ep 14 | february astrology forecast: crossing thresholds, dreaming, and new ways to work with your Moon 🌙
This month, Dana and I dive deep into the Neptunian and Piscean waters that will be the energetic background for February ahead of some big shifts in March. There’s not a ton of action in the skies ahead of next month’s adventures, so we’re exploring our native Sun signs, Aquarius and Pisces, and talking about different ways to work with your Moon. We also introduce a new segment with a card pull for the month!
We also talk about:
- The significance of Venus conjuncting Neptune on February 15th
- Venus entering Aries on February 20th.
- Why Aries brings a focus on ourselves
- Why understanding your natal lunar phase can help you better understand yourself
- The astrology for squares and oppositions and how they can be opportunities for growth
- The connection between each zodiac season and sign
“So you’ve got these three energies of Neptune, Venus, and Pisces all coming together, and they have some really important key similarities that are allowing us to make really beautiful connections. I think that’s the catchphrase I would use, beautiful connections, revelry, just embracing and enjoying the moment and getting really swept away in it.” – Dana
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welcome everybody to.
Lynnette:Our February forecast episode, I'm Lynette of Cosmic Moves Astrology,
Lynnette:and I am with my Astro BFF, Dana
Dana:Oh yeah.
Dana:I'm Dana . I was just like, oh, your astro BFF.
Lynnette:are my Astro BFF.
Dana:you're mine so feeling's mutual.
Dana:I'm Dana from Self-Help Witch and uh, yeah, we are here to talk
Dana:about the Astro for February,:Dana:It's gonna be great, I think.
Lynnette:It's gonna be pretty mellow.
Lynnette:It's kind of the, well, I always think of this, do you remember that
Lynnette:website that was like engrish.com, which is not politically correct now,
Lynnette:but it was like all these like bad translations.
Lynnette:, it was like many, many years ago, but there was one of my favorite
Lynnette:ones was this tote bag that said the clam before the storm and
Lynnette:I always, it had a picture of a, of a clam on it.
Lynnette:and I was gonna say February is the calm before the storm,
Lynnette:but it's not really a storm.
Lynnette:It's just like more energy, right?
Lynnette:Like it's not good or bad.
Lynnette:Says my optimistic outlook.
Lynnette:It's just lots of shifts.
Dana:Clam before the shifts.
Dana:That's the title of this episode.
Lynnette:I love that.
Lynnette:The climb before the shift.
Lynnette:So, since we're new at this, we've only had one month under our belts
Lynnette:, we're gonna start a new tradition and pull a card, which is the theme
Lynnette:for the month, or a card to support you as you're navigating the clam . I
Lynnette:should not have said that cuz now.
Dana:No, I love it.
Dana:I love it.
Lynnette:so I am pulling from the, there are no coincidences,
Lynnette:manifestation deck by Eliza Kelly.
Lynnette:And whether you're listening to this at the beginning of February or any
Lynnette:time, just know that this card is for you and take what resonates.
Lynnette:Leave the rest.
Lynnette:And Dana, tell me when to stop shuffling.
Lynnette:So you are part of this.
Dana:I'm enjoying the shuffle a S M R.
Lynnette:Oh my gosh.
Lynnette:This card technically just jumped out when I told you when to shuffle
Lynnette:and then I put it back and then you stopped it right at this.
Lynnette:So that is wild.
Lynnette:so this is the Crossroads card, which I think is really interesting,
Lynnette:especially because it came up twice.
Lynnette:It like really wanted to come through for us today, and it's part of the
Lynnette:thresholds category, which I appreciate.
Lynnette:So you've reached an intersection, a junction, a fork in the road, one of the
Lynnette:most symbolic and allegorical spaces.
Lynnette:It doesn't just represent options, it signifies choice.
Lynnette:And I really like that because I think that is my, and probably your, I'm
Lynnette:gonna put words in your mouth, Dana, philosophy around astrology, right?
Lynnette:astrology is purely about giving us choices and information that
Lynnette:we can decide what to do with it.
Lynnette:So this card comes around when it's time to make a decision.
Lynnette:It's a turning point in your narrative, so perhaps the appearance of this
Lynnette:card reflects a necessary change.
