ep 3 | shining brightest by caring for yourself with Tania Sibiglia
After a difficult bout with covid last year, Tania had to rebuild her physical strength from the ground up (even walking around the block was difficult). But she ALSO had the wisdom to re-evaluate and build her mental and spiritual health up to truly take the best care of herself possible.
Her journey is inspiring, and the ins and outs of how she became so diligent and dedicated to the most important person in her life (herself!) have some amazing takeaways for anyone listening.
She shares how she shifted her perspective when she was at her lowest, how she organized herself to find her purpose, and how she listened to her body and her intuition to help find alignment within herself.
Tune in to feel empowered and to become your biggest cheerleader.
Even if you don’t really want to do it, you just show up. You might show up, happy, tired, frustrated, or with a lot of energy, but you just show up. Because it’s about you, it’s about your body. You know it’s going to be good for you. And that makes you feel much better, much stronger, so then you feel ready to tackle the hardest part: what’s in your mind, what’s in your heart.— Tania Sibiglia
Tania and I also chat about:
- What it’s like to search for your purpose or discover that your purpose is changing
- Rediscovering yourself around your Saturn return
- Paying attention to your mind and spirit, even if your main focus is working on your physical health
- Enjoying the process and not the destination (even if it sounds cheesy)
- How to work with and understanding challenging emotions, even if it’s weeks later (she even shares her system!)
- What it’s like to have a Capricorn moon
- How astrology can trigger reflection and gives you more questions than answers (in the best way)
- How astrology is just a tool, we are the ones making decisions for ourselves
Where to find Tania:
Tania’s most recent article about finding your purpose on Medium
Find the transcript of this episode here.
Find the transcripts and show notes for all episodes here.
Hi, everyone.
Speaker:Welcome to today's episode.
Speaker:I have interviewed my friend, Tanya Sabilia.
Speaker:She has so much wisdom to share.
Speaker:I was personally motivated by her wisdom after some serious setbacks.
Speaker:After having COVID she rebuilt her physical strength from zero, and then
Speaker:she was wise enough to also undertake her mental and spiritual health.
Speaker:Even as I was editing this podcast, every time I would pull out one of
Speaker:Tanya's nuggets and I always have her in the back of my mind as I
Speaker:continue my new exercise routine.
Speaker:Sometimes when I feel like I don't want to go to the gym because her
Speaker:perspective shift is everything.
Speaker:I had no idea, but even though she's relatively new to astrology,
Speaker:she should basically be the new PR person for astrology.
Speaker:I can't wait for you to hear why we had so much fun.
Speaker:I am excited for you to hear her story.
Speaker:And here we go.
Lynnette:Hi, Tania.
Lynnette:Welcome to It's Astrological.
Lynnette:Thank you for joining me and being one of my first guests on the podcast.
Tania:Thank you for having me.
Tania:I'm really excited to be here.
Lynnette:I am just so excited to talk to you because.
Lynnette:We're former work friends.
Lynnette:And I love that so many of my friendships have come from a
Lynnette:previous place of employment.
Lynnette:I'm such close friends with so many of the people that I met there.
Lynnette:And I'm just so happy that you are one of them.
Tania:Oh, that's really sweet.
Tania:Thank you.
Lynnette:it's true.
Lynnette:let's start with the basics.
Lynnette:Let everyone get to know you a little bit.
Lynnette:Where in the world are you and tell me a little bit about your cultural
Lynnette:background, your upbringing, how you got to be, where you are today.
Tania:So probably from my accent people would see that I am Italian, but I'm
Tania:actually living in Barcelona in Spain.
Tania:I have been here for about eight years almost.
Tania:But before that I'd been traveling around europe.
Tania:So I left Italy when I was 24, 25, and I've been living a bit in the
Tania:north, in Europe, in the netherlands.
Tania:And then I moved down to switzerland and that's when I started
Tania:rolling down and arrive in Spain.
Tania:Just by mistake really was more of a joke.
Tania:Hey, Barcelona, it looks nice.
Tania:How cool would it be to live there?
Tania:And it turns out I applied for a job and here I am today.
Tania:And I'm still here.
Tania:I'm loving it and enjoying it.
Tania:What else to say?
Tania:I'm just a human being, looking for purpose in life.
Tania:I started a journey a couple of years ago, working more on
Tania:myself, taking care of myself.
Tania:And linking, this a bit with you to, what's my sign?
Tania:Why I'm doing things like this?
Tania:Why I feel this way?
Tania:I'm sure we're going to touch upon this, later on during the podcast.
Tania:But really, I'm just, trying to make sense of why I'm here on Earth,
Tania:and what I'm good at and how I can contribute to the rest of the world.
Tania:And I'm still figuring it out, but it's becoming really exciting.
Tania:And especially this year since it's going to be an important year for me.
Tania:We'll see later why, and I think that's pretty much it.
Lynnette:That was powerful!
Tania:Thank you.
Lynnette:No, thank you.
Lynnette:Thank you for sharing all of that.
Lynnette:One of the reasons why I wanted to start this podcast was to just talk to my
Lynnette:friends, and soon to be friends about, astrology, but bringing people from all
Lynnette:over and, all different backgrounds, and who speak different languages
Lynnette:and live all across the world, and just see what people have in common.
Lynnette:And I think what everyone has in common is that they either have been searching
Lynnette:for their purpose or they are searching for their purpose, or maybe they're
Lynnette:finding that their purpose is changing as they grow and enter new phases of life.
Lynnette:And I think that's one of the things that is most interesting to me because
Lynnette:it's been about a year and a half since we've started talking about
Lynnette:these things and it was kind of on the side, you know, we'd like to talk
Lynnette:about work, and then I'd be like, oh, you know, I do astrology and you'd be
Lynnette:like, oh, tell me more about this thing.
Lynnette:And now we've shifted to the point where we probably talk more about astrology
Lynnette:and life purpose more than work.
Lynnette:That's the best,
Lynnette:but I think.
Lynnette:your journey is so interesting and the way that you have had such resilience
Lynnette:and diligence, honestly, in terms of your structure, around finding your life
Lynnette:purpose, and figuring out what works for you and what doesn't, and really
Lynnette:tying that to your physical health, your mental health and your spiritual health.
Lynnette:I know I'm just rambling right now, but tying it into those three things, I
Lynnette:would love for you to talk a little bit more about what that brings up for you.
Lynnette:Just in the moment.
Tania:I think I will start, a bit sharing and I guess how everything started, what
Tania:triggered the need to look for purpose and the need to take serious care of myself.
Tania:before even the COVID started, I was not feeling aligned.
Tania:I Don't know if you ever have meditated, but when you close your eyes, you
Tania:should feel like you're sitting still.
