonnaise jar,
Lynnette:like all the work that he's been doing to transform us from the perspective of
Lynnette:Capricorn themes of our structure and our achievements and all of that stuff.
Lynnette:Pluto's the planet of transformation, so as he moves backwards back into
Lynnette:Capricorn, he's like, okay, I'm gonna get every last bit of mayo out of that jar.
Lynnette:I'm gonna probably wreak a little bit more havoc, , as I wrap up these Capricorn
Lynnette:th,:Lynnette:So we're not totally done with this Capricorn energy and we're
Lynnette:not totally in the Aquarius energy for another almost two years.
Dana:Yes, exactly.
Dana:So all of that to say too, like, it's great to think about what it might mean,
Dana:but don't get too like caught up in it because we're going back and forth.
Lynnette:Thank you for summarizing it in three seconds.
Dana:Well, no, no.
Dana:We needed those dates.
Dana:We needed the, we needed all of that.
Dana:But if you're like, all right, so what do I do with that?
Dana:Just pay attention, but like don't, don't stress.
Dana:I will say though, if you have any placements at the end of Capricorn,
Dana:beginning of Aquarius or End of Cancer, beginning of Leo, and
Dana:then I think to maybe a lesser extent, but still important, end
Dana:of Aries, beginning of Taurus.
Dana:And then what would that be?
Dana:End of Libra, beginning of Scorpio, that would square?
Dana:you're, you might notice this a little bit more.
Dana:In particular, I would say like most if you've got end of cap,
Dana:beginning of Aquarius, Pluto's gonna be on top of those placements.
Dana:So you personally, if you've got placements there, you might wanna
Dana:just pay a little more attention.
Lynnette:So any placements in Capricorn from 27 degrees is where you'll feel
Lynnette:it over the next, until November of
Dana:and again, that's not, I don't know if we said this actually,
Dana:but don't, don't worry about it.
Dana:Just know that, you know, if you don't have placements there, this is probably
Dana:not gonna be much different for you.
Dana:But if you do, you might notice it personally a little bit more.
Dana:Well the only other ingress we have is Mars moving into cancer,
Dana:which is, you know, less of a big deal, but still a pretty big deal.
Lynnette:If this other stuff wasn't going on, this would be the big deal.
Dana:So why is
Lynnette:going on.
Dana:We have a we.
Dana:That's what we keep saying, like there's a lot happening.
Dana:So what is the deal with Mars in cancer?
Lynnette:Mars in cancer is, I don't know what like the right way to say this is.
Lynnette:Cause I keep saying like, stereotypically, but, like, at first glance, Mars is
Lynnette:probably not the happiest in cancer.
Lynnette:Mars is the god of war.
Lynnette:And there's like action and passion involved, and then cancer is like, oh,
Lynnette:I'm so nurtured and I'm home and I'm cozy.
Lynnette:So like, naturally those vibes are maybe not, you know, the pair, the
Lynnette:dream pair that you would think of.
Lynnette:that being said, . I think that being passionate about being cozy is great.
Lynnette:, I'm very passionate about being cozy, . so if we're talking about the
Lynnette:optimistic side, there's the chance to, apply those Martian qualities to
Lynnette:your home, your family, being cozy.
Lynnette:, the challenging side of it is that that Martian energy may just want to
Lynnette:go, go, go and to fight something.
Lynnette:and that doesn't really, it isn't very harmonious with,
Lynnette:that nurturing cancer energy.
Dana:And you know it, I'm gonna bring up the, the traditional dignities here.
Dana:Because it is speaking to what Lynnette's saying, the fact that Mars is in fall
Dana:here, it is not as Lynnette just said, a place that mars is gonna traditionally
Dana:feel very comfortable in, if we're talking about the sign of the crab that wants to
Dana:be protected and protective, going out and fighting and stabbing and cutting
Dana:like Mars is wont to do is kind of yes.
Dana:That's a lot better than cutting and stabbing.
Dana:A little aggressive, but still, I mean, these are Mars, significations.
Dana:so, I will say, you know, the people I know with Mars in Cancer, we were talking
Dana:about this earlier, they are ride or die.
Dana:They, they are your best friends and they will not put up with any shit.
Dana:And, if someone wrongs you, they will never forget it for better or for worse.
Dana:So there is a lot to say about the loyalty of Mars and cancer and.
Dana:, how like caring they can be.
Dana:And that can also become a, uh, it, it, it can go too far sometimes.
Dana:So it's a, it's a good thing to pay attention to, you know,
Dana:your emotions during this time.
Dana:And specifically like what is worth fighting for, what you
Dana:find yourself fighting for.
Dana:And is that more, has that line shifted at all with Mars in cancer?