Lynnette:You've been presented with multiple options, and now you need to
Lynnette:choose which route is best at the end of the day, remember, this
Lynnette:decision is yours and yours alone.
Lynnette:There are no shortcuts, detours, or alternate roots.
Lynnette:Lace up your sneakers and continue the course.
Lynnette:You're ready.
Dana:I love that too because we are in February entering Pisces season, which
Dana:to me also feels like threshold energy.
Dana:You know, it's the last sign of the Zodiac right before Aries season.
Dana:When we get that springtime, the fresh start.
Dana:So , anytime you are in that space, there is a leaving behind, which is a
Dana:kind of a choice that you have to make.
Dana:So that's appropriate on many levels.
Lynnette:It's either choosing comfort and staying where you're at and like
Lynnette:maybe not choosing the road less traveled, which might be harder.
Lynnette:And sometimes that's okay and sometimes that's what we need.
Lynnette:or it's choosing the other way or maybe there are multiple paths to choose.
Lynnette:But I think just knowing that we have a choice, is very empowering.
Lynnette:We always have a choice regardless of the situation that we're in, because we always
Lynnette:have a choice with how we react to stuff.
Dana:a hundred percent.
Dana:I love that.
Lynnette:I love this new segment.
Lynnette:Okay, what's next, dana?
Dana:Well next up we are getting into the Zodiac seasons that we will encounter
Dana:in February and for February, we've got Aquarius season, which is how we'll
Dana:begin, and then we'll be moving into Pisces season as of, I wanna say the
Dana:18th, but I might be wrong about that.
Dana:I'm double checking.
Dana:The 17th of February is when Pisces season begins.
Lynnette:We're rounding out the Astrological year.
Dana:We are coming to a close.
Dana:And I thought that last month you did a really great job as a native Aquarian
Dana:talking what Aquarius is all about.
Dana:No, I'm serious.
Dana:It was like I, I loved the way you phrased what Aquarius energy is
Dana:like and the gifts that it has.
Dana:Can you remind us a little bit about the archetype?
Lynnette:I have no idea what I said, so I may or may not repeat it.
Lynnette:I think Aquarius, like if we're talking about the bare bones,
Lynnette:stereotypical, I'm an Aquarius and this is what my T-shirt says.
Lynnette:It's about like, being unique or , letting your freak flag fly
Lynnette:and not following the crowd and all of that stuff, which as a native
Lynnette:Aquarian, I was like, um, no thank you.
Lynnette:I'm a Virgo rising.
Lynnette:I follow all the rules.
Lynnette:Like that is not moi.
Lynnette:but I have learned that I do that in other ways.
Lynnette:I mean, even just being an astrologer, right?
Lynnette:That's not necessarily like mainstream.
Lynnette:and it's in a lot of ways Aquarius is about like higher level thinking.
Lynnette:It's about, not the day to day, but really letting your thoughts and imagination is
Lynnette:a Pisces word, but like it's the genius.
Lynnette:It's like thinking about things in a way that nobody has
Lynnette:ever thought about it before.
Lynnette:it's also that 30,000 foot view that allows you to be detached so that you
Lynnette:can kind of see the big picture and put things together in different ways, which
Lynnette:can sometimes lead to Aquarius energy seeming a little like, standoffish.
Lynnette:Where people might feel like maybe it's a little cold or, not as warm as some of
Lynnette:the other signs, but we're people too.
Lynnette:You just have to like get to know us.
Lynnette:so what else about Aquarius?
Lynnette:Oh, the observer and the data collector of the Zodiac.
Lynnette:like very much can stand in a corner and put things together and like
Lynnette:figure out who's who, what's going on?
Lynnette:like scientist kind of vibes.
Dana:Love it.
Dana:Love it.
Dana:I think that's just such an empowering way to think about Aquarius, especially cuz
Dana:we're inundated with stereotypes and Yeah, it's a good thing to be able to stand back
Dana:and observe because most of us, I, well, I'll speak for myself, but we get caught
Dana:up in our own subjective versions of reality and it, Aquarius is good at, yeah,
Dana:detaching, as you said, so I love that.
Lynnette:Well, and I think that's the other side of the, um, what is the word?
Lynnette:Like humanitarian, right?
Lynnette:That's another term, like the collective and all of that stuff.