Tania:And for me, what would happen is that I will feel I was lingering
Tania:to one side or the other.
Tania:So I couldn't feel like there was a straight line inside myself.
Tania:and this was a constant feeling that I was having whether I was meditating,
Tania:when I was working, when I was outside, when I was doing other things, and
Tania:it was like that deep inside of me, I knew something was not right.
Tania:Something was not aligned.
Tania:Something was not where it should be.
Tania:So then I started a journey of, self-discovery or
Tania:self rediscovery perhaps.
Tania:I am almost 37.
Tania:so definitely I had an idea a couple of years ago of the person that I thought I
Tania:was, or I should have been, so it was a self rediscovering in terms of who I am.
Tania:What am I doing here?
Tania:Am I enjoying what I'm doing?
Tania:And why I'm not feeling great?
Tania:Then COVID happened.
Tania:We took a lot of pauses and breaks and we had time to reflect more on what
Tania:we were doing even on a daily basis.
Tania:What are other habits?
Tania:What are the things that we couldn't do maybe back then because of the
Tania:restrictions or the quarantine that were working and what we stopped doing?
Tania:Maybe because we were just forced to and was actually a good thing.
Tania:For me, things changed rapidly as well as I got sick.
Tania:so I was sick with covid for a few months.
Tania:I had some long-term symptoms that really didn't want to go away.
Tania:I'm definitely better now, but it was definitely a enlightening moment.
Tania:One of the things that I've always been good at, at least since I moved
Tania:to Barcelona I have to admit, this town has some magic power to pressure,
Tania:uh, you know, to do some physical exercise, but that's something I was
Tania:really good at So all of a sudden, when I was counting on my body as a strong
Tania:body that could take me places, was all of a sudden, not there anymore.
Tania:So I had to restart from zero and it was definitely a turning point where apart
Tania:from rebuilding some habits also have to take a lot of patience with myself.
Tania:it, it takes time to recover from such a disease like COVID for sure it might
Tania:be the same for many other problems or illness, it really depends case to
Tania:case, but the thing is that you need to be patient and realize that you cannot
Tania:just go back to do what you used to do.
Tania:I remember even just walking around the block was such a big struggle for me.
Tania:So that's how I restarted, taking care of myself, really taking
Tania:small steps, To really go back.
Tania:And with that I kind of develop also many other, skills in terms of, okay,
Tania:I am taking care of my body, but at the same time, what is my mind telling me?
Tania:What is my heart telling me?
Tania:So to go back to that level of spirituality, you can take care of
Tania:your body, but if you're not good in inside your mind, if you don't feel
Tania:something good inside your heart, you can run as much as you want, but
Tania:you're not going to change anything.
Tania:so it kind of like bring together these two dimensions, at least
Tania:at the beginning, taking care of your body as well as your mind.
Tania:So you're forcing your body to maybe do more steps in a day, but at the same time,
Tania:you're training your mind to be patient.
Tania:You're training your mind not to think so much about the outcome,
Tania:but to think about the process.
Tania:and it might sounds a bit cheesy, but these things were like, you have to
Tania:enjoy the process to make progress.
Tania:It's actually really true.
Tania:If you become a, just addicted to the outcome, it can be very frustrating and in
Tania:the end, you're not really enjoying it, or you're not being happy for life, really.
Tania:So this is the bit that, forced me out, of my comfort zone for sure.
Tania:I'm really happy that happened that way.
Tania:and now I can see why it had to happen that way as well.
Tania:I sometimes try to hide, I keep things from myself, and, it
Tania:definitely, had to be pushed.
Tania:But then when it happened, it was definitely one of the best thing.
Tania:And then with that, I built, step-by-step into it.
Tania:I put the basis down.
Tania:And then of course, once you start, there are so many things that you
Tania:can really discover about yourself.
Tania:And once you have the physical part, controlled, let's say, then you can focus
Tania:more on your mind, on your heart, on a spiritual level and build from there.
Tania:So that taking care part of the physical part for me was really I put in basis and
Tania:having this structure that you mention.
Tania:Because it becomes then a routine.
Tania:you can go running, you can go walking, you go to the gym, you can go swimming.
Tania:And I started boxing recently well, last year.
Tania:but it's like really becomes like the thing that you do.
Tania:And then of course it becomes also discipline, right?
Tania:For yourself.
Tania:Even if you don't really want to do it, you just show up.
Tania:You might show up, happy, tired, frustrated, or just, with a lot of
Tania:energy, but you just show up, Because it's about you, it's about your body,
Tania:you know, it's going to be good for you.
Tania:And that makes you feel of course, much better, much stronger.
Tania:So then you feel ready to tackle the hardest part: what's in
Tania:your mind, what's in your heart.
Tania:Which sometimes can take more time, definitely much more self-awareness
Tania:than you probably think you have.
Tania:and, yeah, and patience.
Tania:I keep thinking about this word, probably I said it already a thousand
Tania:times, but I think that's maybe the key.
Tania:Not putting yourself under pressure when it's not necessary is something that, I
Tania:think I'm still trying to learn a bit.
Tania:High level with high expectation high standards.
Tania:I think I really like jump from enjoying the moment, enjoying every
Tania:little accomplishment that you do, but then really striving for more.
Tania:But I think you really need to be balanced right in the middle so that you do not
Tania:frustrate yourself for no reason really.
Tania:so yeah, this is a bit, uh, I guess a part that's, it's been very
Tania:important, throughout my journey.
Lynnette:The thing about growth is everyone wants to grow.
Lynnette:Everyone's like, yeah, I'm going to grow and be better and
Lynnette:stronger and all of those things.
Lynnette:But when you think about the plants that are now coming up out of
Lynnette:the ground here in the Northern hemisphere, growth is not easy.
Lynnette:that is hard work.
Lynnette:And like those little plants, they have to number one, just put all
Lynnette:their effort into poking their little heads out of the ground.
Lynnette:And, then it's like, am I going to get stepped on?
Lynnette:Is the dog going to pee on me?
Lynnette:Is something going to eat me?
Lynnette:you know, there's all of these things where you have to have exactly
Lynnette:what you're talking about, the persistence and the determination.
Lynnette:And for you, this is something that I know I struggle with is, I won't even say
Lynnette:the discipline, but the habit stacking, the routine where you do feel like, to
Lynnette:your point, you're like you just show up, but you're showing up for yourself.
Lynnette:You're showing up for that future version of you, that version of you,
Lynnette:that you want to grow into again.
Lynnette:It's not easy.
Lynnette:You have to put in the work every single day.
Lynnette:so could you talk about a time when you felt that turning point?
