ep 16 | april astrology forecast: a new take on fire signs 🔥, actual new year resolutions, and an eclipse AND mercury retrograde (oh my!)
Dana and I are back for April chatting all things Aries and Fire signs (neither of us have very much Fire in our charts!) and have some surprising insights about Mars, the ruler of Aries. We pulled a card from the Starseed Oracle Deck that helps…

ep 15 | march astrology forecast: diving deep into pisces season 🐠, pluto’s changing signs, and why imagination is essential
This month, Dana and I join forces to chat about the zodiacal seasons, energies, key astrological moments, and important aspects. We also pulled a card from Lily Ashwell's Heavenly Bodies deck to get insight and support on how to handle the…

ep 14 | february astrology forecast: crossing thresholds, dreaming, and new ways to work with your Moon 🌙
This month, Dana and I dive deep into the Neptunian and Piscean waters that will be the energetic background for February ahead of some big shifts in March. There’s not a ton of action in the skies ahead of next month’s adventures, so we’re…

ep 13 | january 2023 astrology forecast and why you may want to stay flexible with those new year’s resolutions
This month, I'm teaming up with my astro BFF Dana of Self Help Witch (peep her as my first guest on the podcast in episode 2!) to talk about the key energies for January. We are keeping things simple and focused on the planetary events that…

ep 12 | learn how to use the degrees of planets to better understand your chart
In this episode, Lynnette covers the basics of how to understand the degrees in your astrological chart. She reviews how to find the degrees that a planet is at in your chart, and why this knowledge is important for self-care and understanding…

ep 11 | the astrology of habits: how to use habits as self-care with Kelly Carlson
If you want to learn about the astrology of habits and how you can work with them as self-care, this podcast is for you!Kelly Carlson is a certified habits and empowerment coach and the host of the One Bad Habit podcast. Kelly is a Gemini Sun,…

ep 10 | an introduction to astrology as self-care
How Astrology Can Be Used For Self-CareOctober 9th, 2022In this episode, I talk about how we can use astrology as a form of self-care. Self-care is not just about bubble baths and $17 smoothies, but about aligning with your cosmic blueprint…

ep 9 | embracing transformation and future visioning to create your best life with Chelsea Riffe
Have you ever felt like you’re not meant to do just one thing for the rest of your life? Or felt the pull of escaping the corporate grind to travel the world and be your own boss?Well podcast queen and host of In My Non-Expert Opinion, Chelsea…

ep 8 | settled, not stagnant, in navigating your Saturn Return with Lucy Jobe
Have you ever wondered what the big deal is about your Saturn Return? Technically, it just means that Saturn is back to the same spot in the sky as it was when you were born, but it has quite the astrological reputation that rivals mercury retrograde!Well,…

ep 7 | what do psychic mediumship and astrology have in common? with Alexandra Bebe Shelley
Have you ever wondered what the difference between a psychic, a medium, a channeler, and an intuitive is?Well, my guest today, Alexandra Bebe Shelley, answers that question and more because she is all of those things!Bebe is a Pisces Sun, Sagittarius…