Lynnette:, but one of the Aquarian jokey mantras that I resonate with, but like, please
Lynnette:don't take offense, anybody, . It's loves humanity, hates humans, right?
Lynnette:So , I care about the whole, I wanna contribute to the whole, I, you know,
Lynnette:am in touch with being one in kind of like an Aquarian Piscean way.
Lynnette:, but for me personally, that detached piece is, is very strong.
Lynnette:Like I'm very introverted and very much a homebody.
Lynnette:So like gimme animals , any day of the week.
Lynnette:But like in all seriousness, like that detachment is important for me to recharge
Lynnette:and, just like not feel overwhelmed.
Dana:And there's nothing wrong with that, you know?
Dana:like so for all the Aquarian placements out there, don't let, meme culture
Dana:make you feel bad about that . Like, that's just, it's, it makes sense that
Dana:you would, that would refresh you and rejuvenate you so, Live your best life.
Lynnette:and next month we'll talk about your personal
Lynnette:experience as a native Piscean.
Dana:I, I am excited to talk about that.
Dana:And we will have Pisces season beginning this month.
Lynnette:so give us your snippet
Dana:Let me, let me tell you about it.
Lynnette:and then next month I'll be like, remember exactly what
Lynnette:you said, and you'll be like, no
Dana:I'll be able to, since we're recording it immediately after this,
Lynnette:That's true
Dana:Well, you know, like you, I, at at least what I heard was you said you
Dana:didn't always like, resonate necessarily with Aquarius as your Sun sign.
Dana:And I've talked about that before with Pisces.
Dana:For me, I have a, a lot of placements in Pisces.
Dana:My North node, Mercury, Venus, and Sun are all there.
Dana:And I also was like, hmm, this whole like dreamer, like, hippie
Dana:flower child, like not me.
Dana:I never really felt like that was me.
Dana:and there's a lot of reasons for that, but I'll say that like
Dana:Pisces is so much more than that.
Dana:I always like to think about the planets that are at home and exalted
Dana:in the signs that we're talking about.
Dana:So in this case, with Pisces, Jupiter is the ruling planet.
Dana:, Neptune is the modern ruling planet, and Venus is exalted.
Dana:So if we're looking from like a traditional astrology standpoint,
Dana:you've got the two benefics that do well in the sign and that is awesome,
Dana:and not that, you know, Aquarius is any less because Saturn rules it.
Dana:It's not good or bad.
Dana:It just is kind of nice like that we've got this planet that makes things cohesive
Dana:and then this planet that helps us relate.
Dana:They both do well here.
Dana:but to me, Pisces is really about the subconscious.
Dana:It's about going deep into the psyche and making those watery
Dana:connections with your emotions and your imagination and what's possible.
Dana:so it's this, it is dreamy, but it's not like, The ethereal
Dana:mermaid aesthetic, dreamy.
Dana:It's like the very deep subconscious archetypal realm.
Dana:What can we gather from those depths then bring back to the surface?
Dana:It's that kind of like really deep, powerful dreaming.
Dana:that's I think like the best way to think about Pisces for me.
Lynnette:I am speechless cause that was very deep and powerful.
Dana:I've spoken like a true Pisces
Lynnette:Well, but you, you didn't go on and on, so that's good
Dana:I tried.
Dana:Well, I tried.
Dana:I felt like I did actually.
Dana:So thank you for saying that.
Lynnette:Yeah, no, when you were speaking at what you were talking about also
Lynnette:reminded me a lot of Scorpio like in terms of the depth and the subconscious.
Lynnette:But I think, for me, the beauty of Pisces and I think where a lot of Pisces energy
Lynnette:oftentimes, Feels a little like out of this world is because, as you said,
Lynnette:Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac.
Lynnette:It contains all of the signs of the zodiac that come ahead of it.
Lynnette:So for people with a lot of Pisces energy, those people with all of that
Lynnette:energy and the signs before are like, oh my gosh, you're so relatable.
Lynnette:Like you get me.
Lynnette:But then nobody gets the Pisces, right?
Lynnette:Only other Pisces contain all of those other signs, like in the same way.
Lynnette:So I feel like for Pisces, there's also this element of like, that's the
Lynnette:other worldliness or like the, mystical or whatever, where it's just a little
Lynnette:bit different in, in that sense.