Lynnette:Where were you able to say, okay, I really don't want to do this thing today,
Lynnette:but I'm going to show up for myself.
Lynnette:and when you cross that threshold to it becoming the new version of you?
Tania:Yeah, so it happens so many times.
Tania:it happens constantly because you can be very disciplined, but
Tania:there's always going to come one day where you don't want to do it.
Tania:And then you just show up for yourself.
Tania:And then you're going well for a few weeks, or maybe just for a few days or
Tania:for a few months, and then one other bad day hits you and you're just there, you're
Tania:like, okay, I need to show up for myself.
Tania:It happened for physical exercise.
Tania:I think that's the one most people can relate to.
Tania:Oh I don't really want to go to the gym, you know, that kind of feeling, but then
Tania:you know that you want to go, right?
Tania:You don't think that's also another trick.
Tania:Like I don't say to myself that I have to do something, I just
Tania:tell myself that I want to do it.
Tania:and this is like, I dunno, it's kind of changes, right?
Tania:The narrative a little, in a very powerful way, I think.
Lynnette:Yeah i've Yeah, I've heard I get to do it
Lynnette:it Like I have the privilege of having a body that can take me there
Tania:and this word privilege is something that I've been
Tania:remind myself a lot, especially after having had COVID, right?
Tania:this thing of I don't want to maybe go running, but then I think, wait a
Tania:minute, when I have cOVID I couldn't even walk and I was dying to go for
Tania:a run especially here in Barcelona.
Tania:I go around by the beach.
Tania:I can see the sunrise there.
Tania:And in a heartbeat, this was taken from me So now I can do it.
Tania:So that's why I say I want to do it right.
Tania:I get to do it again.
Tania:So I remind myself this privilege this, I don't know.
Tania:I don't like saying that I'm lucky, but in the sense, like I have the opportunities,
Tania:so it would be a waste, if I can say it that way, a waste to not to do it.
Tania:it also happens at different levels In terms of, thinking what's happening
Tania:with you noticing some emotions and feelings, what is happening around
Tania:you and then choosing to show up for yourself in the sense of, realizing
Tania:what's happening, what is triggering you?
Tania:What is the situation and working through that, The best way out is through.
Tania:So kind of accepting and understanding the feeling and let the feeling be knowing
Tania:that it's just a passenger with you for that moment, for that day, for that week.
Tania:But that you're not that feeling.
Tania:And what I explain now, and just ten second, and then something that took
Tania:me months to, you know, to learn, to understand and then, accept and manage.
Tania:What I can say is that every time these things happen and of course I reminded
Tania:myself, okay, I'm going to show up because I want to, because it's me,
Tania:I'm going to handle the situation, is definitely a result of our previous work.
Tania:And doing the work I've done I make myself accountable, but also I ask for help.
Tania:I think many people think that they want to be better, but they
Tania:don't think they can ask for help.
Tania:but you can, and you should, you don't have to do this alone.
Tania:And for me, that was a turning point.
Tania:Knowing that, yes, I need to do all these things, but I
Tania:have no clue how to start it.
Tania:And I was like, wait a minute.
Tania:I can ask somebody to help me.
Tania:so for me, it was either the therapist, a gym coach, is there other friends,
Tania:you know, you can really choose who you want to ask for help, whether
Tania:it's a more professional help or just somebody in your circle.
Tania:But that makes you feel less alone.
Tania:and that makes it feels less scary.
Tania:And then of course, if it's a professional help, you're going to
Tania:have all the resources, tools, and support that you might need it for as
Tania:long as you, as you want to as well.
Tania:So that for me was a turning point.
Tania:I think growing up, I always have felt that I have to have everything, together.
Tania:I have to have my things in order.
Tania:I need to know what to do next.
Tania:if I look back all my childhood, up to really university, I knew
Tania:what I was going to do next.
Tania:When you grew up, of course you have school, you have high school
Tania:and then you go to university.
Tania:So definitely the first, what 18, 19 years of your, life are really
Tania:linked to the education part.
Tania:And then all of a sudden it's like, okay, now what?
Tania:so then finding myself 10 years later, struggling with this things.
Tania:Really forced me to take a break and say, okay, now what do I do?
Tania:How do I do it this right?
Tania:Because maybe, you know what you want to do but it's the, how
Tania:that is kind of scary sometime.
Lynnette:and there are so many different paths and, you just
Lynnette:mentioned 10 years after graduation.
Lynnette:That's usually around people's Saturn return and 29 to 30, you're like,
Lynnette:okay, I'm now officially a grownup.
Lynnette:Like this is my transition into maturity and responsibility and the next kind
Lynnette:of stage in my life and who I want to be which is why so many people often
Lynnette:struggle with their Saturn returns.
Lynnette:One, because maybe they haven't been doing the work up until
Lynnette:that point to be responsible and accountable for themselves.
Lynnette:So Saturn is going to come in and be like, excuse me, like, you need to do
Lynnette:this in order to move on to the next step.
Lynnette:But because it's a threshold of a new life stage, the second third of, you know,
Lynnette:third, we live longer now, but the second part of someone's life, there's really a
Lynnette:yearning to figure out what am I doing?
Lynnette:what do I want to do?
Lynnette:Is what I've been doing for the past 10 or so years aligned, to
Lynnette:your point, with who I want to be?
Lynnette:And what my calling is in this life?
Lynnette:So I guess since I've already started talking about astrology, but why
Lynnette:don't we make a quick transition over to talk about your basics.
Lynnette:And then we can dive a little bit more into your chart.
Lynnette:So Tania, since It's Astrological, do you know your sun, moon and rising?
Tania:Yes I do.
Tania:My sun is in cancer and my moon is in Capricorn.
Lynnette:and your rising sign?
Tania:ah, it's virgo.
Lynnette:I am also a Virgo rising.
Lynnette:I think that's part of the reason why we like each other so much.
Lynnette:We resonate on the same frequency.
Lynnette:People think we're very organized and detail oriented, but I believe that
Lynnette:your Virgo rising is so strong for you in what we were just talking about.
Lynnette:Virgo represents our daily habits and our routines and our wellness.
Lynnette:So I think that really, astrologically speaking, gave you a leg up to be
Lynnette:able to build those foundations and to just stick with it.
Lynnette:That daily, like I'm going to go to the gym, I'm going to
Lynnette:walk a little bit further today.
Lynnette:I'm going to, have my therapy and I'm going to, you know, like all of those
Lynnette:daily habits that you've built in.
Lynnette:I remember talking to you, I think it was on a Friday at work or something.
Lynnette:and you were like, oh, I always clean on Fridays, that way I don't
Lynnette:have to do it like on the weekend.