Dana:On the other hand, it might feel kind of nice because Mars has been
Dana:in Gemini since August of:Dana:So that just the sheer change of energy might feel really great for some of us.
Dana:So, yeah, it'll be interesting to see how that plays out.
Lynnette:Yeah, and it's there for about two months.
Lynnette:So from March 25th through May 20th, so it's not like Mars and
Lynnette:Gemini where we had the retrograde and it's been there forever.
Lynnette:again, every time a planet goes through a sign, it's an opportunity for us
Lynnette:to work with that unique energy.
Lynnette:And I think, Mars in cancer.
Lynnette:I just had like a moment where I was like, I guess cancer, like the crab does have
Lynnette:kind of that innate, I'm gonna get you with my claws if you disturb my home.
Lynnette:So there is kind of like what we were talking about with Saturn in Pisces.
Lynnette:Like you find these connections that normally you'd be like, oh, those don't
Lynnette:go together at all, but you mess with someone's home, you mess with someone's
Lynnette:family, the crab is gonna come get you.
Lynnette:That sounds like a threat.
Lynnette:I'm not threatening anybody, , but, um, I think the, the, um, what
Lynnette:is the word I'm looking for?
Lynnette:Like what's the opposite of like the shadow side of something?
Dana:L light, but I don't know if that's the right.
Lynnette:Like the, cuz I don't wanna say the positive side of Mars,
Lynnette:like the.
Dana:I don't know the positive
Lynnette:The, the highest expression of Mars is, like being
Lynnette:motivated and being passionate about something and taking action on it.
Lynnette:And so over these two months, Yes, watch out for what Dana was saying,
Lynnette:like conflict with your family or like conflict in your home or, being
Lynnette:more prone to those types of things.
Lynnette:But tying it back to the Saturn in Pisces shift, this could also be feeling
Lynnette:really motivated to connect to others and to connect to the people in your
Lynnette:home or to connect to your chosen family.
Lynnette:Everything is an opportunity.
Lynnette:I'm the optimist always.
Lynnette:but I think when we're talking about always having a choice with
Lynnette:astrology, like during those two months, you wanna lean toward that.
Dana:I love that.
Dana:Love it.
Dana:Great advice as always.
Lynnette:I'm blushing.
Lynnette:Quickly, we have two minutes,
Dana:We are gonna blast through what's going on with Neptune this month.
Dana:So we do have, you know, the majority of March is Pisces
Dana:season and Neptune is in Pisces.
Dana:It's been in Pisces for a hot minute, and we're gonna have a few conjunctions
Dana:to Neptune as well as a square happening the week of March 12th through the 18th.
Dana:Those specific days and events.
Dana:Mars is going to square Neptune on March 14th.
Dana:The Sun will conjoin Neptune on March 15th, and then Mercury will
Dana:conjoin Neptune on March 16th.
Dana:So you can see that we've got a heavy Neptune moment right
Dana:in the middle of the month.
Dana:Lynnette, what do you think about when you think about Neptune
Lynnette:Pisces I think this ties exactly into those quotes that
Lynnette:we were talking about earlier.
Lynnette:Neptune is the dream, Neptune is the vision.
Lynnette:Neptune is, the dissolution of of boundaries.
Lynnette:And yes, because I'm gonna be more balanced.
Lynnette:Like you, it can be escapism, , and.
Lynnette:. I guess that's kind of the shadow side of it, but I think all of these
Lynnette:aspects to Neptune are almost like an introduction or opening the door to
Lynnette:us, connecting to that, that Pisces energy that we've been talking about.
Dana:Oh, absolutely.
Dana:Especially kind of the sequence of things like if we think about a Mars Square
Dana:Neptune, well, Mars is in Gemini still at this point, so this is an intellectual
Dana:Mars who likes to debate and share ideas.
Dana:So that square to Neptune is, we might not really be sure what we're
Dana:thinking, like we might not even be sure what it is we wanna say.
Dana:And so that might be a good moment to say less like if
Dana:you don't know, like go inward.
Dana:And the Sun Conjunct Neptune I think is a great moment to do that.
Dana:It's transcending who you thought you were, like giving yourself, space to maybe
Dana:explore a new aspect of your identity.
Dana:And then Mercury conjunct Neptune on the next day, it can help us bring
Dana:words, and I would say actually less words and more images because Mercury
Dana:in Pisces is abstract thinking.
Dana:At its best, it is Mercury in fall in detriment.
Dana:Um, Because it's in Pisces, it's opposite is home Sign of Virgo.
Dana:But again, this is a Mercury that does have strengths.
Dana:Its strengths are not analytical.