Dana:A hundred percent true.
Dana:That like spoke deeply to my lived experience.
Dana:do you know Dinosaur Junior?
Dana:The band?
Dana:It's like an older band.
Dana:I'll, I'll send it to you, but it's this song called, I Feel The Pain.
Dana:And , the line they repeat over and over again is, I feel the pain of
Dana:everyone and then I feel nothing.
Dana:And it's the most Pisces shit I've ever heard in my life like it is.
Dana:So, um, that's the thing, it's mutable water, so the boundaries are eroded af
Dana:and that can be great because it allows you to have this really deep empathy,
Dana:but then it can also be really hard and that's where that escapist, sort
Dana:of like I need to kind of de detach, like I need to get to separate and
Dana:it can cause us to wanna run away.
Dana:So it's really important for Pisces to, to be aware of that.
Dana:Pisces placements.
Lynnette:Well, and if we're thinking about the order of the signs, you
Lynnette:know, that detachment of Aquarius comes before the complete disillusion of
Lynnette:all the boundaries, all the borders.
Lynnette:you know, Aquarius is ruled traditionally by Saturn, so it's that focus on
Lynnette:boundaries and stuff, and then in comes, Pisces, that just washes it all
Lynnette:away, so I think that's good to know.
Lynnette:And just when you're thinking about the signs, I, I oftentimes think it's
Lynnette:really helpful to think about the evolution from one to the other because
Lynnette:it really tells a story that helps you to actually connect the dots and
Lynnette:understand how it all fits together.
Dana:Context, baby.
Dana:Well, should we get into the key moments of February?
Lynnette:Let's do I'm excited.
Dana:I am too, because we're talking about my ruling planet Venus.
Dana:Yay, Venus.
Dana:So two main things we we're talking about here with Venus.
Dana:Venus is going to conjoin Neptune on February 15th.
Dana:Valentine's Day vibes.
Dana:We'll get there, but it's gonna be great.
Dana:also that's the due date for my baby.
Dana:Just wanna like throw that out there.
Dana:It's gonna be amazing.
Dana:and Venus is entering Aries, which is a very different vibe.
Dana:that's happening February 20th.
Dana:So Lynnette.
Dana:what do you think about Venus, conjoining, Neptune?
Dana:What are your thoughts?
Lynnette:I think that this is, speaking of dreams.
Lynnette:at a very simple level.
Lynnette:It's beautiful dreams, , right?
Lynnette:Venus is all about beauty and pleasure, and Neptune is all about the dream.
Lynnette:And I think, Venus moves a little bit more slowly than Mercury.
Lynnette:So when we talk about Mercury transits, they're like, boop!
Lynnette:You have three hours to , like work with this energy.
Lynnette:but the Venus energy will probably be like three days as it gets closer and then
Lynnette:actually conjoins it and then steps away.
Lynnette:and I think it's just a really nice time to let yourself fall into the dream or
Lynnette:like fall into what's beautiful for you.
Lynnette:Conjunctions, we don't talk about them a lot.
Lynnette:I don't think in terms of like good or bad, which there is none an astrology,
Lynnette:but when we're talking about aspects like people are like, oh, a square
Lynnette:is challenging and an opposition is hard and a trine is flowing right, but
Lynnette:we don't usually assign, kind of a value judgment to conjunctions, and
Lynnette:I think, it's number one because they don't necessarily show up when you're
Lynnette:looking at a chart, like as a symbol.
Lynnette:Like you just have to know where the planets are.
Lynnette:but number two, I think they can both be the easiest and the hardest because it
Lynnette:depends on which planets are involved.
Lynnette:we're literally fusing two energies together and sometimes those energies are
Lynnette:gonna work together and sometimes they aren't in this case, I think Venus and
Lynnette:Neptune support each other really well.
Lynnette:some people say that Neptune is just the higher octave of Venus, so
Lynnette:they're kind of in the same family, and this is just magical and pretty.
Dana:Yeah, I totally agree.
Dana:I think that there's a lot of beauty to be found.
Dana:you know, back to the idea that Venus is exalted in Pisces.
Dana:We talked about this a little bit with our January talk, that this is
Dana:a really great moment for Venus when it's in Pisces because it's lifted up.