Lynnette:And I just remember, And then another time you were like, oh, I've been journaling
Lynnette:at the end of every week I journal like all the things that I've learned.
Lynnette:and I don't like, you can correct me because you're
Lynnette:probably still doing it because
Lynnette:you are so diligent and dedicated, but those two things.
Lynnette:I was like, wow.
Lynnette:I want to be more like Tania.
Tania:So clean Thursday yeah,
Tania:on Thursday because Friday's already weekend and you don't want
Tania:to stay home on a Friday night, but apart from that, you got it correctly.
Tania:that's actually something I still do and I still do it even more diligently
Tania:since the start of this year.
Tania:I created this chart with a few questions for myself, as
Tania:in what did I learn this week?
Tania:what did I accomplish this week?
Tania:And how did I feel this week?
Tania:And every week on Sunday, usually I have my routine, I light up a
Tania:candle, I meditate and then I look back, but I also then look forward.
Tania:and I kind of look through the week.
Tania:Some weeks are, there is nothing major other weeks it feels
Tania:like a lot more has happened.
Tania:I guess it's more than to look back right after a month after
Tania:two months after three months.
Tania:The first quarter of the year was pretty quick and seeing how many things you
Tania:actually have done, how many times you feel you accomplished something.
Tania:And by this, I don't mean that, I dunno, I hike up a mountain or big things.
Tania:It could be just like a very small thing that you have been postponing,
Tania:for a long time, but then you actually.
Tania:Did it right?
Tania:it could be cleaning your apartment going for a long walk or going for
Tania:the first run of the year or something like, That Or even just calling somebody
Tania:that you haven't talked to for a while.
Tania:It can be really be anything.
Tania:but this habit helped me, also to really enjoy the little things,
Tania:you know, the small things in life that makes, you happy really.
Tania:And then of course keep track on the longterm of what is important and what
Tania:is it that you want to accomplish.
Tania:At the beginning of the year, for me, it was just like, I want to feel better.
Tania:I want to get more confident.
Tania:So then even just tracking how I was feeling every week and when I was
Tania:feeling confident, even noticing this accomplishment or this improvement
Tania:really helped to build momentum.
Tania:So then you feel better.
Tania:You really feel that you have got where you wanted.
Tania:Then always, you can always do better.
Tania:that's for sure.
Tania:You always can be a better version of yourself.
Tania:It's a never ending journey, I think.
Tania:But it helps to keep motivated, keep on track, And, even just noticing, right
Tania:to go back, this is what I said before about sometimes we feel so many things.
Tania:There are so many emotions and maybe you feel overwhelmed, but just to kind
Tania:of understand, okay, they are there.
Tania:You cannot push them away.
Tania:You shouldn't push them away.
Tania:Even if they are bad feelings or things that you perceive as
Tania:bad, they just, they're just there to help you see something.
Tania:I feel so wise saying these things, but I think that it really helps to detect.
Tania:Maybe you're not ready.
Tania:That's also why I, track everything or I don't like saying tracking,
Tania:but like i, I record stuff.
Tania:I write how I feel, because maybe in that moment I am feeling something very
Tania:strongly and I'm just not ready in that particular moment to face it or to go
Tania:deep, but I write down what happened.
Tania:I write down how I feel or what I've done.
Tania:And then a week later, two weeks later I can go back and say, okay,
Tania:two weeks ago, this, happened.
Tania:Maybe it's time, you know, Tania to think about this.
Tania:it's actually proven that you can talk to yourself out loud and it works.
Tania:So, if you never try it, you should definitely do it.
Tania:but yeah, it's allowing yourself to find a time not being hard.
Tania:it's already difficult to manage certain emotions, and definitely
Tania:rushing yourself to do it.
Tania:it's not a good thing.
Tania:Avoiding as well, you know, you need find the right balance, like,
Tania:okay, you don't want to do it now.
Tania:It's fine, but let's not postpone into next year because otherwise, you
Tania:really missed, then the momentum of it.
Lynnette:And I'm laughing to myself because I have your chart up.
Lynnette:I'll share it with you in a second.
Lynnette:but between your Capricorn moon and your Virgo rising.
Lynnette:Like everything that you're saying is like, ding, ding, ding, because
Lynnette:you're talking about tracking things over time and taking really,
Lynnette:maybe more of a practical approach to emotions, if that makes sense.
Lynnette:Capricorn and Virgo are both earth signs, so they have that
Lynnette:grounded, practical, energy to it.
Lynnette:And then you've been talking so much about using this information to see what
Lynnette:you've achieved every week and Capricorn likes to achieve things and likes to see
Lynnette:how they're climbing up the mountain.
Lynnette:And so once again, I find myself being like, oh, I want to be more like
Lynnette:Tania and all of these things every week and be so diligent about them.
Lynnette:but I think it's just, it's a really beautiful expression of both of those,
Lynnette:the Virgo rising and the Capricorn moon, because you're working so, so
Lynnette:well with those energies and you're allowing them to help you You're leaning
Lynnette:into the energy to be your best self.
Lynnette:Like you're putting in the work and you're using those as leverage to support you and
Lynnette:support your health and all of that stuff.
Tania:there is a good thing there that you just said, allowing the energy.
Tania:And I think that's something I struggled a lot.
Tania:Especially in the past, maybe when I was younger, but I don't know, maybe
Tania:even just a couple of years ago that it was not so young anymore, but, there
Tania:is this thing when you feel a lot of things, many emotion, many feelings,
Tania:and sometimes you create for some reason an opinion that they should not be
Tania:there, that you should not be feeling in a certain way in certain situations.
Tania:And for me it has been a struggle sometimes to just allow them and
Tania:really understanding that what I am feeling is not who I am.
Tania:It's just something that needs to be expressed and I just have to let it
Tania:be, and then of course, understand why it is expressing that way.
Tania:So I think that they're allowing the energy whether they're feeling, that
Tania:they're coming to knock on your door?
Tania:it's an important part.
Tania:And now that I look back, I think that I have become more and more aware
Tania:of the different energies that are around me since I met you, in a way.
Tania:Because the since I met you is that when I started really like, ah, astrology,
Tania:there are some energy here, what are the planets doing in my chart?
Tania:and why I'm feeling this way.
Tania:and I think that's the important part of my journey, how to link what is
Tania:happening with, my natal chart apart my sun and moon, also where the planets at?
Tania:And, I know we had the conversation about my chart a few months ago and,
Tania:definitely that rings a bell in terms of, which energies are coming up, for you.
Lynnette:I want to dig into that in just a minute, but something that you said
Lynnette:really resonated with me, about the feelings and maybe not wanting to deal
Lynnette:with them or feeling like you shouldn't be feeling them or any of those things.