Dana:They are imaginal, they are liminal and they are, uh, this is poets, artists.
Dana:This is a great day to vision board.
Dana:so all about abstract thinking this week and really embracing the language of
Dana:archetypes and things of that nature.
Lynnette:I love the invitation of abstract thinking because one of the
Lynnette:key words for Neptune is confusion.
Lynnette:But when we actually break that down, it's 'with fusion'.
Lynnette:So you're bringing two things together.
Lynnette:And when we think about confusion, it usually has a negative connotation
Lynnette:of being like, I don't know what I want, or I don't know where
Lynnette:I'm going, or I don't understand.
Lynnette:But when we break it down to the etymology of it, it's an openness because you're
Lynnette:bringing two things together that maybe you've never thought about before and
Lynnette:that's why you're a little disoriented or you're not sure which direction to go.
Lynnette:so the great thing about that is that you're opening your mind , like
Lynnette:you're seeing things in a new way.
Lynnette:And that's not always easy or clear.
Lynnette:And I think kind of because we have all of this Pisces energy,
Lynnette:it's a different perspective to not be maybe worried or intimidated.
Lynnette:because in this 3D western world, we always like to have a plan
Lynnette:and know where we're going.
Lynnette:and to just be grateful that like our minds and our spirits and our logic
Lynnette:can actually hold two things together that may or may not go together,
Lynnette:but like, wow, how amazing is it that we can actually, like, do that.
Lynnette:And then work through it and And figure it out.
Dana:So sit with it and be okay with it.
Dana:It, it's not always easy because as you just said, like our society
Dana:is not . It's like not how we do things typically, but there's a lot
Dana:of treasure to be found in that.
Lynnette:And gratitude
Lynnette:like, wow.
Lynnette:Brain, you can connect, the warrior being the nurturer, like that is
Lynnette:confusing, but we just worked through the concept and discovered opportunities,
Lynnette:but I think it's like not to be the, literally the most cheesy, it's about
Lynnette:the journey, not the destination.
Dana:Yes, yes.
Dana:No, exactly.
Dana:and you've gotta give yourself space to go on that journey.
Dana:And in this case, that journey is in your imagination.
Lynnette:Imagination Station.
Lynnette:Okay, I am going to send the train on a different track.
Lynnette:We're still in the Pisces neighborhood.
Lynnette:Dana, your solar return is coming up and you have 12 million planets
Lynnette:and Pisces So tell us about it.
Lynnette:What's like, being a Pisces?
Dana:It's, it's interesting.
Dana:So I mentioned last month that I, for a long time did not resonate
Dana:with Pisces, energy, and there's a lot of reasons for that.
Dana:I think number one is I was reading horoscopes in a Cosmo Girl magazine until
Dana:like, I didn't know I was getting meme astrology basically, but the like late
Dana:nineties, early two thousands version of that in the back of a magazine.
Dana:and so I just had this very surface level understanding of it.
Dana:Another part of it is that I have stelliums in Capricorn and Gemini.
Dana:and I think I was sort of living in the shadow of my Libra rising for a long time.
Dana:So it was hard for me to connect with that Pisces vibe.
Dana:But I have a really deep appreciation for it now.
Dana:I think I'm always going to be trying to understand it.
Dana:It's very um it's hard to put into words for me, like what it really is all
Dana:about, but, I think that it speaks to like my, my interest in like psychology
Dana:and the way people work and the unseen realm and, and things like that.
Dana:So it's, it's a really beautiful energy, but I think it's very misunderstood,
Lynnette:Yeah, very much so.
Lynnette:, I'm probably gonna edit this out, but when you were saying that, I was like,
Lynnette:it's like when you have a floater in your eye and you like keep trying to
Lynnette:see it, but it just keeps moving and you like can't actually ever see it.
Lynnette:Like it just keeps moving.
Lynnette:I think especially for those of us who maybe don't have a lot of
Lynnette:placements in Pisces, we all have Pisces somewhere in our charts.
Lynnette:It's a part of all of us.
Lynnette:Again, we all have that connection to Pisces but I think for you and for anyone
Lynnette:else who has a lot of Pisces placements, you guys may be the only ones to actually
Lynnette:understand each other, and even then that Pisces energy is so ethereal and
Lynnette:like constantly changing and moving and evolving and all of that stuff.
Lynnette:you're never gonna be able to grab onto the ethereal mist.
Lynnette:It's not like the water in the bucket at the ocean that you can be like,
Lynnette:oh, here's the water from the ocean.
Lynnette:Like you can never grab fog or like a cloud
Dana:I, I think that that has been a huge lesson for me because one thing I've
Dana:always struggled with and really wanted and craved was certainty.