Dana:It's like put on a pedestal.
Dana:And if we think about why, you know, Again, everything we said about Pisces
Dana:being sort of limitless and able to like really go into the depths of feeling
Dana:and imagination and what is beautiful.
Dana:Well, that's what Venus is all about too.
Dana:it's all about, I wanna use the word aesthetics, but that makes it
Dana:seem so surface level, but, think about aesthetics on like the deepest
Dana:possible level you could, right?
Dana:Like, what is beautiful on a spiritual level, not just like
Dana:physically attractive, and harmonious.
Dana:There's something about relationships, always when we're talking about Venus.
Dana:And Neptune is that transcendent quality.
Dana:It dissolves, just like Pisces.
Dana:So you've got these three kind of energies of Neptune, Venus,
Dana:and Pisces all coming together.
Dana:And they're all similar in their own way.
Dana:Like they have some really important key similarities.
Dana:that are allowing us to like, make really beautiful connections.
Dana:I think that's the catchphrase I would use is beautiful connections, revelry,
Dana:like just embracing and enjoying the moment and getting really swept away in
Dana:it in a great way, not in a destructive way, although I guess that's always
Dana:a potential with, like I always say, Neptune, it's a mixed bag for me.
Dana:It can be that kind of spiritual transcendence, or it can be like getting
Dana:blacked out like . Now I'm not saying that's what's gonna happen here, but
Lynnette:No, but it's the escapism, right?
Lynnette:Like regardless of if it's alcohol, drugs, tv, Instagram, I think that's the shadow
Lynnette:side of this aspect is, I'm thinking of.
Lynnette:Of almost a Venus Jupiter, but like too much
Lynnette:of a good thing or like letting yourself go too much.
Lynnette:So something to look out for with this.
Lynnette:But also I think we talk a lot about relationships with Venus, for good
Lynnette:reason, but Venus also the glyph of it looks just like a mirror.
Lynnette:So I think when we're talking about relationships, the most
Lynnette:important one is with ourselves.
Lynnette:and I think when you were talking about the potential for transformation, this is
Lynnette:almost like one of those Pluto transits that maybe you don't wanna have because,
Lynnette:you know, it's like forced transformation and you have to like go with it.
Lynnette:Otherwise Pluto's gonna drag you.
Lynnette:But this is like choosing to have a beautiful transformation.
Lynnette:This is like the moment where the butterfly comes out of the cocoon,
Lynnette:like , and it's, she's beautiful.
Lynnette:Pluto is like the black goo.
Lynnette:This Venus Neptune is like the beautiful butterfly . And so if you are looking to
Lynnette:change something as it relates to your environment or your relationships or
Lynnette:when you were talking about aesthetics and like going deeper, it immediately
Lynnette:made me think of neuroaesthetics and how what we choose to wear, impacts how we
Lynnette:behave and how we show up and how we feel.
Lynnette:And to me that's super powerful because it's not just about the fabric, right?
Lynnette:Like it, it literally changes how you show up in the world.
Lynnette:So, great time to play around with like your wardrobe, your makeup or your, like
Lynnette:house design or , like any of that stuff.
Dana:Oh yeah.
Dana:Oh yeah.
Dana:And as always, look at where Pisces is in your birth chart for house topics, and
Dana:that can give you a more specific place to kind of like filter this energy through.
Dana:But that's a really great suggestion.
Dana:Valentine's Day is about to be lit.
Lynnette:Yeah, it is so dreamy.
Dana:Now we've also got, Venus moving into Aries.
Lynnette:That Venus, she's a speedy lady.
Dana:I know like barely a month.
Dana:she'll be in Pisces.
Dana:So yeah, it's a, it is a very different energy.
Lynnette:It is, I think all of the things that we just talked about
Lynnette:with Venus in terms of beauty, aesthetic, self-reflection, Venus
Lynnette:is also where we manifest our own self-worth, what we value.
Lynnette:So when I think about Venus in Aries, that's kind of where I naturally gravitate
Lynnette:is like, okay, you know how I feel about New Year's, we did a whole thing
Lynnette:about that last month, but this is just another opportunity to start fresh.
Lynnette:If you feel like you need to revamp your self-worth or your personal
Lynnette:values, any of that stuff, your self-esteem, if you're working on
Lynnette:manifestation, any of that holding up the mirror to yourself kind of stuff.