Lynnette:And your Capricorn moon, for anyone who has a moon in Capricorn, that can
Lynnette:sometimes be a challenging placement because the moon is all about your
Lynnette:feelings and your emotional landscape and your instinctive responses.
Lynnette:Like how do you respond to something before your brain gets in the way?
Lynnette:and Capricorn is, not like those things at all, capricorn is like, what do I need
Lynnette:to get me to the top of the mountain?
Lynnette:what do I need to, achieve what I need to achieve and, be
Lynnette:practical and all of those things.
Lynnette:So there's oftentimes there can be a misalignment there.
Lynnette:And what I really love is that you've done the work, right?
Lynnette:Cause everyone has placements that can be challenging or that maybe they aren't
Lynnette:optimizing the effects of the energy.
Lynnette:And what you've done is you have understood that, understanding
Lynnette:your feelings and allowing them to happen, and, even again with the
Lynnette:diligence, writing it down two weeks before and then coming back to it.
Lynnette:But ultimately, that does help you in the long term, right?
Lynnette:Because you're processing and you're moving through stuff and
Lynnette:you're not just shoving it down.
Lynnette:Capricorn is also ruled by Saturn, which is the planet of " should-ing" ourselves.
Lynnette:So when we're saying I should do this, or I shouldn't do this, that's
Lynnette:very, Capricornian Saturnian energy.
Lynnette:So when you were talking about I should, or I shouldn't feel
Lynnette:these things or should, or should not deal with these feelings.
Lynnette:Again, like you've done a really beautiful job of turning
Lynnette:that initial reaction, right?
Lynnette:your moon into a way that serves you in the longterm, in terms
Lynnette:of achieving your own wellness.
Tania:Yeah, yeah, it hasn't been easy.
Tania:And I, think that's also something that comes with different tries, right?
Tania:In terms of finding the right way to handle with yourself.
Tania:There is no magic trick and you might be that you find a way and it, works in
Tania:easily, or you might have to go through, I don't know, 10, 20 different approaches.
Tania:And then you finally find something that works.
Tania:It takes time.
Tania:And with this, we go back to patience, right?
Tania:I've mentioned that a lot at the beginning, but that's also another part
Tania:where you really need to be patient with yourself and don't get frustrated.
Tania:I've been talking with many friends that were going through the same, and
Tania:I think this was really something that we kept telling each other, but also
Tania:trying to keep telling ourselves, in terms of not assuming it's going to
Tania:take you, you know, a certain amount of time to figure something out.
Tania:It might be that it's going to be fast, it's going to be slower, but
Tania:there is no fast and slow, it's just going to be your own time.
Tania:so do not create certain expectation just because somebody else has done it faster
Tania:than you doesn't mean that you are late.
Tania:Or if you're doing faster somebody else it doesn't really mean anything.
Tania:I think in that sense, finding your own ways, what is it actually important.
Tania:so you should not think that you want it to be more Tania, you
Tania:should find your own way, you know.
Lynnette:I know, you know, more wise words from Tania.
Lynnette:I say that because I do want to be more diligent but to your
Lynnette:point, that's not my timing.
Lynnette:So, you know, I have this part of me that wants to collect the data and,
Lynnette:observe my trends over time and my moods and how I'm feeling and how it
Lynnette:aligns with astrological transits.
Lynnette:And I want to do that every single day so that I can look back on it in time.
Lynnette:And I do that in my own ways.
Lynnette:But I like your ways,
Tania:Well, thank you
Lynnette:It's something I've always struggled with is daily
Lynnette:routine and it's not for me.
Lynnette:And I'm, I still have not, accepted that.
Lynnette:So that's okay too, because that's on my own time.
Lynnette:I'm going through my own process of figuring out why I go through
Lynnette:these spurts of being really good at it and then dropping things.
Lynnette:So this is not about me though.
Lynnette:Tania, you, mentioned earlier that I did a reading for you a couple of months ago.
Lynnette:And in our pre-interview you were like, oh, the things you told me about were
Lynnette:coming So let's talk a little bit about your astrological background and, was
Lynnette:there a specific turning point when you realized that astrology was something
Lynnette:that you were interested in or that it worked, or you had an aha moment with
Lynnette:something in your chart or with a transit?
Tania:so many moments.
Tania:I think I just mentioned that, my relation, if I say, I can say it this
Tania:way with astrology started with you in a way, I think everybody, when it's
Tania:boring, it's like, oh, what's my sign.
Tania:But if you don't really have a strong, maybe interests like you
Tania:do or passion, maybe you just see or hear things here and now.
Tania:When we met, and then you told me, I like astrology and you were pulling
Tania:sometimes cards during meetings.
Tania:So maybe I shouldn't say that, that's when I started, that's when I started,
Lynnette:Everyone, I pull cards during all my meetings.
Tania:She does, I shouldn't have said that.
Tania:so I think that's where you kind of plant a seed.
Tania:and the curiosity kicks in every time there is something that I
Tania:feel, or like some major event or it's just a curiosity, like, oh, I
Tania:wonder how my chart looks like now.
Tania:And then little by little, I think you were just sharing
Tania:some notion here and there.
Tania:Then I was much more aware of, different energies or, much were aware of
Tania:myself, how I react to certain things.
Tania:I really enjoy the moon.
Tania:So I really follow the moon cycle when there is a full moon I do
Tania:my own routine, I light a candle.
Tania:I like the moon and I actually found out that when I was born
Tania:it was a full moon on that day.
Tania:So I, don't know.
Tania:I, I read into this a strong connection with the moon as well.
Tania:After, what was it like couple of months ago?
Tania:I think, that's when, I mean, one of the biggest aha moment that I had was
Tania:when I was actually talking with you about it and we were looking at my
Tania:own natal chart and I was telling you like, oh my God, Lynnette, I had this
Tania:like day, when everything exploded.
Tania:And you were like, oh, let me tell me which day it is.
Tania:Let's look at your chart And if I don't remember it wrong,
Tania:and now you can correct me.
Tania:It was, a day where my north and south node were really perpendicular
Tania:to the moon or something like that.
Tania:and you were saying, oh my God, of course you felt this so much.
Tania:It's because a position of, everything in your chart, was
Tania:really lighting up, for you.
Tania:And so at that moment, it was like, okay, so.
Tania:There is something here to learn, you know, like not just what
Tania:happened but also, like maybe can help to see what is coming up.
Tania:and that's when we had the conversation about, how my natal chart was looking at
Tania:that point, but also how all the planets were going to move and all of them were
Tania:going to pass by one of my quadrants and touching upon my ninth house ,which
Tania:is the house I know now the most, of all the others, and, that's where I
Tania:was really feeling then the connection.