Dana:Especially around what I'm doing like in my work, which makes sense
Dana:because, you know, I've got my Pisces stellium in my sixth house.
Dana:and so there's just always been this kind of like question of like,
Dana:am I ever gonna be sure am I ever gonna be able to commit to anything?
Dana:And that's been.
Dana:A really deep journey of healing.
Dana:But I think part of the lesson in that is learning how to
Dana:just be present with what is.
Dana:And I, that is a huge gift of Pisces too, I think is, allowing
Dana:yourself to just be here now.
Lynnette:. And I think.
Lynnette:, the gift that Pisces gives to those of us who don't have, you know, a strong
Lynnette:connection to it, is the magic and the reminders to be present and to connect
Lynnette:to the other realms and things like that.
Lynnette:I think what you just said about your journey to connect with your
Lynnette:Sun sign is, Really validating.
Lynnette:I also didn't do that with my Aquarius sun for a really long time.
Lynnette:And I mean, kind of similar to you cause I know you have a lot of Capricorn as well.
Lynnette:it's that balance of different parts of your chart.
Lynnette:So like, my Virgo Rising was like, I'm a rule follower, I just want to be normal.
Lynnette:That was what I like said in therapy for a really long time, cuz I was like, my
Lynnette:childhood wasn't normal, my relationship isn't normal, my work isn't normal,
Lynnette:my friendships aren't normal, like nothing in my life, was, like, quote
Lynnette:unquote normal, which is so aquarian, . And I was like, I don't want that.
Lynnette:Like when you don't understand it or resonate with it, there's, for me at
Lynnette:least, there's like a really strong rejection and like a really strong
Lynnette:leaning to another part of my chart.
Lynnette:So for you to speak to, your pisces stellium in the six house, which is
Lynnette:again that natural tension between, like, no order and then like literally
Lynnette:like your routine and your habits I think just really helps demonstrate how
Lynnette:our chart is like our lifelong lesson.
Lynnette:And if you don't resonate with something when you're reading Cosmo Girl, I don't
Lynnette:even know if it still exists, but when you're like 12 or 22 or 52 or 92 or 102,
Lynnette:Our chart stays with us our whole lives, and it's, it's always a practice, right?
Lynnette:It's always a choice to see like, which part of your chart do you wanna work with?
Dana:and it's always unveiling itself to you like I, I.
Dana:I realize and understand new things about my chart all the time, even
Dana:though it's not changing, you know?
Dana:there's always more to discover as you discover more about yourself.
Dana:So it's this really beautiful, reciprocal thing where you
Dana:can just go deeper and deeper.
Dana:But always, what it really is for me is a mindfulness practice, because you're
Dana:only gonna get those lessons right now.
Lynnette:For me, part of that unveiling and the learning is
Lynnette:like the continuous cycles, right?
Lynnette:Whether it's annual profections, like a different house for every year, or
Lynnette:it's a solar return, and like looking at that chart for the year or looking at my
Lynnette:planetary order and like what the theme is for a given month, whatever it is.
Lynnette:we talked about that in the, the February forecast, but like with all of this
Lynnette:Pisces energy, this may or may not be a conclusion to the podcast, but Pisces
Lynnette:being the last sign of the Zodiac, anytime we're talking about Pisces, we're talking
Lynnette:about the transition from the end of a cycle to the beginning of a new cycle,
Lynnette:and Pisces is bringing things together.
Lynnette:It may be in a way where you're like, we are all one.
Lynnette:, there is no true ending.
Lynnette:It's like the ourobous eating its own tail.
Lynnette:but that Pisces connection to the 12th house and the, the preconception
Lynnette:and like the, the, shedding of the skin into a new identity.
Lynnette:whether we're talking about Saturn or, any of the, the Neptune transits
Lynnette:that we're talking about, that Piscean energy is very much the opportunity
Lynnette:to say, what have I learned as I've gone through these previous 11
Lynnette:signs, and how am I integrating it to become the next version of myself?
Dana:Love it.
Dana:That sounds like an ending to me that like how could we, what else is there to say?
Dana:I mean
Lynnette:There's always something to say, thank you all for listening.
Lynnette:Happy birthday to Dana, and you can find me@cosmicmoves.com.
Lynnette:Cosmic dot moves on Instagram.
Lynnette:Dana, where can folks find you?
Dana:Self-help witch.com.
Dana:Self-help witch on Instagram and TikTok where I may or may not be posting things.
Dana:Who knows
Lynnette:You do you.
Lynnette:It's Pisces Energy.
Lynnette:You do stuff when you're called to.
Dana:That's right.
Lynnette:All right everyone.
Lynnette:We'll talk to you next month.
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