Lynnette:Aries is the first sign of Zodiac, so you automatically are like fresh slate.
Lynnette:but also Aries is like the initiating sign.
Lynnette:Like, I'm gonna start something new and I'm gonna pioneer and
Lynnette:I'm gonna lay the groundwork.
Lynnette:So, I think that is a great opportunity to do that.
Dana:It is, it is.
Dana:you know, not to be like the Womp womp, cuz I'm
Lynnette:You can be the womp womp.
Dana:You know, the flip side, I guess, is that when you, and this
Dana:is just naturally how it is when you are focusing on yourself in that way,
Dana:you naturally are gonna have less energy maybe focused on relating and
Dana:harmonizing and things like this.
Dana:So we talk about Venus being in detriment.
Dana:It's in the opposite sign of its home sign, Libra.
Dana:That's why, it's in detriment, quote unquote.
Dana:and I'll say this every time I talk about detriment and fall, I'm not
Dana:saying there are no strengths to a Venus in detriment, there are.
Dana:And what Lynnette just said, nailed it.
Dana:Like you can really know what you want and what you value.
Dana:The flip side of that though is it might make harmonizing with other
Dana:people a little more challenging.
Dana:and so that's the where we need to find some balance with Venus and
Dana:Aries is, okay, I'm getting very clear on what I want, what my boundaries
Dana:are, what I wanna do differently, and how does that fit within the
Dana:dynamics that are valuable to me.
Lynnette:Yeah, there's a reason why, Aries and Libra are opposites, right?
Lynnette:They're both about our connection to self, really just libras through others.
Lynnette:But when we're at a very basic level, Aries is me, Libra is us, and so there's
Lynnette:that opposition where Aries very much is like, put your own oxygen mask on first.
Lynnette:I think the keywords for Aries is me first , and it's not, again,
Lynnette:to your point, not in a bad way.
Lynnette:It's literally like me first, I'm gonna be the first person to do this.
Lynnette:I'm gonna be the first person to, you know, cross that
Lynnette:boundary or do that thing.
Lynnette:But because we're talking about Venus, who is so tied to relationships, this
Lynnette:is a great time to, to consciously have those conversations in your relationships
Lynnette:and say, Hey, I need to focus on X, Y, Z.
Lynnette:Like just today I was like, you know what?
Lynnette:I'm spending too much time on my phone in the mornings.
Lynnette:I need to tell my mom and my boyfriend that I'm not gonna call them or text
Lynnette:them until like after my morning routine, because that's how I get sucked in
Lynnette:So that's like, to me a perfect example of Venus scenarios being
Lynnette:like, I'm gonna take care of myself.
Lynnette:I'm gonna express my own values to myself.
Lynnette:I value a healthy morning routine where I'm not scrolling on Instagram
Lynnette:and I'm gonna share that information with the people that I love so
Lynnette:that they can support me in that.
Dana:Yeah, I love that.
Dana:Love that communication is key.
Lynnette:it's so much easier said than done.
Dana:A hundred percent.
Dana:Especially, especially if you're a recovering people pleaser and you're
Dana:worried about what people are gonna.
Dana:Just say it.
Dana:Just just say it.
Dana:Just do it.
Dana:It is easier said than done, but um, yeah, I think that's a lovely
Dana:way to honor Venus in Aries and it will only be there until March 16th.
Dana:So this is a limited time
Lynnette:And the other thing we didn't talk about with Aquarius season is
Lynnette:Mercury will be moving into Aquarius, briefly until March 2nd, I believe.
Lynnette:so again, not gonna be there for very long, but that aquarian energy of
Lynnette:detachment and Aquarius being ruled by Saturn, which is your boundaries,
Lynnette:is really supportive to you in your communication, which is Mercury, to
Lynnette:actually share those topics with the people that you want to or with yourself.
Lynnette:But whether you're talking to yourself or other people, Mercury in Aquarius
Lynnette:will support you to get the bigger picture and the perspective and help
Lynnette:you kind of gather your thoughts.
Dana:That's great advice.
Dana:And that begins, or Mercury enters Aquarius on 2/11.
Dana:So about, what did we say like a week before Venus enters Aries?