Tania:In that sense, it was also another a-ha moment because the
Tania:ninth house is the house of how you say it to your own calling.
Tania:um, help me out here, like, um,
Lynnette:your ninth house is your like worldview, your philosophy.
Lynnette:It's like expanding for
Lynnette:It's the house of expansion.
Tania:I was really then linked to what I was also looking for.
Tania:Looking for new opportunities how to express, how to work.
Tania:maybe making those changes that link to your purpose, or even just
Tania:trying new things, Also like taking away this impression, that whatever
Tania:you do next is going to be the big thing, or, the right thing.
Tania:But just trying to move forward.
Tania:so that was another, a-ha moment, and I'm sure I'm going to have many other a-ha
Tania:moments now, you know, rethinking about
Lynnette:I guarantee it.
Tania:all the planets that are passing by and knocking on my doors there.
Lynnette:Let me pull up your chart really quickly.
Tania:see it.
Lynnette:There you are.
Lynnette:There I am.
Lynnette:I specifically remember just talking about this parade of planets that you're
Lynnette:going to have coming across your ninth house, like you were talking about.
Lynnette:To your point, you've gotten to know your ninth house very
Lynnette:well, and you've probably started to really get to know your north node
Lynnette:and Venus and your Midheaven because those are all in your ninth house.
Lynnette:And for everyone listening, I will have Tania's chart in the
Lynnette:show notes so you can see, but all of these planets are in Taurus.
Lynnette:So what we talked about was how over the next few months, there's
Lynnette:literally heaps of planets, just moving over those points in Tania's chart.
Lynnette:And Tania, how do you think having that information ahead of time has helped you?
Tania:I think you are maybe developing more awareness, depending on how what
Tania:your habits are, what you do on a daily basis, you might be more of on autopilot,
Tania:more than other time of your life, So I think knowing all this things,
Tania:it's kind of like help you to be more in the moment and catching different
Tania:things that happen in, noticing.
Tania:I'm not gonna say writing down every single feelings in your chart,
Tania:but, it's definitely like this things of noticing more, And that's
Tania:where everything starts really.
Tania:You start noticing, and then what is happening, you don't necessarily
Tania:mean you have to act on it.
Tania:You can just take the time if you need to, or maybe something that
Tania:is going to be really clear for you but definitely noticing this,
Tania:having this information kind of help prepare you in a way, and accept that
Tania:something's going to change as well.
Tania:I think when we were looking at this, my first reaction was
Tania:like, oh my God, so many things.
Tania:Like, I didn't feel scared, but I think this is overwhelming, like
Tania:all this, like in the next month or something, uh, actually not even a
Tania:month, because the thing is like in about, what, 10 days a week or something
Tania:they're going to go all around.
Tania:So it was like, okay, that can be pretty intense.
Tania:So even just knowing about it, gave me the time to prepare that maybe a
Tania:big change or big things are coming.
Tania:but also like to manage expectation.
Tania:It doesn't necessarily mean that because the planets are going in
Tania:five days all around my, ninth house.
Tania:That by the end of it, I need to have certain information or have
Tania:made some decision, et cetera.
Tania:On the other side, what was interesting is that all the things that we'll
Tania:discuss, even like earlier dates about, I don't know, Mercury talking
Tania:to Venus or, you know, all this things.
Tania:it was nice because it kind of
Lynnette:You sound like an astrologer Tania
Tania:know, right I don't, you are the expert here, but all the things that you
Tania:told me that looking back, also like coincide with different moments, like
Tania:specific interviews or meeting new people.
Tania:Because then also it brings in also their relation that you have with other
Tania:people, and I still remember how you mentioned, the people that I was going
Tania:to meet were also going to be important for my ninth house, but also in terms
Tania:of understanding, how do people see me?
Tania:what they reflect to me about me, which is also like a very interesting
Tania:and, important aspect of all of this.
Tania:so, I think knowing, looking at this is definitely Triggers a lot of reflection.
Tania:I know that some people are skeptical, others aren't, but I just think that
Tania:the kind of gives you some tools or some hints about certain aspects of your life.
Tania:And it's just like a trigger then for reflection.
Tania:I think what is important to remember is that, okay, this is your chart,
Tania:but you are still in charge, right?
Tania:I am the person who is making decision.
Tania:It's not that because venus is talking to mercury or whatever, that's
Tania:something is going to happen for sure.
Tania:I think that they just light up on certain things in your life, that
Tania:maybe you don't want to see, maybe you are not aware, maybe you have
Tania:avoiding, but that then come in and say, no, now it's time to deal with it.
Tania:if you'd been postponing it, then you're kind of forced maybe into that.
Tania:and whether you believe it or not, it's still happening.
Lynnette:You should be the spokesperson for astrology you know, astrology
Lynnette:at its essence does three things.
Lynnette:it explains who you are and why you are that way.
Lynnette:Whether or not you are that person today, or you're going to be that
Lynnette:person in 20 years because our chart is with us our whole life, you could
Lynnette:drill down separately into that.
Lynnette:It tells you what planetary energies are going to happen in the future and what
Lynnette:planetary energies happened in the past.
Lynnette:So what you were just talking about in terms of having a heads up so that you
Lynnette:can be aware that, a part of your chart is going to light up is really important.
Lynnette:But I think the other part that I personally probably use more in
Lynnette:astrology is the validation of things that have happened in the past.
Lynnette:And the more that you look back on.
Lynnette:Certain transits or aspects and align them to different times in your life, the
Lynnette:more that actually helps with the future, because you're like, oh, here's a time
Lynnette:when Venus and mercury were talking and I felt like this, or I met this kind of
Lynnette:person, or this is what was going on.
Lynnette:Then the next time you see Venus and mercury coming around in your chart,
Lynnette:it'll be a different energy because it'll probably be a different angle,
Lynnette:but you have an idea of what those two planets mean to you and how
Lynnette:they express their energy for you.
Tania:Yeah, it makes perfect sense and definitely it's easier to go retrograde.
Tania:Look in the past and see what has happened in link it back.
Tania:For the future, of course, the it's important not to
Tania:create big expectation, right?
Tania:It's not because there is like, Big planet passing by the something super
Tania:important, super big is happening.
Tania:It could be very just a small thing, but as long as it's important
Tania:for you, it's what matters.
Tania:You can learn a lot from that, but it doesn't necessarily mean that
Tania:you're gonna hear or feel the energy on the biggest moment of your life.
Tania:It can be just like a small change, but it's going to be
Tania:important in the long run.
Tania:So not to create too big expectation of what we think is coming, is
Tania:definitely something super important.