Dana:So we got a good week of venus and Pisces with Mercury in
Dana:Aquarius, and then it'll shift.
Dana:So probably around mid to end month, you're gonna wanna start
Dana:communicating those insights.
Dana:You're, you're getting.
Lynnette:What else do we have?
Dana:Well, I wanna talk about your solar return
Dana:and your lunar phase return.
Dana:There's a lot happening for you in February.
Lynnette:Yes, it is my personal New Year.
Lynnette:Who cares about January 1st?
Dana:And you are also having a lunar phase return.
Dana:That's exact.
Dana:So you guys, Lynnette was born on a full Moon.
Dana:So her Moon is in Leo and the full Moon that's happening on February
Dana:5th in Leo is at the same degree as her natal Moon, which I think
Dana:is really special and interesting
Lynnette:It is and.
Lynnette:I barely would've known that because as we talked about last time, I was
Lynnette:suffering with my astrologer identity crisis because I wasn't following any of
Lynnette:my transits or any of the transits really.
Lynnette:For a couple, a good couple months.
Lynnette:But I've started again.
Lynnette:It's been really delightful.
Lynnette:And I messaged Dana like, well, must have been about two weeks ago, and I was, like.
Lynnette:Dana today is my lunar return, and I never would've known unless
Lynnette:I had started following it.
Lynnette:Now we have a lunar return every month, so just like we have a solar return
Lynnette:once a year, it's the amount of time it takes for us to go around the Sun.
Lynnette:Our lunar return, the Moon goes through every sign in a month, so that is a really
Lynnette:nice opportunity for us to reconnect and we have a fresh start, right?
Lynnette:Like we talk about these cycles and I know we keep, we, I keep joking
Lynnette:about January 1st being a new year, but, honestly with astrology, you just
Lynnette:have so many chances to try again and start over and begin a new cycle.
Lynnette:And that's really helpful to someone like me who is not
Lynnette:like the best at consistently following through with goals and.
Lynnette:plans and , all of that stuff.
Lynnette:So it's just nice because you know that you always have another chance.
Lynnette:Like you don't always have to be perfect and you don't always have to
Lynnette:get it right, like on that exact day.
Lynnette:Or if you like miss a certain transit, like you're never gonna
Lynnette:have the chance to do it again.
Lynnette:You're always gonna have another chance and your lunar
Lynnette:return is One of those ways.
Lynnette:The other thing that's interesting to look at is your lunar phase return.
Lynnette:So it just happens that this full Moon in Leo is at the same degree as my
Lynnette:natal, but that's not always the case.
Lynnette:The full Moon in February is not always around my birthday, and
Lynnette:that's just because of the different calendars and, where the planets are.
Lynnette:But, in a given month, your lunar return may or may not be at the same
Lynnette:time as your lunar phase return.
Lynnette:So a really fun way to work with the Moon that isn't kind of the typical
Lynnette:new Moon, full Moon is personalizing it to wherever the Moon returns to the
Lynnette:same phase it was in the sky when you were born can also be like your own
Lynnette:personal new Moon or like new beginning.
Lynnette:So mine, may be counterintuitive because a full Moon is actually
Lynnette:like a new beginning for me.
Lynnette:But whether you're born at a waning crescent or a waxing crescent, or a
Lynnette:gibbous when it returns back to that phase every month, that's just another
Lynnette:chance for you to start a new cycle.
Dana:So learning about the Moon is really useful because, as you said,
Dana:you, we've got these two really cool ways that we can work with the Moon to
Dana:understand ourselves better, when we have our personal, Lunar return each month.
Dana:Like if your Moon is in Gemini, when the Moon returns to Gemini,
Dana:that is your lunar return.
Dana:We can talk about phasal returns, which is what Lynnette was just talking about.
Dana:If you were born with a waxing crescent, When we have a waxing crescent Moon, you
Dana:can treat that like a new Moon for you.
Dana:But understanding the different phases of the lunar cycle also, can
Dana:help you understand aspects better.
Dana:And for me, I like to keep it simple.
Dana:So I, I kind of just tend to focus on the conjunction, sextile,
Dana:square, trine and opposition.
Dana:There are more aspects than that, that people work with and
Dana:you absolutely could use them.