Tania:And it's something that I have been working and I guess in theory, rising
Tania:a lot, especially after the reading I had with you, Looking at my chart
Tania:or what has happened in at the end of April, beginning of may, you know,
Tania:not to create a false expectation.
Tania:Definitely something is moving.
Tania:I know that even if I didn't know what my chart looked like, I definitely feel it.
Tania:I guess, linking with the chart it's also what makes it fun.
Tania:It's definitely interesting knowing how you're natal chart look like I
Tania:mean, of course, like, all your Cancer or your Virgo, whatever
Tania:it's also is going to be about.
Tania:Oh, that's interesting.
Tania:Like, I felt this way on how things are link and it's gonna kind of push also
Tania:this asking yourself maybe some questions that you haven't asked yourself yet.
Tania:So more than giving an answer, sometimes I think he just gives you right
Tania:questions and then to figure it out
Lynnette:Yeah, a good astrologer will never give you answers.
Lynnette:They'll just give you more and more questions, because you're the one who has
Lynnette:to deal with your moon in Capricorn, where you feel like you shouldn't be dealing
Lynnette:with emotions or whatever it might be.
Lynnette:But what that astrologer can do is explain to you why, and that can be so
Lynnette:validating because it may be something that you've bumped up against for most
Lynnette:of your life where you're like, ugh, why can't I just be like Tania and
Lynnette:write down all my things every day.
Lynnette:but then, you then understand that that's not who you're meant to be like
Lynnette:you're meant to be whoever you are.
Lynnette:So I know you're kind of new to astrology and your chart and all of that stuff.
Lynnette:is there anything that you're still skeptical about
Lynnette:when it comes to astrology?
Tania:Maybe skeptical is not the right thing.
Tania:I guess it's more this feeling of, learning what's happening, learning what,
Tania:the houses mean and these things, but then always remembering that whatever
Tania:it is that is there that is written, It's something that you can change.
Tania:so I think that when you talk to many people, they just think
Tania:that you believe blindly, right?
Tania:Whatever your sign is about.
Tania:But I think what is important to remember is always that you are in charge that
Tania:you have the power to change, that you are the one making the decision,
Tania:that there is a human being there that can learn from the natal chart, but
Tania:they can still make their decision.
Tania:So it's not really skepticism and I think it's just more of putting it
Tania:in the right perspective, really.
Tania:and to anybody that really asks me 'oh why you're doing the reading?',
Tania:because it happened to me, I was telling somebody that had the
Tania:reading with you., I'll go above.
Tania:Why did you do it.
Tania:I was like, well, why shouldn't I?
Tania:More than, it's just like, just something more to learn from.
Tania:I put it in at the same level, like if you have a coach for your
Tania:fitness, I might have therapy and then there is astrologists.
Tania:I think they all go on the same level.
Tania:They will give you different tools, different perspective, and then use
Tania:all of them, to combine them, in a way that makes sense to take care of
Tania:yourself and to learn about yourself.
Tania:some yeah,
Lynnette:You're like the ultimate self-care, self-help example between
Lynnette:with all of the things that you've done.
Lynnette:I just admire it so, so much.
Tania:Thank you I am a self nurturer.
Tania:you know,
Lynnette:It's your Cancer sun.
Lynnette:So you mentioned something about your Mars in Cancer being, something
Lynnette:that stands out to you in your chart.
Lynnette:Can you tell me a little bit more about that?
Tania:Yes, So well, I didn't know, my Mars was in Cancer until
Tania:we had the reading to be honest.
Tania:And that maybe was another a-ha moment.
Tania:Mars in Cancer is the energy center.
Tania:And I remember you telling me that it was difficult to balance.
Tania:And I remember that kind of ring a bell, as in, okay.
Tania:These are things I struggle on a daily basis.
Tania:I felt like, okay, this kind of like if there was a way to maybe describe a
Tania:bit myself, was this what I just said.
Tania:so I think that was something that was enlightening, to know, and was really
Tania:helpful in terms of just to understand better myself, The way I react the way
Tania:I want to act sometimes, but then I feel like maybe, you know, overwhelm and the
Tania:struggling within What should be the right approach or the right thing to do.
Tania:and definitely knowing that, Hey, there might be a, you know, an astrological
Tania:reason for that, was, somehow helping, even just, okay, let's just accept this
Tania:part of myself, and just go with it.
Tania:so it's definitely, helpful, because it also gives you more patient to go
Tania:back to that, To, deal with yourself.
Tania:Not to justify that you are in a certain way because of when you were born and
Tania:things like that but just like even just accept certain parts of ourself
Tania:that maybe we are not comfortable in talking about, because then it
Tania:brings out maybe some parts that are not so easy to manage or some parts
Tania:that we are maybe not So proud of.
Tania:where we just don't want to share with other people.
Tania:so it's definitely going back to sort of a learning curve
Tania:to understand that yourself.
Tania:So not just that self care, but also self awareness, which probably in a way
Tania:you never really stop working on as in the more you grow, the more you change
Tania:so certain things that maybe were true about yourself even just a month ago.
Tania:Maybe they're not true about yourself anymore.
Tania:They have just evolved into something different.
Lynnette:And I think everyone has these parts of their chart I'm going to put this
Lynnette:in quotes, even though people can't see me undesirable or is viewed
Lynnette:as quote unquote bad or scary, or, you know, all of those things.
Lynnette:And first of all, I am not the kind of astrologer that would ever
Lynnette:say that anything is bad or scary or undesirable in your chart.
Lynnette:I think that your chart gives you the tools to navigate
Lynnette:anything that's a challenging placement transit, whatever it is.
Lynnette:you have that for a reason for this lifetime, for the
Lynnette:soul journey that you're on.
Lynnette:And, Mars and cancer is probably one of the challenging placements
Lynnette:because Mars wants to fight and cancer wants to nurture.
Lynnette:So no matter what the placement is, there's always going to be
Lynnette:a higher frequency expression of it and a lower expression of it.
Lynnette:And there are countless examples in history of people who had really similar
Lynnette:transits who were, like, Murderers or, you know, like really great people, you
Lynnette:know, who were born around the same time.
Lynnette:And they just to your very valid point, Tania.
Lynnette:they had their freewill and they chose how they were going to work with that energy.
Lynnette:And that took them down whatever the path was So for you, with that
Lynnette:Mars and cancer, it's actually really close to your sun too.
Lynnette:So it's like an even more important part of your identity.
Lynnette:I remember sometimes being in meetings with you where I feel like you would
Lynnette:go in like it would express itself, like knowing it, now it would express
Lynnette:itself so clearly, because you would be in your shell, your like cancer
Lynnette:shell, and you'd be like, be like really quiet and then you'd like,
Lynnette:get really fired up about something.
Lynnette:And then you would go back into your shell again, you'd be like, I don't
Lynnette:want to talk about this anymore.
Lynnette:for whatever reason, but that expression, is really an important
Lynnette:learning for anybody who has, or knows somebody with this placement, because
Lynnette:it's a dichotomy it's, it's similar to your moon in Capricorn actually.
Lynnette:That planet is in a place that it doesn't necessarily want to be in.
Lynnette:But it's allowed you the opportunity to work with the energy.
Lynnette:So we talked about what you've done your work with your moon in Capricorn,
Lynnette:but also with your Mars in cancer, it's also like, how do you fight
Lynnette:for the things that you care about?
Lynnette:How do you turn that energy around to align it more with passion, to align
Lynnette:it more with I think action was the word that You used when we started
Lynnette:talking about this So again, astrology is just giving you information.
Lynnette:It's giving you information that like, oh, this could be challenging for you.
Lynnette:You might have a tough time, balancing these two energies, but it gives you
Lynnette:the gift of knowing that you can work through it and you can what the highest
Lynnette:expression of that energy is for you.
Tania:I think you said it right there.
Tania:He gives you information and then you decide what to do with them.
Tania:so there are definitely a lot of information or just different perspective.
Tania:I think that's the best thing about astrology that gives
Tania:you different perspective.
Tania:It just looks at things from different angles than anything else that you can do.
Tania:and so you can, of course, like always remember that you are in charge that you
Tania:are taking your decision, but it just can just open up your mind even more to
Tania:different patterns, different, I don't want to say answer, but just different
Tania:perspectives really, that can help you like understand better yourself or going
Tania:deeper, or even just thinking of let's say, possibilities or outcome or options
Tania:that you were not thinking about it in, in a more rational, logical perspective.
Tania:whether, it comes from you or it comes from the environment you have around
Tania:or different things you could be doing.
Tania:So for me, it's just an add on really, And I think it's fantastic.
Tania:So, yeah.
Tania:I'm sure there are so many things I don't know.
Tania:I mean, now I'm so focused on my ninth house for the reason we just
Tania:discussed all along, but I'm sure that all the others are, are, right?
Lynnette:there's many other houses.
Tania:Um, just, I guess I'm just at the beginning of my journey with astrology as
Tania:well, but so far it has given me, well, a lot of hints, I think, to, reflect on.
Tania:So that's good.
Lynnette:There's a lot about astrology that I don't know.
Lynnette:So one of those things that you could just study for your entire life and
Lynnette:still like barely scratched the surface.
Lynnette:So, but I'm, I'm honored that I have been a part of your journey and I love
Lynnette:talking to you about astrology and I love talking to you about astrology.
Lynnette:I have a few rapid fire questions.
Lynnette:Is there.
Lynnette:anything else you'd like to say before we fire you?
Tania:No, come on shoot.
Tania:I'm ready.
Lynnette:I also, I will give you a heads up.
Lynnette:I'm terrible at rapid fire I just start talking in between every single question
Lynnette:So we'll see if I do a better job.
Lynnette:Do you consider yourself to be more introverted or extroverted?
Lynnette:What is your superpower?
Tania:I can lose socks every day.
Lynnette:That's a new one.
Tania:Ah, laundry I'm terrible.
Tania:I mean, anyway, sorry.
Tania:Go ahead.
Lynnette:What is your dream travel destination.
Tania:Um, central Asia.
Lynnette:Oh, like what part?
Tania:All the different, uh, ex Soviet Republic, really.
Tania:I wanted to go to Mongolia, but then COVID happens.
Tania:So that's been postponed, but definitely that's on one of my wishlist.
Lynnette:I'm going to do this every time I asked this question, have we we've have
Lynnette:we looked at your astromap for that place?
Lynnette:That part of the world.
Tania:We did, yes, because I've been to Uzbekistan a couple of years ago.
Tania:And I think when I told you that I've been there, we did look into that.
Tania:So yeah.
Tania:that would
Tania:that you would have done.
Lynnette:And I'm like, this rings a bell for me.
Lynnette:This is what, that should never be a rapid fire, question because I'm always
Lynnette:going to be like, tell me more like, okay.
Lynnette:Back to rapid fire, do you bring ritual into your daily life?
Lynnette:You kind of already answered this at the beginning, but
Tania:It depends.
Tania:It depends.
Tania:I mean, how big of a ritual you want to have, but it can be just lighting
Tania:the candles you know, every day before going to sleep or just, I don't know,
Tania:putting on some perfume when you're meditating or something like that.
Tania:For today I put on some flowers on my table, before the podcast to
Tania:kind of prepare the environment.
Tania:It was actually nice because yesterday was Saint Jordi here in Barcelona, so
Tania:they were giving out the red roses.
Tania:So got one from the gym, it's
Lynnette:From the gym.
Lynnette:I have to say, I was very sad to hear that girls get roses and boys
Lynnette:get books because I want a book.
Tania:yeah, you get the books too.
Tania:I mean, traditionally speaking, you should get flower but, you
Tania:know, we are in:Tania:Yes.
Tania:And, you know, just by showing up at the gym and doing your
Tania:exercise, I got the rose.
Lynnette:That's nice.
Tania:a nice detail, right?
Lynnette:And our last rapid fire, not so rapid.
Lynnette:I'm gonna start calling these not so rapid fire questions.
Lynnette:where do you shine brightest in your life?
Tania:Where do I shine brightest in my life?
Tania:Um, what's the tough one.
Tania:Just the last one.
Tania:That's a tough one.
Tania:I think today at least, I would say with myself, in terms of, taking care
Tania:of myself, And I'm actually quite happy to be saying something like that.
Tania:it took a, I took a while, but I think that's what I'm really good at right now.
Lynnette:I agree.
Lynnette:Well, Tania, thank you so much.
Lynnette:This was such a pleasure to just talk to you about astrology
Lynnette:officially I hope to do this again.
Lynnette:You are So wise and so insightful and I think your journey has just.
Lynnette:There's so much that we can all learn from your journey and all the work that you've
Lynnette:put in and the self-awareness and the self-understanding that you've learned.
Lynnette:So thank you for opening up and sharing it with us today.
Tania:thank you so much for having me.
Tania:This was definitely so much fun and, I look forward to the
Tania:next episode with you then.
Lynnette:And where can people find you if they want to follow along with your journey?
Tania:well, they can find me on Instagram, and they can easily find
Tania:me even on LinkedIn or maybe just by asking you my personal email.
Lynnette:thank you, Tania.
Lynnette:Have a great evening.
Tania:And I speak to you soon then.
Tania:I am already out inviting me, you know, for next espisode
Lynnette:All right bye.
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