Dana:But for example, A, a crescent Moon is a square.
Dana:It's a, it's a square between the Sun and the Moon.
Dana:And so understanding what that dynamic is like can be really helpful
Dana:not just in understanding what's going on with you, because that's
Dana:your personal Sun Moon dynamic.
Dana:But also anytime there's a square, you know deeply what that's like, because
Dana:that's your personal Sun Moon dynamic.
Dana:I hope that made sense.
Lynnette:It did to me.
Lynnette:And I think the reason why working with your lunar phase is so important
Lynnette:is because when we're talking about your lunar phase, we're talking
Lynnette:about the relationship between the Sun and the Moon in your chart.
Lynnette:And the Sun is our identity and the Moon is our emotional landscape.
Lynnette:So these are like really core pieces of who we are and when we
Lynnette:understand how they're talking to each other in our natal chart, it
Lynnette:can be so validating to understand and usually when you are like, oh,
Lynnette:I, for example, full Moon is an opposition.
Lynnette:So in my chart, my Sun in Aquarius is literally projecting its
Lynnette:full light onto my Leo Moon.
Lynnette:And they're connecting in a way where because they're directly opposite each
Lynnette:other, I have to figure out a way to really choose if I wanna interact with my
Lynnette:sun or if I wanna interact with my Moon or like how am I going to integrate those two
Lynnette:energies because they're at a polarity.
Lynnette:And that's just a part of who I am.
Lynnette:Like that's just my natal chart and one of my, my gifts, my lessons to learn.
Lynnette:Um, like an opposition is not necessarily the easiest energy to work with.
Lynnette:Neither is a square.
Lynnette:Those are both some of the most rewarding aspects to understand
Lynnette:and to learn how to work with.
Lynnette:When we talk about astrology with your Sun, Moon and rising, like
Lynnette:there's a reason why we're talking about those as the first two pieces.
Lynnette:So connecting with that lunar phase and really understanding how the
Lynnette:two we're projecting and interacting with each other it opens just such a
Lynnette:huge door to understanding yourself.
Dana:So, so true, so true.
Dana:And I'm excited to see how this full Moon plays out for you.
Lynnette:What's your lunar phase, Dana?
Dana:Well, I was speaking from experience, so mine is a waxing crescent.
Dana:I have my sun in Pisces and my Moon and Gemini, and I have stelliums
Dana:in both of those places too.
Dana:So understanding that I had a square between my sun and my Moon
Dana:also helped me understand, oh, a lot of my placements square each other.
Dana:So understanding the square for me was very powerful.
Dana:And it made things make a lot of sense, you know?
Dana:Because that friction of a square, I felt that.
Dana:And over and over again, I'm in square situations, where I have to, like,
Dana:I'm, I'm forced to grow, but it feels kind of, uh, rife with conflict perhaps,
Dana:or, and it's not always that dramatic, but just there's a choice to be made
Dana:and it facilitates growth, you know?
Lynnette:Yeah, it's just a 90 degree angle, which is the same as stairs,
Lynnette:which help move us to the next level.
Dana:I love that.
Dana:I love that.
Lynnette:Your optimistic astrologer over here,
Dana:yes, we need her.
Dana:We love her.
Dana:We need her.
Dana:Okay, y'all well yeah, have a great February and join us again next month.
Dana:We will dig into the what did we say?
Dana:The action before the clam?
Dana:After the clam.
Dana:I don't
Lynnette:the clam before the shift,
Dana:Oh my God.
Dana:Um, yeah, we're gonna get into all of that for next month,
Dana:february's gonna be a great month, and thank you for joining us.
Dana:you can find us on our websites and on our Instagram Lynnette, what is your info?
Lynnette:cosmic moves.com or at cosmic .moves on Instagram.
Dana:Don't forget the dot.
Lynnette:I know I'm always a little grumpy when I say the dot
Dana:rolled her eyes,.
Dana:It's fine.
Dana:Well, we're, we're embracing the dot.
Dana:I am, on Instagram at Self-Help Witch.
Dana:I'm also on TikTok Self-Help Witch.
Dana:I'm not great at showing up on TikTok, but you know, if you're
Dana:there, come hang out with me and then my website is self-help witch.com.
Lynnette:We'll see you guys next month.
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